Tide turning?

The Daily Mail loves a good hate-fest. The War on Smokers has been one of their favourites for a long time and they routinely put up their antismoking propaganda in the middle of the night. Most smokers are asleep at this time, but the undead of the antismoking world are ready to drop in vicious comments about people they’ve never met who do something that has no effect on them whatsoever.

It was no big surprise to find that they had copied the Grauniad’s attack article, intended to frighten Dick Puddlecote, Frank Davis, F2C and all the other smoky bloggers into silence, and added it to the site at 3 am last night.

Lately, there has been a change in the tone of the comments on those antismoker articles. More and more nonsmokers were putting in comments like ‘I hate the smell of tobacco smoke, but surely this is going too far now?’ The rabid antis were getting deep into red-arrow territory too.

This latest article has been up for 24 hours and so far has no comments at all.

Odd, that. Especially since there has definitely been at least one. The Filthy Engineer left a comment last night. No sign of it, and no gibbering wannabe gas chamber operators to be seen.

I wondered if maybe the Mail had a lot of comments and didn’t like what they were saying. It could be, as Filthy suggested in comments at his own place, that the Mail comment moderators all bunked off for the long weekend, but there are comments on articles put up there today. So it’s not that there’s nobody dealing with comments.

Could it be, just maybe, perhaps, that the Mail has realised that we smokers are long past the stage where we have had enough? That we are not going to sit back and take it any more? Did they see, at last, that we have not attacked anyone but have been consistently and increasingly attacked, verbally and physically, with the full encouragement of all those who now claim we are threatening them? With Government approval, people have openly despised us and even attacked us for no other reason than we have a little bit of leaf wrapped in paper.

ASH trying to threaten us? They have done nothing else since they began. We are threatened every day, we are despised wherever we go, denied the comfort of the pub, restaurant or cafe, denied even the opportunity to set up smoker-only clubs. We are denied employment, the NHS openly hates us, every major political party openly hates us, and they think we are going to cower and whimper now?

We have been shat on from heights God has never visited. Every day. Every time we open a newspaper, there it is. Another hate article. ‘No Smoking’ signs have begun to be replaced with ‘No Smoker’ signs. We have no fear left. What are you going to do, put us in prison? It will soon be the only place in the country where we can smoke indoors.

Has some of that finally sunk through the booze-addled reporter minds at the Mail? have they noticed their tipples starting to attract the same attention as our smokes yet? CAMRA haven’t, so maybe not.

We can but hope. It’s more likely that the dopes of ASH realised that all they had achieved was a huge boost to the readership of the blogs they targeted, and even to those they didn’t target. There was a lot of ‘hit fallout’ here over the last 24 hours, at one point it was at 200 hits per hour and yesterday was one of my rare 1000+ days.

Realising their blunder (actually, based on their past record, someone would have had to explain it to them), did they then order the Mail to spike the story? I couldn’t find it on their site today and had to go hunting for the link at Filthy Engineer’s place.

Do ASH have control of the Daily Mail? Well, they control our feeble government and it’s been clear for some time that the government control the news so by extension, yes. I picture the Dreadful Arnott ‘doing a Gordon’ down the phone to Cowering Clegg and threatening to tell his wife about his sly puffs behind the bike shed if he didn’t behave as directed. Whoops – have I said too much?

The ASH drones trolling at Frank’s place are using the same playbook they’ve been using for years. No imagination at all. One came out with ‘the game has changed’.

Yes indeed, the game has changed. We smoky bloggers could barely get a comment in the newspapers, much less a story. That’s changed. Most of the smokers on the planet didn’t even know we existed. That’s changed too. Frank, DP and F2C are now famous and they have a long list of links to other blogs. A lot of people are about to find out that ASH have not been telling them the truth. They are about to find out what their own government has done to one-fifth of this country’s population.

It’s too late to spike the story. The can of worms is fully opened and these worms have teeth.

The game has certainly changed because of that Grauniad article.

It might even be that the tide has turned.

UPDATE: As several commenters have pointed out, the comments on that Mail article are appearing now. So maybe the moderators were just outside having a smoke.

The Mail has another one that might be relevant here.


22 thoughts on “Tide turning?

  1. Ditto. Left a comment – registered just for the purpose of leaving a comment, in fact – and the email to conform registration and publish the comment has strangely never arrived. Funny that.


    • It’s in the Righteous playbook – always play the victim – but they’ve left it far too late to play that game.

      It still amazes me that they stick to their script, years after we have proved it to be bollocks.


      • Yep. Bit late when the abuse directed at you guys has been going on long enough that Dick Puddlecote’s been collecting examples of it for nearly two years. And it’s not like it was a new thing when he started. Sticky wicket.


  2. Do ASH have control of (the Mail)?

    Yes…. in a simple indirect way they do LI.

    Government adverts are extremely profitable for Mass Media and those four page smoking cesation pull outs make a real difference to the bottom line of many small newspapers. And they farm out their compilation to a variety of “chosen” agencies (that Forest chap blogged about one such case (last week) I think).

    Some reporters are prepared to write articles closer to the real truth but only seem to be able to get these published on newspaper blogs. The better ones actually conduct research and, encouragingly, find much of their source material via smoker-happy places.

    Mulled this issue in March, though in a slightly different context:



    • Thanks for that little tribute re the McTear V Imperial Tobacco Analysis, SS. Much appreciated. I read your blog regularly, but did not notice it.

      While I was working on the analysis, I became more and more amazed at the ineptitude of Tobacco Control. Not only could they not prove that smoking caused McTear’s lung cancer, but they had so little in the way of evidence that they did not even try.

      ASH ET AL have studiously avoided ever mentioning the case, apart from a comment in immediate aftermath of the judgement, which played on sentimentality (“What a shame for Mrs McTear who has suffered horribly because of this case”).

      I’m rather surprised that more has not been made by freedom lovers of the result in this case. Perhaps, like me, most people had never heard of the case until recently. Maybe that was because the press had already been stitched into Tobacco Control plans long before the case was heard.

      Anyone who wouit like to read the Analysis can find it at:


      In about sixty pages, it summarises a six hundred page judgement.

      I trust that Leg Iron is OK with the self plug!


  3. I was brought up in a heavy smoker household. Two older sisters and both parents. I’m glad I never took it up. Even in the RAF and aviation, where its stress busting capabilities were often all that kept some people going.

    There are health issues and well proven. Despite quitting for over 15 years, my one sister succumbed to lung cancer just nine years ago. Despite this my 70 year old sister still smokes.

    None of this takes away my hatred of the dictatorial, freedom hating bullies in Government. Their only concern about “our” health is the cost involved in servicing a World available service and not upsetting voters by charging at the point of delivery for all with less than 5 years working contribution!

    Light one for me!


  4. Oldrightie

    No problem.


    “Many commonly and widely consumed vegetables of the nightshade family (Solanaceae) such as potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants and capsicums naturally contain low levels of nicotine.
    Nicotine has also been detected in cauliflower and tea – two non-solanaceous plants.”

    “The option was raised to prevent foods such as the nightshades, known to naturally contain low levels of nicotine, from being banned.”

    Click to access P278_Nicotine_FAR_Final.pdf

    You see, we really are all in it together, if the general public did but know.

    I believe that aubergines have the second highest nicotine content to tobacco, how about a nice moussaka for tea?


  5. It always pays to look again.

    I’ve found a new one!

    1993 Lordi News-Sentinel

    Nicotine in vegetables?


    Dr Dean Edell can be heard on KJAX, KFBK and so forth. He is supposedly a medical authority with input from network research staff, AMA and several prestigious medical journals.

    His broadcast Sunday described nicotine content of vegetables such as potato,tomato, cauliflower and eggplant. The eggplant has the highest content of nicotine which is 110 nanograms. To quote Dr. Edell, this is the amount of nicotine which can be absorbed from a smoker seated next to you over a period of continous smoking for three hours.

    Therefore, we should take precautions against these vegetables.
    Possibly an ordinance or legislation should be passed requiring outdoor preparation of these vegetables.
    Further, possibly they should be consumed outdoors.

    The human respiration continues while eating and their breath contains carbon dioxide and nicotine vapors.

    Consider writing to your local council member and/or legislators to protect us from the night shade family of vegetables.”

    I can’t tell if this is real or a joke.

    I wonder how long it will be before this catches up with us?


  6. They haven’t published mine. I guess that it is because I put “Junican (Bolton Smokers Club)” in the ‘name’ box. But it doesn’t matter – our feelings are well expressed by the comments published!


  7. I just noticed that the comments are appearing at last. I put mine on this morning but it isn’t there, but then I wouldn’t register. Good to see they are all against the draconian measures taken against smokers.


  8. One single, solitary comment from an anti. Perhaps they were waiting for some more to come in to achieve an illusion of balance. But all the astroturfers are on a bank holiday, so nothing doing.


  9. Pingback: Anonymong | Ban that sort of thing

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