Author contracts

I know, I should have dealt with all this ages ago…

All author contracts for the anthology are now sent out. I did them while juggling several other tasks at the same time so please check them. So far, one didn’t arrive (it’s likely I forgot to attach it) and one had a story title missing.

If there are any issues, or any more that didn’t arrive, please let me know.

You can sign the contract and post it (the address is on it), scan the signed copy and send it as an attachment or just type your name in it and send as an attachment. The email it’s attached to proves it came from you. This time I’m backing up too.

Next, novel contracts. There are two to prepare, as soon as the anthology is completed.

I think we can still go for a Christmas anthology too, although this one won’t be as big a book. A stocking filler…

Back to moving house, publishing and simultaneously working 11 days straight, starting today.

It’s no fun if it’s too easy.

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