The winds of change

Things are changing fast now. Newspaper columns are now coming out with a lot of anti-anti-smoking stuff that would never have made it into print even a few short months ago. But there’s a more serious wind changing. A very dangerous one indeed.

This particular wind has done a complete about-face in the last week or so. It switched from its prevailing direction, which it has held for many years, very abruptly indeed. It’s now blowing in the opposite direction – not as fast yet but it’s picking up speed.

In the UK, a Sikh group has called for the paedo rape gangs to not be labelled ‘Asian’. That term includes Sikhs, Hindus and other people who have had absolutely nothing at all to do with the organised paedo gangs. So the Sikhs are saying ‘call these bastards what they really are and stop lumping us in with them‘.

Quite right too, but why didn’t they say this before? Oh, it seems they did…

“One of the demands in the Sikh Manifesto that we published a year ago before the General Election was that the government should encourage public bodies and the media to abandon the use of the term ‘Asian’ when describing perpetrators for reasons of political correctness.

“If the four men that have been found guilty and carried out the abuse were Pakistani Muslims, this is how they should be described and not called Asian.”

A year ago. Nobody reported that at the time, as far as I remember. They’re reporting it now.

It’s also been mentioned on Twitter that most of these ‘refugees’ are men of fighting age. Not elderly, not children, fighting age men. And they have been allowed to run riot without any let or hindrance. I’ve often wondered why that is. I mean, what does it achieve other than to rile up the native population? Then, when the politicians refuse to acknowledge there is any kind of problem, people get even more enraged. It seems, on the surface, a very stupid way to run a world.

It’s not though.

In America, the state of Montana has absolutely outlawed any kind of implementation of Sharia law. They’ve been allowing it up to now but all of a sudden, it’s all stopped.

Not a rollback. Not ‘well you can have this one but the serious stuff is for our courts’. Nope. All of it, stopped, all at once. Muslims are furious, even though I warned them this was coming repeatedly over the years. It’s shitstorm time, boys. Those are just two examples, not an exhaustive list. Bill Gates has told the EU their ‘let them all in’ policy is a disaster and the UN have admitted that unlimited immigration is idiotic. There are more and there will be more tomorrow. The wind gains strength daily.

I told you, Muslims, why they made you the favoured ones all this time. You were being set up and you were so arrogant that you walked right into it. You behaved exactly as you were meant to behave. Well, I have no sympathy. Blowing up kids in Manchester lost the last of my sympathy. But hey, you still have your Lefty loons and double-digit IQ celebs looking out for you. So all is not lost, at least for another week or so.

Labour are in a blind panic over the Grenfell inquiry. They have done everything they can to discredit the judge appointed to head it – Chukkus Yermoney has even said the judge is too white, too posh and too male for the job. How pathetic a reason is that? Thing is, he and the rest of Labour know what he’s going to find in there but too late, guys. He’s meant to find it. He always was meant to find it.

When he does, that changing wind is going to pick up a hell of a lot more speed.

All you lefties, all you apologists, all you Muslims, all of you have been following a plan that has nothing to do with Socialism. You have all been players in a much grander scheme than anything you could ever have dreamed up yourselves. Suckers.

And now you can’t stop it. Well, you could, but you branded me ‘racist-nazi-bigot’ after the first paragraph or two and aren’t likely to still be reading. You’ll be on Twitter whining about me by now. Anyway, you won’t be interested in trying. You can’t change your ways now. You’re too set in your indoctrination.

So the game has to play out to the bitter end. It will be very bitter indeed. It won’t be the UK, it won’t be Montana. it’ll be global. Canada’s PM has played his part in stoking the fire that’s coming and the changing wind will fan the flames.

You’ll call me names. You’ll threaten to contact my employer (hint: it’s me). You’ll threaten to have my benefits withdrawn (hint: I don’t get any and never have). You’ll disparage my books and the books I publish even though none of them are political. You’ll scream and threaten in your tantrum of impotent rage but that won’t change anything. The Plan will continue and you will not even try to stop it… and you lot are the only ones who could.

I didn’t do any of this. I just saw it coming. So call me all the names you want, issue all the threats you want, just don’t say I didn’t warn you it was coming.

Ten years ago.




26 thoughts on “The winds of change

  1. Ah, but Leggy, the Duped Ones don’t read blogs like yours, and nor did they 10 years ago. Too scary – and I’m not talking about the novels. It was your views which were scary back then, and still are, because they don’t agree with their happy-clappy, rose-tinted vision of how the Experts have told them the world would be if we all just did as we were told. And, as everyone on here knows, opposing opinions, if they can’t be crushed and silenced through smear campaigns, name-calling and thinly veiled threats of one kind or another, must simply be ignored. Because if the PC, lefty-liberal elite can ignore them, there’s just a chance that they don’t actually exist. That’s the mentality, y’see?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Seems like legiron, and many more including Muslims are still duped by Right wing Anglo fascist mainstream media myths on most issues.

    So many myths on far too many issues since post-Reformation WASPS/White Anglo Saxon Protestants first launched their imperial war on humanity while falsely claiming to save and protect it.

    Historically created in 4-centuries by the humanity exploiting and profiteering five eyes fascist phoney-Anglophone/UK/US/CA/OZ/NZ on 5-continents where they don’t belong.

    History’s worst hypocrites, cowards, mass killers, liars, denyers, self-justifyers. Always for private profit by mass deception. and always deviously masked by their 4th Estate mass media as so called ‘Public Protection’.

    Intially via their post-Reformation media Bible, plus Bullshit, Bombs, Bullets and always more Bullshit. Now via their bullshit multi-media mass mind rapists.

    Began in 1640s Ireland where they mass murdered 1/2 million Catholics including tens of thousands innocent children in their own land!’s+Executioner

    Meanwhile the true (Anglo censored) tale of so called ‘Asian Pedo Gangs’. Is that relatively wealthy men of fighting age were and are very attractive to young girls/Adultophiles with no hope in backward bullshit Britain and elswhere Worldwide. Young girls/Adultophiles still are pro-actively roaming the streets predatoryily grooming older guys with bling, cash, cars, etc.

    Mainstream unreported Adultophilia is as old as time itself and can never be stopped since all early Judeo/Christian sources state that Holy Adultophile Virgin Mary was, twelve, when she wed Holy Pedo Joe, and was then impregnated by an invisible ancient Holy Pedo God creating pro social Holy Sweet Jeez, quote, “Suffer the little children to come unto me.”

    With respect, stick that lot in yer non-PC/Pure Cowards’ peace pipe and, er, smoke it?


    • “and many more including Muslims are still duped by Right wing Anglo fascist mainstream media myths on most issues”

      Now that…is a motherfucking mouthful. I said it several times in my head before attempting to say it aloud, but it has quite the cadence to it.

      Just making an observation.

      Liked by 2 people

    • “Young girls/Adultophiles still are pro-actively roaming the streets predatoryily grooming older guys with bling, cash, cars, etc.”

      Cripes, am I missing out here? Where are they?


      Liked by 1 person

  3. Not for PC/PureCowards?

    Seems like legiron, and many more including Muslims are still duped by Right wing Anglo fascist mainstream media myths on most issues.

    So many myths on far too many issues since post-Reformation WASPS/White Anglo Saxon Protestants first launched their imperial war on humanity while falsely claiming to save and protect it.

    Historically created in 4-centuries by the humanity exploiting and profiteering five eyes fascist phoney-Anglophone/UK/US/CA/OZ/NZ on 5-continents where they don’t belong.

    History’s worst hypocrites, cowards, mass killers, liars, denyers, self-justifyers. Always for private profit by mass deception. and always deviously masked by their 4th Estate mass media as so called ‘Public Protection’.

    Intially via their post-Reformation media Bible, plus Bullshit, Bombs, Bullets and always more Bullshit. Now via their bullshit multi-media mass mind rapists.

    Began in 1640s Ireland where they mass murdered 1/2 million Catholics including tens of thousands innocent children in their own land!’s+Executioner

    Meanwhile the true (Anglo censored) tale of so called ‘Asian Pedo Gangs’. Is that relatively wealthy men of fighting age were and are very attractive to young girls/Adultophiles with no hope in backward bullshit Britain and elswhere Worldwide. Young girls/Adultophiles still are pro-actively roaming the streets seductively dressed predatoryily grooming older guys with bling, cash, cars, etc.

    Mainstream unreported Adultophilia is as old as time itself and can never be stopped since all early Judeo/Christian sources state that Holy Adultophile Virgin Mary was, twelve, when she wed Holy Pedo Joe, and was then impregnated by an invisible ancient Holy Pedo God creating pro social Holy Sweet Jeez, quote, “Suffer the little children to come unto me.”

    With respect, stick that lot in yer non-PC/Pure Cowards’ peace pipe and, er, smoke it?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. For god’s sake Leggie why don’t you put warnings on your posts? That eruption from Tina’s “mind” has caused me to harm myself badly laughing my arse off. FFS.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. The Sikhs have my full support, I’ve been saying this for years. It’s just strange that no other Asian group has been saying the same. We don’t hesitate to call Chinese or Japanese, who are Asians, by their country of origin, why should it be different for Pakistanis? Why not call then ‘Muslims’, which is what they are; Sikhs or Hindus have no objection to the use of their religious description, why should the Muslims?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. It is nice to know that I am not the biggest loony on the internet. Close, some would say, but no cigar.

    Anyway, the real reason for the mass exodus of Muslims into Europe might surprise you. Certainly, they are here to aid in destroying Western culture for a globalist takeover of countries which no longer have their own identity, however, I blame our own traitors for that.

    Now, I’m not sure, but it could all be linked to paedophilia and sex trafficking, which, like drugs, is probably more efficiently carried out by the security services than anyone. Bill Clinton’s gang of drug traffickers flying coke into Arkansas in the nose cones of light aircraft gives us a sniff of what is going on.

    The Muslim menfolk, leaving behind the minarets of their homeland for the minarets of ours, results in many women and children being left alone and unprotected: easy pickings for security forces to round up enough attractive women and children to satisfy the despicable ‘needs’ of the ruling elites for a long time.

    The spare ones could be used in Kincora Boys’ Home/Elm Guest House-style honey traps where prominent people are videoed abusing/murdering children to produce the completely compromised and controlled politicians, judges, etc. that we see.

    Apparently, so many leaders (corporate, political, religious, etc.) are into paedophilia that the LGBT agenda was created to make it seem acceptable in society, because the sick elites are fed up operating in secret. Of course, in order for them to try to legitimise buggering small boys, they first had to get the public used to the idea that it was OK to bugger big boys.

    They have achieved this to all intents and purposes, any pockets of dissidence ridiculed as being antediluvian or labelled ‘hate’ to be punished in court.

    It sounds crazy and I hope I’m wrong on this one, but power-crazy people are crazy.


    • Oh there are far, far crazier people out there than you could ever be 😉

      Not sure about this theory though. There are enough forced adoptions in the West already and I personally know of one who was never seen by his family again. There was no abuse, just a decision by the SS that the parents weren’t up to the job. So there would be no need for any ‘paedos in power’ to import children.

      There was recently an attempt by a paedo group to add P to LGBT, with the claim that they were an oppressed minority based on sexual preference too. The LGBT crowd flatly refused to have anything to do with it. So maybe you’re right on that one, the plan was to legitimise paedos through the expansion of the ‘alternative sexuality’ group, but they wouldn’t have realised that adult gays are not going to be quite so accepting of child rapists. You might find a better link with the import of cultures where child marriage is common. People will of course be outraged at this but keep pushing and they’ll get used to it. Child marriage, multiple marriage partners, gender no longer an issue in marriage… with the help of a lot of ‘useful idiot’ activists who think you’re doing it for their benefit.

      Someone is behind it all but it’s not the gay people. They’re being used to advance an agenda that isn’t their own.

      In one way or another, I expect we all are.


      • Yes, there are other plausible reasons to separate the men from the women and children.

        I just glanced at Twitter and noticed this link. It’s been well known for ages that the UN has a problem with paedophiles in its mist:

        This is telling,

        “Have you ever wondered why countries like Democratic Republic of Congo and Pakistan send so many peacekeeping soldiers? It is because the UN pays for these countries to send soldiers. It is a huge export earner for their militaries and it is paid for by the net contributing countries like the UK, the US and Australia.”

        It’s all about money and power (as usual).

        Perhaps the secret family courts aren’t producing enough children for the perverts and the fertility rate among Western women is now incredibly low.

        Yes, the paedos are trying to jump on the LGBT bandwagon, just like the LGBT militants jumped on the black civil rights bandwagon, as if skin colour and proclivity for certain sexual acts are in any way connected.

        It occurred to me why ‘historic’ sex abuse claims might have been propelled to major news story status, e.g. ‘retired DJ touched girl’s bottom in 1971’ and Cliff Richard’s house being searched and so on. Part of the ‘blueprint’ for the “Overhauling of Straight America” (written by two homos) was this tactic:

        The first order of business is desensitization of the American public concerning gays and gay rights. To desensitize the public is to help it view homosexuality with indifference instead of with keen emotion. Ideally, we would have straights register differences in sexual preference the way they register different tastes for ice cream or sports games: she likes strawberry and I like vanilla; he follows baseball and I
        follow football. No big deal.

        At least in the beginning, we are seeking public desensitization and nothing more. We do not need and cannot expect a full “appreciation” or “understanding” of homosexuality from the average American. You can forget about trying to persuade the masses that homosexuality is a good thing. But if only you can get them to think that it is just another thing, with a shrug of their shoulders, then your battle for legal
        and social rights is virtually won. And to get to the shoulder- shrug stage, gays as a class must cease to appear mysterious, alien, loathsome, and contrary. A large-scale media campaign will be required in order to change the image of gays in America. And any campaign to accomplish this turnaround should do six things.

        (1) Talk about gays and gayness as loudly and as often as possible. The principle behind this advice is simple: almost any behavior begins to look normal if you are exposed to enough of it at close quarters and among your acquaintances.

        Click to access 8142838.pdf

        Maybe they targeted such soft characters as Sir Cliff, Rolf Harris and Ken Barlow so as to engender sympathy for them and their past imagined or real crimes.

        Peter Tatchell has for years called for the age of consent to be lowered, so it is quite feasible that the ‘P’ will be added. They will probably use a different word that makes paedophilia sound like just another sexuality. The ‘gender fluid’ garbage that they have started on will only hasten it – total confusion leading to ‘anything goes’ and general apathy to the whole business.

        And a royal pardon for Jimmy Savile.


        • There’s no real evidence Jimmy Savile ever went for anyone other than young (but legal age of consent) girls. He was creepy to me, as a child, and might well have been a dirty old man but really, there’s no evidence I’ve seen to mark him ‘paedo’.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Agreed, weird chap though, and like others who have become famous in the music or other artistic or sporting scenes where the young immature star stuck gravitate, he no doubt encouraged and took what was made, in the cold light of dawn 20 years later, too easily available as predatory males have always done.

            Personally young females have never held any sexual interest for me, even as a young chap meself always preferred the more mature woman, still do, but there are many men who covet barely legal consent aged young girls for a variety of reasons, always been the case, i find such men distasteful at best but the legal age of consent is in place and, so far, TPTB haven’t decreed a legal limit on age differences.

            Celebrity laud and wealth influence whether large age difference relationships are shall we say ‘suitable’ to the herd, a 58 year old dustman won’t ever be quite so acceptable taking a 17 year old lover as a 58 year old rocker/luvvie.

            Like all of us, young females have always made mistakes in partner choices, always will, as the old saying goes you can’t fit an old head on young shoulders.

            I too found Anna Raccoons many posts invaluable in cutting through the vastly overegged and financially lumpy pudding that had become the Savile saga.

            Liked by 1 person

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