Where is your Green God now?

Well, May is here, and with it the promise of… snow?

It wouldn’t be the first time. Scotland has had snow in May before and will again. It’s no coincidence that ‘Ne’er cast a clout till May is out’ is a common phrase in Scotland. It means, to put it into Mrs. Queen’s English, don’t be in a hurry to put your winter clothes in storage before the end of May.

In the last few years we have had a surprise frost in the middle of August. Usually just one night, maybe two, but it does happen. It makes a bit of a mess.

I’ve been called a ‘climate change denier’ because I agree with David Bellamy. ‘Man made climate change’ and all this ‘carbon’ stuff, well it’s all bollocks, innit?

Changing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by adding a few parts per million has only one effect. Plants grow faster. Every greenhouse operator, every biologist who hasn’t been suckered in to the scam, knows this. Carbon dioxide really doesn’t do anything else. It is not a ‘greenhouse gas’ beyond its use in actual greenhouses to make plants grow faster. Yes, greenhouse farmers really do this. You can achieve a temporary boost in your own small greenhouse by dropping a couple of fizzy headache pills in water and closing the vents and doors. It won’t be much of an increase and won’t last long but we are talking parts per million here so it’ll have an effect.

This makes me a ‘climate change denier’ even though I fully understand that the climate changes all the time. Sometimes dramatically, as it’s about to. It has nothing to do with human activity, nothing to do with carbon dioxide, it’s not getting warmer and we can’t do a damn thing to stop it. Adapt or die.

Of course, most people are adapting in the wrong direction so they’ll all be dead soon. China and India are building more coal fired power stations because they see what’s really coming. I think I’d choose moving to India over China. It’s further south, less totalitarian and I really like curries.

When I say rapid change is ‘coming’, I really mean ‘it’s here’. While Corbyn jumps on the global warming bandwagon, the last wheel is about to come off.

The North Wind doth blow, and we shall have snow. Another old saying. Here it comes.

I doubt there’ll be very much snow in most places but considering that snow was declared ‘a rare event that future children will never see’ by the year 2000, and considering that we are now in May and should be entering summer, if you are still being suckered in by ‘man-made global warming’ then good luck to you. Prepare to die.

We are about to see a big push for windmills and solar power and a shutdown of every reliable power source. Houses built with no chimneys have no alternative heating arrangements. Gas boilers are being banned, oil prices will be way out of reach for most of us and electricity will be available occasionally. If you don’t have a chimney, you’d better have a really high metabolism.

You see, this is a ‘climate emergency’ so you all have to die to keep the ideology pure. You have to love socialism, right? Well you have to or they shoot you in the back of the head but this time they have hit upon a much more efficient way to kill millions. They’ll let the cold finish them off. Icicles are cheaper than bullets.

Didn’t anyone question the likes of David Attenborough’s huge support for ‘climate action’? We must do all these silly things and shut down everything to save ourselves, coming from the man who has declared he wants somehting like 90% of the human population removed from the planet. He will achieve the latter because of those who believe the former.

Africa is being cleared. People are being sent north to die in the coming cold, a cold they will never have experienced before. Some of us northern people are used to it, some of us remember waking to ice on the inside of the windows and a house that had no need of a refrigerator. Some of us remember how to store lake and river ice through the summer with no machinery at all. Technically that’s even before my time but I do know how it’s done.

Until someone got out of bed and lit the fire in the living room there was no warm place to be. That was inside the house. You had to rotate yourself because the part facing the fire was warm while the part facing away from the fire was cold. Think I’m joking, young people? You’ll find out. If you live where you can have a fire. If not, well, basically, you’re fucked.

I have no sympathy for the young. They have been blocking roads and lying on the floor in Waitrose (they wouldn’t be seen even genuinely dead in Poundstretcher of course) to make the world cooler and it’s been cooling for the last two decades. This is about to accelerate.

Why? Why am I so confident that winter is coming to stay awhile?

Astrophysics is not like climate science. The cycles of the sun are entirely predictable and have been prediced way in advance of this moment. The problem was that those predicting those solar cycles – if they wanted to keep their careers – had to add the caveats that ‘warming will be slowed’ or something like that to their papers. Read the papers without the caveats and what they tell you is that we have just entered the start of a Grand Solar Minimum.

Sunspot activity is dropping very fast. The sun is going quiet. There will be less solar wind keeping cosmic rays off us. Cosmic rays will cause a lot of low cloud. A lot of low cloud will shield us from the already dimming sun. It’s going to get very cold indeed. This is just the beginning.

Middle America is seeing cold and wet weather. Crops are suffering and will be limited this year. I’m hearing that South Africa is getting something similar. Farms in the UK have been busy with planting through a warm April and are about to be hit with definite frosts and possibly snow. Sheep are lambing into the cold.

The climate is changing. Fast. And not for the better. We are going to be taxed as if we are causing warming to the point where we cannot afford to survive the coming cold. Reliable energy sources will be shut down to prevent warming that isn’t going to happen.

Adapt or die. It seems most have chosen to die. But then that was the idea from the outset. Agenda 21 is not a conspiracy theory. It’s serious.

However, as with all these things, the ones the so-called ‘elite’ will kill off are the ones they wanted to keep. The gullible drones. They will be left with those like me, who accept nothing, believe nothing, and who make arrangements for their own survival with no regard to the wishes of those who think themselves superior.

It’s such a monumental ballsup I could almost believe Theresa May is the festermind behind it all.

That’s if I could be convinced she actually has a mind.

12 thoughts on “Where is your Green God now?

  1. Just to prove that some people will argue about anything:

    “Ne’er cast a clout till May be out” refers to the blossoming of the hawthorn i.e. the mayflower. (Maybe. ;-))

    For myself, I’ll stay sewn into my winter drawers until May be out of number 10.

    Liked by 3 people

      • I think I had the same argument last year πŸ™‚

        But since I have only seen cherry blossom starting in the last week (I have now identified 12 cherry trees in this garden!), I think I’ll stick with keeping warm until at least June.

        I don’t think there’s a hawthorn in the garden but it always has new surprises.


  2. One thing the Greenies never mention is that there are several greenhouse gasses. Apart from the ones they always rat on about, such as methane, fluorocarbons and of course carbon dioxide there is another very, very important one: water.

    Yes kiddies, water vapour is a greenhouse gas, a potent one.

    Condensed water droplets like clouds are not a greenhouse gas.

    Now is where it gets complicated, your underused greenie brains may overheat slightly at this point, but bear with me. Cosmic rays are generally very fast moving charged particles which, when they hit the planet’s atmosphere do something magical: they cause water vapour to condense into clouds. The more cosmic rays hit the atmosphere, the more clouds you have and the less water vapour there is in the atmosphere; more clouds also reflect more sunlight and the atmosphere cools.

    Cosmic rays are extremely fast charged particles. The faster a particle, the higher its energy. Only very fast ones can penetrate the planetary atmosphere enough to cause clouds. The solar wind is also charged particles, but much slower ones which can only really cause aurora, and don’t cause clouds.

    However, the number of cosmic rays hitting our planetary atmosphere can be reduced by the solar wind, which in effect puts out more charged particles for the cosmic rays to bump into. Sunspots and an active sun increase the amount of solar wind, and decrease the number of cosmic rays.

    Guess what, kiddies? The sun is becoming much less active and thus the cosmic ray flux is going up, and the climate will be cooling. Not warming, cooling. Do try to keep up with the grown-ups, please.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Ah, I remember the cloud chamber for detecting alpha emissions πŸ™‚

      I guess they don’t teach that any more. Some kids might put two and two together…


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