The monster ASH created.

Once again, Pat Nurse has destroyed the insane assertions of the smokophobes on live radio. Frank has a transcript.

If I was asked on to such a show, I’d say ‘no’. Pat is different from me, as are many of the others, because they care. I don’t, not any more. I have long since given up trying to talk to the smokophobes and now prefer to terrify them with third hand smoke, pets walking through the invisible tobacco residue that coats every outdoor surface and to watch them turn breathless while I explain the effect my proximity will have on their lungs. Save them? Sod them. They believe that all outdoor dust is cigarette ash. I will not disabuse them of that notion, I will reinforce it.

Instead of continued attempts at changing this ridiculous world, I have chosen to adapt to survive in it. I’ve been outside society before. I was homeless for a time (nobody was to blame but me, I borrowed more than I earned and landed myself in the crap, and learned not to do that again) so I’ve been one of those invisible people you don’t see when you walk down the street. Denormalisation is not a new experience.

That does not mean it’s a pleasant experience. It’s not. Last time I was to blame but this time, there are hordes of people who are deliberately forcing me out of society. They don’t want me in public places or on public transport, they don’t want to treat me on the NHS I’ve paid so much into and so rarely used. So does that mean I can stop paying taxes and NI? No, I still have to pay to support all those services I am excluded from and I am expected to pay extra taxes on any UK-bought tobacco even though I am treated like a leper if I go to those shops.

This is very, very different from the times the Real People pretended that homeless-me didn’t exist. Those people did not put me in that situation and were not responsible for my state at that time. They might have ignored me but very few of them actively hated me, and the law did not support nor encourage that hate. Sometimes, lately, I have wondered whether all the effort I put in to clearing all my debts and climbing back aboard society was actually worth it. Especially since they’ve now thrown me out again.

But then I look at what they’ve thrown me out of and realise that if they hadn’t, I’d have left by now anyway.

We now have teachers claiming that there is no need to teach facts because children can look them up on smartphones. Don’t bother remembering things because your memory can be faulty. Facts are whatever the phone says they are today, and what it says they are tomorrow depends on on what the facts will be tomorrow. No need for Winston Smith cutting up newspapers and no risk of a copy being missed somewhere. A few keypresses and we have always been at war with Eurasia. If you think you remember a time when we weren’t, your memory must be faulty. Check the facts on your phone.

In Spain, a town mayor has passed 65 things that should just be good manners into law. Children will be in trouble with the authorities there if they don’t visit their grandparents often enough. Good manners are important but really – laws?

In America, Arizona has declared that being a bit naughty on the Internet is now punishable in law. How far will they take that, and how is it enforced? Does the offensive stuff have to originate in Arizona, be targeted at someone in Arizona, merely pass through a computer in Arizona or just be visible in Arizona? What constitutes ‘offensive’, which is a highly subjective thing? That US/UK extradition treaty could get a lot of use over this.

In France, Nick the Sarky Frog has declared he’s staying off the cheese and wine because he’s watching his weight. If he drank wine he’d be branded an alcoholic and if he ate too much cheese his spreading waistline would be front page news. I still think he’s mostly an idiot but in this instance, it seems he just can’t win. Neither can anybody else, Sarko, and you helped it happen.

People are now crying out for the Mk. 1 Borg eyepiece. A device that you can wear while outside and it will describe the weather you’d be able to see if you didn’t have that thing over your eye. Apparently it’s unfair that only the inventors have them so far. If everyone can’t have them, nobody should. When they are available and they start getting stolen, the drones will clamour for implants.

It’s a sad and infantile world out there, where anyone feeling insulted can run crying to Nanny and get the insulter punished, where people are actively discouraged from remembering anything so that they will accept the Fact of the Day, where policy is based entirely on made-up numbers which every drone accepts without question, and where toys must be shared or Nanny will put them on the high shelf where nobody can play with them.

Many of us tried, for years, to show the antismokers where their support of the New Inquisition would lead. It was a waste of time. The future has arrived and they still don’t see it. More and more restrictions and controls appear daily and still they don’t see it. I say, let them wallow in the crap world they have made for themselves. My only interest in ‘society’ now is in how much further I can push their credulity and how much more terrified they can become. I can’t fix it so I might as well enjoy it.

Once I was interested in trying to save this world. Now I just want to watch it burn.

I’ll use it to light a cigarette.


14 thoughts on “The monster ASH created.

  1. Pat – who is honing her radio skills at a rate of knots – is, I think, only trying to save smokers from being lynched in the street for breathing out toxic waste on children and lowering property prices, while attempting to get all the antis sacked and sent to purgatory/jail/coventry (delete as appropriate) for defamation, hate speech and incitement to kill. More power to her say I.

    Other than that, I am firmly in your camp. I too will watch the holies burn while smoking and smiling.


  2. Yay, LI.
    The other year, I asked a local fisherman in our greek village to teach me the local names of the winds. West wind – the worst here – is ‘pounendi’, the west-north-west is ‘tramondino’, and so on.
    When we had finished writing our circle of winds on a scrap of borrowed paper, and talking of other things, I took the paper home.
    It puzzled me, because he had filled the circle and written every possible wind down and given it a local name. Except the north wind. North, north-north-west, and north-north-east did not appear. At all, even though the circle was complete.
    Because we are protected by our local mountains from the northern winds. They just don’t figure, and so they don’t have a name here, and the circle is complete without them.
    In the same way, the smoking ban doesn’t affect us here. OK, they made a law somewhere. But it doesn’t blow in our direction, so we carry on smoking inside with ashtrays and drinking greek coffees as we always did. And we hear the news that a 77 year old committed suicide in front of the greek parliament as a final act of defiance, and thousands turned up to his funeral, and we saluted him this evening with tears in our eyes.
    There are still pockets of gentle and stubborn resistance in the world. Would that it were so in the UK.
    Thank you for all your writings.


    • No north wind? When I was in Egypt 20 years ago, there was an almost constant north wind. The Nile slows north, but the wind blows south: perfect for navigation.

      Haven’t seen you round my place much recently, Lys. Can’t log in?


      • Hi Frank.

        Yes, of course there’s a north wind – the meltemi – but the mountain behind the village protects us and our little bay. That’s why my fisherman friends don’t have a special name for the north wind, because it doesn’t affect them.

        Sorry I haven’t called in to your place recently – I can log in perfectly, but life got a bit hectic last month. Will drop in soon, promise.


  3. If I was asked on to such a show, I’d say ‘no’.

    Same here, but for a different reason. I wouldn’t appear on TV (not that anyone is ever likely to ask me) because smoking is banned on TV, and so I’m banned from TV too, because I’m a smoker.

    I’d probably have to explain it very slowly. “Look, ” I’d say, “You can’t have me on your show, because smoking (and therefore smokers) have been banned. So you can’t possibly allow me on your show.”

    “But,” they’d say, “You’ll only appear for about 2 minutes on air. Can’t you go without a cigarette for 2 minutes.”

    “Not if I’m arguing with Deborah Arnott. I’d probably want to strangle her. And I’d need a cigarette to calm down, and stop myself. If I wasn’t able to calm down, would you mind her being strangled on air? Or would you prefer that I smoke a cigarette?”

    “Well, obviously we wouldn’t want you to strangle Deborah Arnott on air. But we can’t allow you to smoke on air.either.”

    “Well,” I’d say, “If I can’t smoke, then I’ll just have to strangle her. With a necktie or something. Have you got any piano wire?”

    “Look, we can’t have you smoking on air. And we can’t have you strangling people either!”

    “Well, don’t invite me then. Smoker/stranglers like me obviously aren’t allowed on air. Like I told you.”


  4. On children reaching for smartphones: Yesterday, for reasons not unconnected with Easter eggs, I bought a new belt in a shop along with a few other bits and bobs. Total £12.50. The man behind the counter, English, late teens or early twenties, and surely recently emerged from our glorious education system took my twenty, then fumbled with the calculator on his phone to work out the change!

    God help me, I was too shocked to say anything, but in my head I’m turning into the sort of grumpy old man that wants to start waving a walking stick around.


  5. Who is going to be the first supermarket employee to win a bundle in the Health and Safety Lottery by suffering from RSI through opening the doors for 8 hours a day?


  6. Dear Mr Leg-iron

    What a perfect opportunity the government has handed to smokers. Time to teach spineless big business a lesson. Those not buying from W van Mann or continental trips can switch their buying en mass to corner shops.

    If you can’t see it, don’t buy it.




  7. re Arizona and its new law: I am firmly of the opinion that, while it can be easy to be offensive, offence cannot be given, it can only be taken, as it is purely subjective.

    To the best of my knowledge, this is the first time something so vacuous has been committed to “law”; other countries will be looking on with interest, ready to pounce on it for their own use, if it works.

    Actually, that is quite a frightening thought.



    • Oh they’ll hear me, becasue I’ll push their fears to the limit.

      I see what you mean, but personally I’m tired of banging my head on that wall. Instead I prefer to add more bricks to it. I see no purpose in trying to reason with the reasonless or give clues to the clueless. So the smokophobes don’t want to be around me? Fine. I don’t want to be around them either. I met one online recently who scoffed at the idea that the tobacco control methods he so delights in could be applied to other areas of life.

      In the past I would have pointed him not to blogs, but to newspaper articles and government reports that demonstrate it is already happening. Instead I thought ‘No, sod him, let him be taken by surprise and suffer for it.’

      I’m still intent on fighting the smokers’ corner but I am no longer interested in persuading the smokophobes of their errors. They are too dim and too gullible ever to grasp it.

      It’s more fun to terrify them. Push their credulity to – I almost used the word ‘limit’ but there isn’t one. One day I will succeed in scaring one to death and I will feel not one shred of conscience about it. Not a twinge. I mean, it’s not as if we’re even the same species. Their game, their rules. 😉


  8. Just ask the shopkeepers to open the doors as you only buy cigarettes after seeing the different advertising and nice colours on the packets. They can’t refuse because this is the reason that they put up the doors. When they open the doors just say ‘No thanks nothing takes my fancy today’ and walk away. Do this every time you’re in the shop to highlight their stupidity.
    And I’m not even a smoker 🙂


    • How about asking for brands that don’t exist? They’ll have to check the tiny writing on all the plain packs and squint at the miniscule labels on the price tags on every shelf before coming back and saying ‘We don’t have that’.

      Then ask for another imaginary brand.


  9. Pingback: Demon Baccy | The Digital Glebe

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