Underdog Anthology 23 is now up on Smashwords. It’ll take a day or so to show up on Amazon in the print and Kindle versions (assuming they don’t find any blunders in there). Then I can update the Leg Iron Books website.

The anthologies always take time. Unlike single-author books, it means editing a range of styles without messing up each author’s style, then a range of contracts and final checks before it can go to print. I’ve said before that I can’t finalise an anthology until every author contract is in. While I can upload revised versions if someone finds mistakes after publishing, it’s always best to get it right first.

There are three versions – I make the print version first and once all corrections are in, I use that text for the Kindle and Smashwords eBooks. If I make those eBooks too soon and someone comes back with changes, I have to make the changes in three files. So it can be a slow process. Even slower if I’m not feeling great. Novels and single-author collections involve one contract and one set of final checks. Although, of course, they are longer so take time to edit – but the final publication is much easier.

I don’t know if it’s good or bad that the spring anthology is no longer tied to Easter. It does take the pressure off for deadlines, but it makes the deadline perhaps too flexible. Still, it’s done, and I have months of time to clear novel backlogs before the next one.

I’ll take a couple of days break first though. CStM has been unfairly neglected during this time and to be honest, I’m pretty worn out too.

Also, the weather has been what can only be described as ‘fucking awful’ in what is allegedly Spring here. I’ve only managed to grab a few dry days to start the mowing, normally I’d be on second or third cut by now. The plants are really only just waking up and I dare not put any plants outside yet. So, ‘Spring Broke’ seemed like an appropriate title.

I’ll be back once we’ve both had a rest from book stuff. It’ll only be a day or so.

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