
I’ve been busy with some intensive book preparation lately. I know there are two books on the way in and the next anthology starts mid February so I took a bit of time to finish one of my own. It actually was pretty much finished, I just hadn’t realised it. All it needs now is final editing and a cover.

Well, I said at new year that 2019 was going to make 2018 look sane and so far I have not been disappointed. The insane asylum that is Public Health wants to put us all on rations to combat an obesity epidemic that does not exist. Sugar ‘allowance’ was quietly halved a year earlier so that now we can be accused of consuming twice the ‘allowance’.

They did the same with booze ‘allowance’. It dropped from 20-something units per week to 14 and they act as if that was the rule all along. 14 units? That’s breakfast!

Notice also the sly change from ‘recommendation’ to ‘allowance’. ‘We recommend you have this much’ has become ‘we will allow you to have this much’ as if we are children.

There is also the use of ‘limits’ on all kinds of things. Well I have my own limits, thanks. I know my limit for whisky, if I plan to do anything more than groan into my coffee the following day. I know my limit for bacon, it’s when I can get no more in.

Incidentally, they’re all having a go at bacon, aren’t they? ‘Science’ is now telling us that we’ll get The Lumps from even seeing it. PETA are having a big anti-bacon drive. Again. Oh they are against all meat consumption but particularly bacon. I wonder who they are appeasing?

Have they not seen the lunacy and violence caused by bacon depriivation all over the world? If they want a placid and easily controlled population, taking the bacon away is going to have the opposite effect. The evidence is clear for all to see and in this New Science of correlation = causation it cannot be denied.

Sometimes, as with asthma and smoking, a negative correlation proves causation. It’s a very flexible thing, this New Science. It always proves exactly what it’s paid to prove.

We are now in Dry January and also Veganuary. A month with no booze and no meat. If I follow that I will have worked out how to destroy the planet by mid-January and will have done it before February dawns. Fortunately for the world I am ignoring both of the silly things.

The Dry January will have a lot of adherents among those who don’t drink much but went way off the rails at New Year. They will have a days-long hangover and a month off will sound like a good idea to them. Also, most people are broke in January having spent December’s pay, at least, in advance over Christmas. So cutting out the expense of booze will appeal to them.

I did not get pie-eyed at New Year because I had to drive on January 1st. Scottish drink-drive laws are now at a level that make the Prohibitionists gasp in awe and the police have always been on high alert for any erratic driving around this time of year. I wasn’t going to take the chance. So I did not have the massive hangover of the booze noobs and I budgeted Christmas so I didn’t end up broke.

As for Veganuary, hahahaha! Most of those smug idiots trying it won’t last a week. They’ll pretend they did while sneaking a ham sandwich when nobody is looking. Veganism is a lifestyle choice with the accent on choice. It will never work when it’s forced on people, they’ll just eat each other. Starting with the herbivores.

Incidentally, while writing this, I heard about another one. ‘Januhairy‘. So now I have to cut every hair on my body and some of them are hard to reach. Thanks for that, idiots.

I really can’t wait for Fuckituary.

It’s the early hours of the 5th of January and already 2018 looks sane. This is just the beginning. This year’s lunacy is going to have even the Dreadful Arnott saying ‘hang on a minute…’ Defying it all is going to be a full time job.

Meanwhile in America they have elected a House of Representatives whose only policy is ‘get Trump’. Health, services, running a country, screw all that. They are going to target one man and impeach him whether he’s done anything or not.

The rest of America, well you have to get along as best you can. Your government is busy destroying itself.You voted for it.

The Amazing Occasional Cortex is going to be a lot of fun. She wants to ‘tax the rich to 70%’ even though many of them are Democrats. I expect George Soros will find a way to quietly get rid of her.

The UK tried that in the 1970s. France tried it more recently. The result is always the same. When you hammer taxes on to people who can easily afford to move away, they move away.

You don’t just lose the tax. You lose what rich people spend in shops. You lose the jobs that make the things rich people buy and you lose the businesses they run and the jobs that those businesses were providing. So you don’t just lose the rich bastard you hated. You now have a lot more people on welfare to take care of with a massively reduced tax income.

I’m all clear on tax. I don’t have to pay any more until January 2020. I don’t pay much anyway because I don’t earn much. But if I pay tax at 20% and provide no more than a trickle to the Treasury, and someone on a million a year pays 20% tax, then they are putting in £200,000 a year to the Treasury. How is that not ‘paying their fair share’?

In fact they put in a hell of a lot more because the bulk of that is taxed at the higher rate. I have paid higher rate tax twice and I don’t like it. So I deliberately don’t earn enough to do it again. Work hard, boost your business, end up working for half pay because the government has taken the other half. Why bother?

This is why Leg Iron Books now has a 70/30 split on profits in favour of authors and also why that split will get bigger for the authors if business really takes off. I do not want to pay higher rate tax. I really don’t need that much money. There’s no point, money isn’t even a real thing now. It’s just numbers on a screen. There is nothing backing it up.

And, when the socialists have taxed all the rich people out of the country, they’ll come for the rest of us. Don’t have a big savings pot. They’ll steal it. Eventually they run out of other people’s money and… it wasn’t real socialism.

Yes it was. That is what socialism does. Every time.

Five days into 2019 and the insanity meter has broken its needle already. There is so much more to come.

I am so glad I live way out of town. It’s going to get nasty in there.

10 thoughts on “Madness

    • Oddly enough, it’s also hard to get good bacon in Denmark. Seems they export the good stuff so the Danes are stuck with streaky bacon and lardons.

      I wonder if they will be happy to ditch the massive UK market in Danish bacon after Brexit?


    • I’ve already had my refund this year. I had to be quick because of ‘tax on account’ from the previous year. In good years, HMRC is like a little piggy bank. In low income years I get it all back 😀


  1. As I understand it, excluding the Chanel Islands and those giant greenhouses, the rest of the UK produces no crops of consequence from early November to late March. That’s as near as dammit five months where what we consume has either been stored, or is imported.

    Neither are cheap, nor environmentally friendly. Nor is it possible for Britain to feed us poperly; that’s why we needed the ships that brought our food staples from the US and Canada during WW2.

    And a significant proportion of the vegan food that’s available just does not grow here. Banana, pineapple, avocado, corn, chilli, cashew, peanut, are just some the examples. Again they’re imported.

    Scotland is pretty pathetic, especially our islands. Some are so windy and the soil so poor that our forefathers came to the perfectly rational decision to use what nature gave them in the form of seafood as well as sea birds, both eggs and birds. The coarse grasses found all over Scotland is best used to power up sheep because they give a valuable cash crop of wool. Oh and rabbits, they love that stuff.

    So it seems, to me at least, to be odd that they chose January as a month for us all to go vegan.

    Anyhows you may have read that Greggs has introduced a vegan sausage roll. Seems it’s pretty good, however the filling is a type of mould and the way they spin it is no animal was killed.

    Maybe someone with a knowledge of food science can tell me if an average person could produce this sort of “vegan” ingredient with ease in an average house.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Home made quorn? I think I can do it, but then I do have a PhD in microbiology and getting close to 40 years experience of lab-based fermentation.

      For someone without that experience and qualification, the results could be a bit dodgy. Especially if the wrong fungus gets into the mix. I mean, not every house has a handy autoclave to ensure sterility of the initial mix.

      I followed the outrage over this fungus-based sausage roll and thought ‘I really don’t care. If they can sell it, good for them. I don’t want one but it doesn’t affect me if someone else does’.

      If you do have a go at making a veggie sausage at home, remember one important thing: the risk of contamination in sausage has nothing to do with meat. The risk is in the way it’s made. So veggie ones have to be cooked right through just like real ones.


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