The Decline and Fall of… pretty much everything

I have received a polling card for the EU elections. You know, the EU we were supposed to have left a month ago. I’m going to vote, and I’ll vote for the most awkward bastard on the ballot paper. I will not vote Tory or Labour or Lib Dem or SNP and definitely not Green. If that’s all there is, I will draw a primitive anatomical diagram on the paper and write ‘Every candidate is one of these’ and put it in the box.

Voting doesn’t matter anyway. Might as well regard it as a game. The current government have proven that they can happily ignore any voting we might do. At least Stalin had the decency to rig the votes so people could pretend he had won legitimately. Our lot let us vote any way we want and then ignore it and do what they want anyway. That’s worse, in my book.

England and Wales are about to have council elections. Scotland isn’t having those yet but I bet the Scottish clowncillors are paying close attention. Those councillors have no say in government but the Tories among them are pretty much screwed. The Labour ones shouldn’t be getting too complacent either.

Beery Nigel’s new Brexit party are head to head with Labour on the latest EU voting polls and rising. Between them and UKIP (oh how I wish they could just get along instead of sniping at each other) they could fill the EU Parliament with troublemakers. I hope they do.

They could also, combined, take power at the next General Election. Can’t happen? Tell that to the Whigs. The upstart Labour party sent them to the back benches not that long ago.

A guy called Adonis, who looks like an anti-Adonis if I’m being brutally honest, is standing as a Labour MEP on a ticket of ‘if you want Brexit, don’t vote for me’. Like there was any chance of that anyway. Meanwhile, Jerry Cordite has been out saying that he fully supports Brexit, thus utterly fucking up Adonis’s remote chances. Good on you, Jerry. Even the Brown Gorgon got one thing right (refusing to join the Euro) which is one more thing than Theresa May.

Labour won’t deliver Brexit any more than the Tories. We all know it. It’s a stitch up and the final proof that voting counts for nothing in what used to be called the ‘Mother’ of democracies but which has now become its coffin.

We might as well elect Kim Jong Jinglyjangly and be done with it.

The only honest ones among them are the Lib Dems. They have been against Brexit throughout. It’s a vote loser but at least they are consistent. What a pity they are so bloody useless. We had a taste of them in the Cleggeron Coagulation and that was enough to send them straight back to obscurity.

The next EU elections could be the ones I actually stay up to watch. I don’t usually bother but for this one, it could well be popcorn time.

It seems Donnie Trumpton is going to visit the UK in the summer. Very sensible. It’s really horrible here in winter. Mrs Queen is having a banquet in his honour and apparenty that is a terrible thing. She’s had banquets for world leaders who have massacred their own people and still does. Donnie hasn’t done that. He does look like he enjoys a good meal though.

Jerry Cordite, Vinnie the Wire, Tyrion Bercow, and several others whose names escape me because I don’t care who they are, have refused to attend the banquet. Can I have their tickets? Free food is free food and I don’t care who I have to sit next to. It’ll be posh food too, none of that Iceland microwaved stovies stuff. I bet Mrs Queen only shops at Marks and Spencer or Waitrose. Damn, free posh food? I’ll sit next to Jason Voorhees for that, as long as he only has a spoon.

Also, Tyrion Bercow has refused to allow Donnie to give a speech in Parliament. Who cares? Nobody with any sense listens to anything said in there any more anyway. It’s the House of Utter Bollocks. Perhaps if Donnie were to self-identify as a sixteen year old Swedish autistic girl who has been evilly manipulated to the level of actual child abuse by the Church of Climatology… perhaps then he’d be heard.

He has a terrible speaking voice anyway, it’s all squeaky and whiny. Come on, even if you are an ardent supporter, he doesn’t have a deep, resonant, commanding tone, does he? Reagan, a trained and experienced actor, was good at that. Trump has not learned modulation and has never studied hypnosis techniques… but then, that could be a good thing. Someone who knows how to do those things could convince antismokers of things like feeling their own neck nymph lodes as cancers. Or so I am told…

It’s all become very silly. Caroline Lucas (I remember fondly her line in spare parts for car electrical systems) says that anyone she doesn’t agree with is a racist-Nazi-bigot which is what we have heard from the Leftie playbook for over a decade now. Re-edit that book. It’s long overdue. Come up with something new because nobody cares about being called those things any more.

The latest is ‘white supremacist’. Oh they exist, there are probably at least ten of them worldwide. Most of us white folk are not interested in any kind of supremacy, we have shit to do to pay bills and we don’t want to rule over anyone. We cannot afford to keep slaves, we can barely afford to feed ourselves. You want to look at modern slavery, look at Islam. They still do it.

The people who shout about (white – they don’t say it) people queueing up at food banks are the same ones who crow about white privilege and white supremacy. The really funny part is – most of them are white and very privileged. The rest of us honky trailer trash are of no consequence to them. What do they think will happen when the backlash against ‘white privilege’ they demand actually comes to pass? Will the non-whites raid the meagre belongings of the trailer trash, or will they go for rich pickings?

We whiteys aren’t really doing much about any of it and you know why? We don’t need to. We’ll just let it all fall apart and rebuild it later. We’ll let the white self-haters fall to the wolves. We’ll let the entitled try to live on leaves and untreated water. Sure, take all we made for you and rip it up. We can do it again.

And now I’m going to be called a ‘white supremacist’. Call me whatever you want. I do not care. You don’t want my cure for gut diseases because it’s ‘too white’? No problem, I have a pot of it in my fridge here that’s worth Β£2000 and could wipe out Clostridium difficile from several large hospitals. It’s been tested, the doctors loved it, admin didn’t, it got shut down. Too white, and more important,. too damaging to their Pharma perks because it’s too natural to patent. Well I put a drop in my coffee every day. I’m fine. You don’t want to know, no problem.

Incidentally, if you have read this far without going off on a lefty rant and you are, or have a relative with C. difficile, I’ll be happy to send a free sample. And no, I don’t care what colour your skin might be, what religion you follow, anything. I also have this stuff in powder form so it’s a bit easier to post and I’ll tell you exactly what to combine it with (nothing hard to find).

If I cure a black family’s elderly relative, I am exercising white privilege. If I cure a white family’s elderly relative, I am a white supremacist. If you have an elderly relative in hospital with C. difficile and I have something that will cure it, without having to take them off the doctors’ prescriptions at all, and you refuse it because I am white, well just sit back and think about yourself. I have the cure, I am offering it for free, you refuse because I am white and that makes me the racist?

For many out there, it does.

The human race is going to collapse. That massive population reduction will happen. The ones who die will not be the ones the elite think will die.

In Denmark, an immigrant from Africa called police one morning because someone had coated his car in white stuff overnight. It had snowed. This is not a joke, this really happened. These immigrants will not do well in the grand solar minimum that is under way. Most Green God acolytes will die too. There will be mass deaths in the coming cold but the ones who are left alive will be those who rejected the globalist message and prepared properly. The ones who do not listen and who do not take orders from cash-filled suits.

Rather like the upcoming EU elections. The winners won’t be the ones the elite want to win.

They’ll be left with the likes of me.

13 thoughts on “The Decline and Fall of… pretty much everything

  1. Nicely put. I may need some of that white stuff in the fridge. ( I just found out that Ive had coeliac type disease for years and my gut flora are in a state)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Me, three. Inflammatory bowel disease here – I’ve been lucky the past couple hospitalisations, but c diff is horrible, and with my luck, will strike again. And again.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I can’t guarantee a cure for imflammatory bowel disease (it’s only been tested against actual infections) but it should help stabilise the gut microbes, which will help. It’ll certainly help stave off hospital-acquired infections. It also won’t interfere with the vicious antibiotics that are needed against C. difficile so you can take both together. That’s been thoroughly tested.

      Contact email is in the top menu bar. I’ll get some in the post as soon as I know where to send it πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh Legs you are so mistrusting. Surely you must believe, deep down, that Kim has won every single election in NK fair and square.

    And Ping was granted an unlimited extension as boss man of China by an astounding margin because he’s such a charismatic individual and totally incorruptible.

    Folks in Egypt are so impressed with Sisi that they’ve given him a mandate to continue his democratic reforms (essentially locking up or executing anyone who queries him, or takes the piss in public) until 2030.

    Of course I could bore the heck out of you by going on about the people who govern in Libya, Venezuela and stacks of other examples where they won full square.

    But I shan’t.

    What you need to acknowledge is Trump is not in the least interested in sounding all statesman like. He only wants to communicate and he is a master at that. His technique of repeating key phrases in each sentence, then leading on to his next point is fascinating to watch. In 30 minutes he uses phrases his audience understands, using terms they have posted on his Twitter account, or pro Trump sites, yet he’ll probably actually talk about less than half a dozen topics in that time.

    Part of the reason is he works his audience, he claps when they do – and buys several minutes in that half hour as well as good stuff for media and – just as important – YouTube.

    I’ll be floored if he doesn’t win a second term, partly because he’s being seen to be doing, partly because his opponents are quite useless at explaining their reasons for trying to unseat him. Fact is he still comes across as the underdog, fighting against vested interests – and that’s what got him the White House.

    Compare how he’s done it vs May on Brexit.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Trump is operating America as if he was running a business. Which sounds brutal but in the modern world, countries are pretty much businesses. They trade and deal with each other on business terms. It’s not like the sabre-rattling old days, when almost every European country built an empire by simply walking in to other countries and planting a flag. These days countries need leaders who will make deals and get a favourable trading arrangement.

      Trump is, actually, the kind of leader every country needs now. Maybe tone down the ‘smug’ a bit though. Political posturing just annoys people these days.


  4. One can safely assume, many at the Queens banquet, are breathing a sigh of relief Steptoe Corbyn is not attending .

    He would have insisted everyone else shares thier food with him..

    Liked by 2 people

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