Utter nonsense peddled as ‘news’

Well. There is a new variant of Covid. I suppose some are surprised by this. I’m not. It’s a single strand RNA virus and massively prone to errors in replication and damage to its genetics by simple things like sunlight. You’ll get several hundred variants with every single infection.

Most of those will be nonviable, meaning they might be able to get into a cell but their RNA is so mutated it can’t produce new viruses. A few will produce nasty versions, a few will produce mild versions of the illness and if it’s really lucky, some will infect and produce no symptoms at all.

That is the ultimate aim of any parasitic organism. To mutate into a form that causes no ill effects to the host at all so the host doesn’t even know it’s there. A parasite that kills its host will die when the host dies and cannot spread further. A parasite that the host doesn’t even notice will be able to spread wildly and will live as long as the host lives. The perfect parasite integrates itself into host DNA so it reproduces when the host reproduces and effectively lives forever while doing nothing at all. A sort of politician parasite. There are likely to be several of these in every animal’s DNA already.

So, we are now to be scared of the ‘highly contagious Pirola variant‘ that is so mutated you’ll need to get yet another shot of mRNA death juice because the seventeen or so jabs you’ve had won’t protect you. Look at the symptoms. This virus is doing what they all do. It’s become a bloody cold. Seeing much of SARS or MERS or swine flu or bird flu lately? Of course not. They’ve joined the ranks of hundreds of viruses that have become just a cold or mild flu.

Typically viruses become more deadly with every mutation to give them the best chance of survival.

This is not a mistake. This is an outright lie. Becoming more deadly does not give any parasite, including a virus, any hope at all of survival. The ideal parasite causes no problem for the host at all. The deadly ones kill their host before they can spread far and result in containment of infected individuals. The milder they get, the better they spread and the less the host animal does to stop them.

You get Ebola, you get isolated and the virus has nowhere to go. It kills you, it dies too. You get a bit of a sniffle, you don’t feel great but you take an aspirin and get on with life. The cold virus spreads like wildfire. It’s an inconvenience, nothing more. Some viruses, like Ebola, don’t mutate fast enough to join the ranks of colds but all the coronaviruses do, and they can do it within a few months because their rate of mutation is very fast indeed. Basically, Covid was all over by the end of 2020. It’s really only politics and profit that keeps it going now.

Oh, and idiots. Can’t forget those.

It does not work on rational thought. Viruses are not capable of that. They have no brain, no nervous system, they are not even intact cells. They do not reason.

Bacteria are alive. They consume food for energy, they reproduce, they excrete waste and they can even, at a very basic chemical level, communicate with each other (quorum sensing, I might lecture on that one day).

Viruses do nothing. Nothing at all. When they are intact viruses it’s questionable whether they can be even considered alive. They only reproduce within another cell, using the cell’s metabolism for their reproduction. When they do that they are not intact viruses. The protein coat is gone, just the genetic material is left.

Why do they mutate into colds? It’s not a decision.The nasty variants would confine you to bed for a week or two. They won’t be able to spread far because you won’t feel like leaving your house. The mild variants will make you feel a bit grubby but you’ll still go to work and to the shops.

So the mild one spreads fast, the nasty one doesn’t. You get the mild one and you’re now immune to the nasty one. The nasty one dies out and the mild one takes over. This is why we have about 400 cold viruses. They were all, once, nasty bastards. Now they are just a nuisance.

Covid has already done this. It’s a bad cold or mild flu now. It’s gone, it’s all over. And yet people are still terrified of it even though there are far nastier diseases still out there. They are all ignored now. The Dreadful Cold is the disease of our times. Only 99.9% of us will survive this horror.

Unfortunately I think at least 50% will welcome the return of all the coming restrictions, all of which have been proven to be ineffective and have been shown to do more harm than good.

They just like to be scared.

21 thoughts on “Utter nonsense peddled as ‘news’

      • Try working for a university.

        Every year there is a thing known as Freshers’ Flu. Basically this is the current year’s fastest-spreading cold-like viral thing (or more likely about half a dozen variants) which spreads like wildfire through the student population, and then through any population that comes into contact with them.

        It isn’t all bad, though. Ever wonder why university towns are a bit more lively than other places? Young people, that’s why. Young folks bring new life, novel jokes and so on into a town. Very much a mixed blessing and one that has been my lot for much of my working life (although, being in my fifties now, hopefully not so much longer).

        Liked by 1 person

  1. “They just like to be scared.”

    Surely that last sentence should be a good thing for Legiron books at least, given that pretty much all your publications try to put the frighteners on the readers? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I once read about a harmless parasitic mite that lives at the base of your eyelash follicle. Passed on from mother to infant it said. If correct, then this is a perfect parasite. If it caused a massive swelling of the eyes, and was treated, and destroyed, then it wouldn’t be around when mothers were nursing. A truly amazing life form, it doesn’t achieve much, but lives on in perpetuity, un-noticed, and unmolested.

    Liked by 2 people

      • Your genome’s full of ’em. Endogenous retroviruses, they’re called. Things like AIDS virus that long ago got incorporated into germ-line genes in our remote ancestors, and over time accumulated enough mutations that the virus is now non-viable junk and is even sometimes repurposed into something useful.

        Your cell nucleii and mitochondria were once parasites that become commensals, then symbiotes and have now become obligate components of almost all cells. That’s the ultimate fate for a parasite: incorporation into something else.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m not sure people want to be scared.

    I think it’s more that they’re too lazy to think for themselves and research topics.
    They want to be told what to think and this leaves them open to manipulation and being scared easily.
    Trying to convince them that the big bad scary is actually a man behind the curtain or old man shivers in a ghost mask, who would have got away with it if it wasn’t for us meddling kids, is a tough sell sometimes. Especially when they co-opt various experts by threatening their livelihoods.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You can’t convince them about the devious buggers running the show, but you can easily convince them that all grey dust is tobacco residue from 400 years of smoking. It helps that the ASH lunatics tell them it never degrades.
      So I can see how easily they can be convinced to wear masks even when the box they arrive in tells them they won’t stop a virus. People are, on the whole, easily led.

      Liked by 1 person

    • “They want to be told what to think…” Exactly, and it’s just too scary to believe that the Government actually doesn’t give two hoots about the population and that its policies are self-interested rather than serving our interests.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I wrote an essay on whether viruses are alive or not. Several pages were written after research. The answer was no, they are not. They are effectively enveloped crystals which can hijack the Eukaryotic or prokaryotic reproductive mechanisms to reproduce. I suppose the viroid is the perfect and simplest parasite. Not even a nucleocapsid.

    I am aghast at the media suggesting that ‘experts’ (charlatans) are suggesting the population masks up and that lockdowns, that do not work for respiratory viruses, might be re-introduced. I am thinking politicians and their scientific advisors should be shot.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Re: “A Fourth Turning”

      The idea of a ‘Fourth Turning’ is a whitewash of reality, of history. Similar to Desmet’s book on “mass formation” and many other works that the majority of “awake” individuals of the “alternative media” have been thoughtlessly jumping on and spreading. No wonder the world is crazy…

      The misleading false idea/lie/fantasy these authors present is that the psychotic “negative developments” are just TEMPORARY crises or phases before humans return to a lasting state of non-craziness and normality. In addition, the author of the ‘Fourth Turning’ claims that near the end of the fourth turning sociopaths rule enslaving the public (=the problem is the criminal authorities, the public is a victim).

      ALL of these are of course welcoming narratives so they are and become popular, pandering to the masses’ love for fantasies about reality and reinforcing their lunacy. It’s why Desmet’s mass formation propaganda became very popular among the “awake” non-mainstream media lunatics.

      The true human history, however, is a history of CHRONIC craziness going on for aeons with “civilized” people, and the true reality is that the psychopaths in power are just ONE part of the problem because there are TWO human pink elephants in the room … and they are MARRIED and NEITHER is innocent — read “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon”” …. http://www.CovidTruthBeKnown.com (or https://www.rolf-hefti.com/covid-19-coronavirus.html)

      It’s why Hegel noted people have never learnt anything from history.

      If you have been injected with Covid jabs/bioweapons and are concerned, then verify what batch number you were injected with at https://tinyurl.com/ytthwrwm

      The official narrative is… “trust official science” and “trust the authorities” but as with these and all other “official narratives” they want you to trust and believe …

      “We’ll know our Disinformation Program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” —William Casey, a former CIA director=a leading psychopathic criminal of the genocidal US regime


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