In a broken dream.

There were several options for a theme for this post. Kate Bush’s ‘The Dreaming’ or ‘Suspended in Gaffa’, Jethro Tull’s ‘Thick as a Brick’ or the Levellers’ ‘Dog Train’ and many others. Even Supertramp’s ‘Dreamer’ or REM’s barely decipherable ‘Losing My Religion’. In the end I opted for the dulcet tones of Rod Stewart, the man who sings while gargling gravel, fronting for Python Lee Jackson.

Most people live in a dream. I used to, you used to, some who pass by here still do. This is the part the dreamers prefer to avoid: the place where you’re naked in public or falling through the air, where you find you’re in bed with the Brown Gorgon or where Nick Clegg steals all your tobacco and smokes it, laughing, while you are immobile. This is the wake up screaming place.

It’s certainly not the only one. They are all over the internet now. That blogroll is not an exhaustive list by any means. It leads to other wake up screaming places, and every one of them leads to a whole lot more.

Over at Captain Ranty’s there is a long post which is largely written by Harbinger. All of it is worth reading, but I’m just going to steal this little bit:

Of late, I have to admit that I wish, above all that I could be pig, bloody ignorant and never have woken up. I do feel like the guy in the Matrix, who ends up selling his friends out in order to be ‘plugged’ back in. When I think about how much better life was when I knew nothing.

A quick quote from the Levellers:

And if you’ve heard this before
Yeah I’m going to say it again
But life was easy when
I didn’t have a clue.

Remember the old days? Go to work, come home, watch a bit of television, have tea at a set time, go to bed, maybe read a little fiction, go to work the next day and pick up your pay at the end of the month. It was easy, wasn’t it? You could tut-tut at the news but it was really not your problem. It wasn’t even real, just some images on the bright box in the corner. Soon forgotten. Someone else can deal with it.

You might be old enough to remember the grumbles about the expense of having to fit front seat belts to your car but as my father said at the time; ‘I have to have them but I don’t have to use the bloody things’.

Then, one day, we all had to use them. It seemed like such a trivial incursion and nobody really minded because the expense of fitting them was in the past. All new cars already had them. Might as well use them, you’ve paid for them.

In Italy, sales boomed of white T-shirts with a diagonal black stripe. In the UK, we just clunk-clicked every trip like that nice Mr. Savile on the telly said. Nobody thought of it as an incursion into our liberties.

Nobody was at all surprised when rear seat belts became compulsory. Nobody batted an eyelid when they were fitted to buses because ‘we have to have them but we don’t have to use the bloody things’. We will. Once they are on all the buses, using them will be compulsory. Loss of freedoms? Don’t be silly, it’s for your safety. Experts Have Said so it must be true.

Those little turns of the ratchet are no more likely to disturb the sleepers than the ticks of their bedside clocks.

The thing about bedside clocks though, is that after a certain number of ticks, the alarm goes off.

The tick that set mine off, like many others reading here and on that blogroll, was the smoking ban. That was when the well-oiled ratchet squeaked, and that was when I really first noticed it.

There had been hints before then. I taught at a college for thirteen years. During that time, ridiculous things happened. We were told we could no longer write ‘fail’ on student papers. We had to write ‘not achieved’ and no, we could not add ‘and not likely to’. Student intelligence remained constant over the period, but the ones at the start of my employment could actually write. By the end, I dreaded exam time. All assignments came in typed but the exams were hand-written, some apparently by a blindfolded gibbon well dosed with amphetamine, who had the pen in his teeth.

Marks deducted for illegibility? No longer allowed. Ignore and give no marks for asides and irrelevancies? No longer allowed. The exam marker’s job went from testing how well someone had actually learned the subject to a quest for something, anything, you can give a positive mark for.

The students were just as intelligent as they had always been. The change was in the attitudes – not of those teaching them but in those who were in charge of those teaching them. At the time I thought it was normal management idiocy, that they had found a ‘Dilbert’ book and thought it was a manual. We were told how it reflected well on an educational establishment if the pass rate was high, and that target became the principal goal. Get them through, send them out.

It didn’t seem to be deliberate. Policies that idiotic just couldn’t be deliberate. It must be, could only be, the action of some moron in management somewhere. The ratchet slipped one more tooth and the bedside clock ticked softly and I just got on with the job.

In those days, the New World Order, the Bilderbergers, Common Purpose, the Fabians, secret societies, those were just the ramblings of loonies like David Icke and Alex Jones. Stories to frighten the children. Tales for the gullible. Nobody seriously believed that stuff. It didn’t even come up in pub conversations when we were all having a beer and a smoke. If it did we’d all laugh.

I’m not laughing now. Since that smoking ban alarm went off, I’ve learned a lot of things. How many nuclear explosions have there been on this planet? Ask me twenty years ago and I’d have said ‘three’ and would have been proud to have remembered the test in the American desert as well as Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

How many really? Really, it’s over two thousand and still counting. More than two thousand deliberate nuclear bombs have been set off on this planet and it hasn’t even been a century yet. Cancer rates boomed along with those mushroom clouds and what did we all blame? Smoking, drinking, fatty foods, salt, sugar, bacon and even (and I am not kidding) hot showers. Anything to avoid looking at the mushroom cloud in the room.

I wasn’t worried about nuclear bombs. They were so far away, in another country. The idea that the atmosphere could be spreading all those new radioactive particles all over the planet simply didn’t occur in my dream. It wasn’t until I woke up and looked around that I realised things were not as they seemed.

Smoke caused lung cancer. That was certain. It’s not quite so certain now. Doctors could be trusted implicitly. Not any more. Now they tell lies so astounding that nobody could accept them other than as part of a dream. Would you believe that it is healthier to run your car exhaust into the car than it is to have a smoke in there? Some doctors do. All the drones do. I say, let them try.

The smoking ban wasn’t really a smoking ban. It applied to places that had already banned smoking. It applied to places where nobody had ever smoked. They didn’t mind because hey, they were no smoking places anyway. The ban made no difference.

Oh, it did. The dreamers won’t see it but it did. It made a massive difference.

Before the ban, places that did not allow smoking were smoke-free by choice. Now they are smoke-free by law. Still, no difference? Can’t see why it matters?

The State, with that smoking ban, took control over what happens on private property. You can no longer say that you do not allow smoking because you do not have the option. The State tells you what you can and cannot allow on your own property. The precedent is set and your home is no longer your castle. You do not own your own business. The State owns it now. You let them dictate one policy and they will eventually dictate them all.

You think you can deny people a room in your hotel because you don’t agree with their lifestyle? No. You can’t. It’s not your hotel. It belongs to the State and you will give those rooms to who you are told to give them to. Unless they smoke, in which case you can throw them onto the street – indeed, the State will fine you if you don’t.

Look where that led. Those poor young families want the big houses the old people have so the old people must be forced out of homes they’ve saved all their lives to pay for. The State owns those houses now. This does not apply to MPs who can have all the big houses they want and you pay for them. No, don’t look at the ones you paid for. Look at the ones occupied by people who paid for them themselves.

And pretend they will never look at yours.

Harbinger’s wish to return to the time before that alarm went off is understandable. I wish I had never been woken up, but as Harbinger said, there is no going back. There is no snooze button on this alarm. Once you are awake you never sleep again.

Once you wake, you see there is not just one ratchet. There are hundreds of them, slipping on well-oiled cogs, one click at a time, and you’ll wonder why nobody else can see them.

They don’t want to see them. It’s just the clock ticking. The alarm hasn’t gone off, it’s not time to wake up yet. It’s warm and comfortable and easy in this dream and nobody really wants to leave it. Reality is cold and unpleasant and full of very nasty people.

Let’s just hope the alarms start going off soon because if they don’t there’s only one other outcome.

An lot of people will wake up screaming one day. A lot more won’t ever wake up at all.


19 thoughts on “In a broken dream.

  1. The elite ‘thinkers’ that are imposing stricter and more draconian laws on us are slowly but surely painting themselves into a corner.
    Our Country is broke, people are repressed and sicken by parliamentary interference in our daily life. A long hot summer will be bring big problems on the streets.
    Millions of smokers are sitting on pots of money refusing to spend into a Country that has marginalised them and the same will happen with drinkers.
    At a stroke those miserable little shits in the HOC could relax the smoking ban in pubs and get thousands of new jobs and millions of people reactivated in spending.
    It’s a war of attrition, I’m not spending in lala land because I don’t like it and while the cogs click on more and more people will stop.


  2. “The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed.”
    Adolf Hitler


  3. Great piece, Leggy.

    If you wanted a live example of the old adage “Death by a thousand cuts” you need look no further than these British Isles.

    It isn’t that we don’t mind the continual beatings, it’s that we don’t care enough to do anything about them.

    Total subjugation is just around the corner.




  4. Excellent post, LI. This guy — Thomas Sheridan (I think he’s in your neck of the woods) — talks about those Very Nasty People. He believes more and more and waking up. I agree! I’m coming to a little late in the game, but thanks to the internet and blogs like yours and other independent media I’m much more knowledgeable than I was 4 years ago…and it’s not pretty. I think this video is spot on and well worth watching and sharing. In fact, I’d like to hear your thoughts on it!


    • It was Icke’s insistence on ‘real’ reptiles and all those faked shape-changing videos on YouTube that initially put me off what he was saying. He seems to have dropped that now and he’s into much more relevant stuff (well, there’s still a bit of cosmic consciousness in there. We’re not that important, we’re just monkeys with shiny toys). When you put it, as Sheridan does, as an aspect of the ‘reptilian brain’ (it’s more complex than just that really, the true basal reptilian brain is what you get to when you’re totally smashed, and can’t even remember how to work a door handle) and refer to ‘shape shifting’ as an ability to switch personality, then it’s much closer to the truth.

      Gaslighting is the same as what I’ve been calling the ratchet. It comes from an old film, I think, where someone turned down the gaslight in tiny, unnoticeable increments over many weeks. When their victim complained that the light seemed less bright than it used to, they responded with ‘Huh? It looks the same as it always did’. The victim thinks they must be going blind or mad. Compare with those new eco-bulbs that are supposed to last years but gradually get dimmer until they are useless after about a year. The old ones would stay the same brightness until they went pop. That’s what we all expect bulbs to do. We don’t believe they’ll get incrementally dimmer over time, but they do.

      One thing I’d disagree with is his conclusion. Those control freaks in charge are not going to just give up and go away. Things will get a lot nastier in the coming days, before it all falls to the ground.

      It’s happened many times. They never really go away. They just fall back for a few years or decades and regroup. They’ll be back.


      • Gaslighting? The ratchet? I can remember when one could say “it’s a free country, isn’t it?” and your mates wouldn’t start sidling away from you in horror.


  5. Yes, spot on LI. Reality isn’t very pretty.

    Having placed myself on the periphery of society since I was quite young, and having walked a less conventional road than most, I’ve been aware of the dark underbelly of polite society for a long time. (And no, I’m not, and never have been a tinfoil hatter. I’m a pragmatist with a large dollop of cynicism.) Yes, they’ve been ratcheting it up for years, but they hadn’t reckoned with the internet.

    Pandora’s box has been opened, the alarms are going off in an increasing number of bedrooms, and the Powers That Be are desperately trying to find a way to remotely activate the sleep button.

    What are your stats like LI? Have you seen a substantial rise in traffic? Apparently Frank Davis has. And that means that more alarms are going off every day.

    And all you guys have blogrolls.

    There is a snowball, and it’s gathering speed, thanks to people like you.

    Long may it continue, We may yet see our lamp posts decorated with “experts” and complicit MPs….


  6. Trouble is Nisakiman they are going hell for leather to shut the Internet down as and when they like for whomever they don’t like…
    Nice post Li ‘gibbons on amphetamines’ made oi larf…thanks for the linky too!


  7. There’s a group of us youve forgotten. Those of us whose alarms went off some time ago. We fretted, worried, ranted, and tried to think how it could be changed. We have since realised that there is no way to change it until everyone elses’ alarm goes off. Until then we have got tired of worrying, fretting and our families are bored of our ranting. So for the time being we have concentrated on ourselves, concentrated on our own families, withdrawn from the whole sorry mess, carried on paying our taxes, we now ignore the things in politics and elsewhere that used to enrage us, and we have gone back to sleep.


    • You never go back to that comfortable dream. Yes, you can, in despair, try to just muddle along in the hope that it won’t get any worse. You can say ‘Sod it, I’m not reading any more of that depressing crap’ and try to concentrate on just protecting yourself and your family and that is certainly an appealing idea.

      But you know the world isn’t right and you always will. More are waking up and those, like yourself, who are pretending to be asleep so as not to draw attention to yourselves are going to be important in helping the newly-woken. Don’t underestimate your position, you’re awake but those looking for the awake don’t see you. That is a very useful place to be.


  8. You excelled yourself with this post, Leggy. I often get bored listening to my own ranting, but never of yours. 🙂 Keep up the good work!


  9. Leg,

    It starts off with one of my favourite tracks of all time and simply gets better. I was nodding all the way the through saying ‘yup…uhu….yup..I remember that….’ If anyone wanted a trip down memory lane to when things were so much easier, way back then all they have to do is read what you’ve written. A very well written piece, that precisely explains the ‘frog and boiling water’ theory. Somebody above mentioned Hitler, undoubtedly a puppet of the Fabians and interestingly enough I believe that Brian Gerrish of the UK Column has been looking into the connection. The MSM of Hitler is of course bullshit, like the rest of what it publishes. Mustn’t let the masses know what’s going on…

    Again, thanks for the piece. I have to say that I perused your blog alot while I was blogging. I received links to articles from fellow bloggers which you’d written and I think I did drop a message or two in the past. There are, it seems, a growing number of awake people on the blogsphere, but compared to the overall population, far too few to make a dent. If we could drag the masses off of their TVs and onto blogs such as yours, the Captains and every other anti automaton out there, trying to smash the system then we’d have a chance. My article was negative, but it’s the truth. Everything is possible in life. I’ve always believed that, The system can easily be beaten, but the problem is that people are happy living within it, unaware of the endgame. That’s why I wrote what I did. As my brother said to me today, the enemy really is the people for their support, work for and protect the very system that enslaves them. Who’s the bigger fool, the fool or the fool that follows is the question.




    • People have become dependent on the system that controls them. I wouldn’t need very much money at all if I didn’t have to pay the council a tax just for living in my house. Which I also pay for because I’m not allowed to go into the woods and build one myself. Try telling people and you’ll get ‘Oh but, schools and police and fire brigade and dustmen.’ Yes, but I don’t use schools, I’d be happy to pay into some sort of insurance against needing fire, police or ambulance services especially if the low-users such as myself had a discount. I wouldn’t need rubbish collection is everything I buy didn’t come wrapped in so much of it. What is that tax really paying for?

      Councillors who tell you how to live while racking up their pensions at your expense. Plastic Plod with no real authority at all but who act as if they have been sent by God to chastise you for anything they decide is a crime. Police who arrest people for taking photos. A medical service that will only treat you if you live the approved lifestyle, no matter how much you pay in (I’m still paying Class 1 & 4 NICs even though I’m skint, but if I try to claim anything I’m a scrounger who thinks the world owes him a living).

      What would happen if all the council offices and everyone in them were transported to Venus in a flash? I don’t mean what would happen to them although it is an image to savour for a moment. There’d be no bin collections for about a day, until someone came up with the bright idea of charging every house in town a few pounds a week to empty their bins. There would still be police and ambulance and fire services, it’s just that we’d pay them a subscription ourselves. Streetlighting? You want lights, I’ll maintain them for a couple of quid a week. The more light you want the more you pay. With no council middlemen siphoning off their substantial cut, your annual bill for those services would plummet and nothing would really change.

      You cannot get people to see that. They insist there must be central control of all these non-related things through a council.

      Roads? Easy. Every house or business owns the road outside their premises, to the middle of the road. If there’s a hole in it, you fill it and if you don’t, you are responsible for anyone who drops a wheel into it. If someone parks on your property without your permission, you can call Leg-Scrap-Iron Inc and we’ll ram a forklift through the side of it, load it on the lorry and sell it to whoever needs a bit of steel. Main roads, sell them off. The owners are responsible for upkeep and can charge for use. Fairer than the road tax because you only pay for what you use and if someone charges too much, drive around via the undercutting competitor.

      Schools? The local one has about 2000 kids in it. How much would each parent have to pay per year to support it? not much, when you consider they wouldn’t be paying council tax or car tax or a lot of other taxes. It’s not a permanent expense either, it would only be for the duration of the kids’ schooling and if schools had to compete, they’d have to show real value-for-money results, not just targets.

      There is so much more, so many long arguments with people who always come back to the same thing. ‘But who will run it all?’ Nobody needs to run it all. Each bit can work independently. Road upkeep has nothing to do with bin collection. It does not need a room full of suits deciding on whether Mrs Pleb can put up a Sky dish or not. It does not need layers of managers to tell a work gang to fill in a hole or fix a supply pipe. Imagine how much cheaper it would be if you could negotiate with that work gang directly.

      They refuse to see it. They watch things like ‘Brazil’ and see no issue with layer upon layer of bureaucracy and they believe the ‘terrorists’ in the film are real. They see the paper-shuffling in that film, think ‘Pfft, we do all that with computers’ and will not see that they are doing exactly the same thing! Computers, paper, it’s all petty and irrelevant. It’s the same.

      Who are the biggest fools? Those just above we plebs who think they are the ones in control. They cannot and will not see those who control them.

      They are more under control that we will ever be.


  10. The one thing all you lot are missing is this: money. At the moment the money system is in the hands of the Government, and thieving little gits that they are, they’ve found a way to sting us all even there. Ever heard of quantitative easing? This is where the Government magics into existence a load more money, which even if it doesn’t devalue the pound in your pocket now, will eventually get out and do just that at some point in future.

    Ever wondered why the promise on banknotes to pay the bearer on demand the sum of whatever is not now fulfilled (or rather, the banker will look at you as if you’ve grown an extra head and slavishly tell you that the coloured scrap of paper IS the money)? The answer is simple. A pound used to be one gold sovereign, interchangeably so. It ain’t any more; at present prices you’ll be lucky to pick up that gold sovereign for £280 now!

    This has all come about because politicians have learned of yet another way to cheat us all out of money: inflation. Backing in the Victorian period, the financial system danced about all over the place alternating between inflation and deflation at quite a rapid pace. Effectively the amount of value a gold or silver coin bought varied as this happened, but it never went into great galloping permanent inflation as happens now. Back then you couldn’t create false booms by lending out huge sums of make-believe money; you could do so by selling shares in an enterprise as happened with the railways but here and in other places, silly speculators got burned and served as a lesson to the prospective idiots (some heeded the warning, some didn’t).

    So, here’s a warning to you all: watch out for fiat currency. The Euro is already well into the third or fourth chorus of a grand operatic departure from this world, and whilst there’s plenty of life left in the sad old thing yet, it will eventually croak permanently and the waves from that will definitely rock our little boat. It is also good to remember that Britain is only being thought of as a “safe investment” because we’re right next door to the underpants-on-head lala-land Eurozone, which would make even Gordon “goldie” Brown look moderately sane. In truth we’re devaluing the pound like crazy, the much-vaunted cuts haven’t actually happened yet, and the squawking of leftie fuckwits shocked at a lack of money is merely phsychosomatic squeaking.

    The cuts have yet to begin, but the robbery of our savings continues apace. Buy gold and silver, dear friends, buy it with cash in hand and don’t let the buggers know you’ve got it or they’ll conspire to nick it off you again (see also the recent retrospective taxing of Barclays). British politicians are thick, oppressive, greedy, slug-witted little arses, as avaricious as they come and they don’t plan ahead. Do Not ever give the buggers a chance!


  11. Well thanks! This post definitely struck a chord.

    I vaguely remember being blissfully ignorant. For years though I felt worn down? excluded? a pressure? a feeling difficult to describe. I felt like there was something different about me, maybe wrong, as I was concerned about things that everyone I knew felt were either irrelevant or some conspiracy theory (being more interested in soaps and gossip magazines).

    I think ‘The Matrix’ was a success, not only because it was a good film, but because so many partly recognised, as I did, the gradually growing feeling of unease. I almost gave up, but the discovery via the Internet that I wasn’t alone, some loony, but that other more intelligent and informed commentators (such as yourself) considered the same issues and concerns of importance was a major revelation.

    Since then I have discovered more and more people I have contact with becoming receptive to discussions about subjects as widely varied as the global warming scams, the manipulation of supposed smoking evidence, etc. They are still the tiniest of minorities, but it is a start.

    As harbinger said there are a growing number who appear to ‘be waking from the dream’ but still too few to make a difference. I worry and wonder about what comes next. Still it’s a relief to know others are out there, the feeling is still there but bearable now at least.

    My own feeling is that it won’t stop until the system crashes, it’s gone too far. The aftermath may depend on those who saw what was coming, so keep up the good work!

    (whilst I realise all that sounded a little weird, even to myself, I do not wear a tinfoil hat! They’re totally ineffective anyway, I favour Armadillo as modelled by a certain character in the really bad ‘Dukes Of Hazard’ movie. And so stylish too!)


  12. Brilliant writing LI. Thanks. Nick Lowe (Oh What Now!) mentions that today is Blogger Appreciation Day. The quality of writing today underlines that.

    I think that there are indeed more people waking up. Every night in the pub or wherever I meet people I find that we share opinions. I point as many people as possible to the more “sensible” sites; here, Anna Raccoon, EuReferendum, ATW, Nourishing Obscurity (oh F***k – I could go on). Whether they dip their toes into the blogosphere ocean is debatable, quite a few people distrust independent bloggers for some reason. There is an oddity whereby people understand that MSM are peddlers of lies and omissions, yet they can’t entirely bring themselves to trust bloggers. Although these same people have come to the independent conclusion that AGW is non existent, that smoking (and similar) controls are infringements of our liberties, that politicians and their hangers-on are money grubbing intellectual midgets in thrall to the entrenched elite, yet still do not engage in any meaningful resistance. Why this should be so eludes me. The more I bang on, the more nods and grunts of agreement I get. We need to enter the MSM. We need to get on TV, we need to get articles in national and local press, we need to “normalise” dissenting opinion – not the OLSX, Greenham Common type of dissent – I refer to the Captain Ranty style of lawful rebellion, or the Witterings from Witney call for Referism. It is now that we need to start a “Big Conversation” in this country. We shall be free.

    Sorry, I do get a bit carried away sometimes.


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