One last chance… two last chances.

You have two last chances.

First up, Hugo Stone’s ‘Cultish‘ will be revised into an abridged version as soon as I get a ‘go’ on the final version from the author. This will make the book cheaper but there will be a lot of deleted scenes – and a change to the ending. I hope to hear in the next day or so and will begin loading the new interiors at once.

The cover will be the same, the price will be less because the price is based on the number of pages, but if you want the full filth-fest you have a matter of days left to get it.

Second last chance: ‘Jessica’s Trap‘ by H.K. Hillman (that’s my writing name). This was published in 2011 and the contract ended in 2016 but last week I had to ask Amazon to take it down because neither I nor the publisher were getting anything from it. The publisher, it turns out, had neither of my books on their current list because ‘Samuel’s Girl‘ went out of contract some days ago and yet both were still on sale on Amazon.

Amazon have taken down the Kindle version but they have one copy left (they say) of the print version. I will be putting up a Leg Iron Books imprint of ‘Jessica’s Trap’ as soon as I finalise the cover. The interior will be much the same, but the cover on the previously published version is not mine. Copyright belongs to the cover artist. So, that should be the only copy left with that original cover.

‘Samuel’s Girl’ will follow shortly afterwards. Once I decide on the cover image, I will theme the covers for these books and subsequent books in that nearly-series (they interconnect but not always in immediately obvious ways). The current cover for ‘Samuel’s Girl’ will soon disappear and be replaced too.

Three. You have three last chances!

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