The Jovial Witterers.

This is why I am never nasty to Jehovah’s Witnesses beyond the occasional light ribbing. They could have easily escaped the Nazi death camps but they stuck to what they believed in. I don’t believe what they do, but I respect their dedication.

So when they call, I am pleasant to them and will swap them science stuff for their literature. They won’t read my books, except maybe the cartoon one, but that’s okay. I know non-religious people who are prone to nightmares who won’t read my stuff, which isn’t surprising since nightmares are where many of the ideas came from. Some wake up scared. I wake up and make notes.

It’s not the Jews that modern smokers should equate themselves with when it comes to the modern witch hunt. It’s the Witnesses. We could just stop smoking and embrace the New Nazism, but we won’t. Many of us probably would have stopped by now, but we keep going out of sheer bloodymindedness to annoy the Dreadful Arnott and Simpleton Chapman. We’ll keep going even when they start rounding us up.

So don’t be nasty to the Witnesses. They might believe in something you think is partially or entirely wrong, but they are willing to die for it and they are not threatening to kill anyone who disagrees.

They don’t smoke, but if they did, they’d be just like us.


19 thoughts on “The Jovial Witterers.

  1. Heehee… Leg, if you haven’t seen it yet y’oughta check out “Blood Witness” on Amazon and Kindle from our fellow warrior: Dave Hitt!

    Just be sure to wear a fang-proof scarf next time the bible-thumpers knock on yer door!

    On a more serious note… I’d never realized the JW’s were persecuted by the Nazis. :/

    – MJM


    • The Jews seem to have a monopoly on the Holocaust these days but it included gays, the disabled, gypsies, JWs and others. Of those, only JWs had the chance to just renounce their faith and become Nazis. Most didn’t. I think their beliefs (at least, most of them) are wrong but I have to respect their refusal to bow to the demands of the nasties.

      Okay, they are a bit weird, but so am I. Just in a different way.


  2. It’s roughly 4 a.m. I have spent the last 6 hours or so reading up on history’s greatest tyrants and dictators. Because I’m beginning to believe that the Public Health nutjobs are actually worse than the Nazis. And the question I have is, what is worse than a Nazi? Was there another group in history that was worse? I’d like to know. And if there is, I want to call them that name.

    Or maybe we make a new name — but I don’t think the general public would get it, because the public doesn’t care.

    Anyway, my point is this. The Nazis were responsible for millions of deaths, not just eradicating the Jews, or JWs (pronounced J-dubs), or the Poles, or any group, but for all of the deaths on both sides in WWII. Millions. Right? Even though the Nazi ideal was incredibly misguided, the Nazis looked out for their own people, the Germans — the Aryan race … however they self-identified at the time. There were nationalists… hateful ones, murderous, but still they took care of their own first and foremost. I’m not saying the Nazis were good guys here, and I’m not supporting anything they did. I’m just saying they believed in an misguided idea to put Germany before all others.

    But the Public Health people are wantonly and cheerfully destroying their own people and countries (including businesses and traditions and institutions) in pursuit of their utopian existence. They have no national pride. They have nothing, nothing but the idea of living forever. And anyone, regardless of race, nationality, creed, or gender who gets in their way, any person or beast that doesn’t subscribe to their prohibition of pleasures, they will try to destroy.

    I’m beginning to believe that Nazis is too weak and too kind of a description for what Public Health is doing to everyone all of the world. Sure, the Nazis killed their own people, too. But those people were traitors and collaborators in their minds. There’s a difference.

    So what’s worse than a Nazi?


    • Inquisition.

      The Inquisition cared nothing for where their victims came from or what nationality they were. An accusation was all they needed, no proof required. You would be arrested and you had to prove your innocence but you were not informed who accused you nor what you were accused of. Acquittal was impossible because the Inquisition never arrested the innocent so you were held until you confessed to something. Anything. Nobody went unpunished, if you were lucky it was minor, if not you were burned.

      That is the Righteous mindset. The Common Purpose mindset. Nazis is indeed too small a word, but they don’t teach about the Inquisition in schools any more.

      It would be a bit of a give-away if they did.


      • Yes, the Inquisition had crossed my mind. It spanned over centuries. Cannot recall if I studied it in school — maybe just plotted it on a timeline.

        Trouble is, my mind is cartoon, music or film-based, so I immediately think of Mel Brooks’s movie The History of the World, Part I, and the song about the Inquisition.

        Hey, Torquemada, whaddaya say?
        — — I just got back from the auto-da-fé
        Auto-da-fé, what’s an auto-da-fé?
        — — It’s what you oughtn’t to do but you do anyway

        Grand Inquisitor, though. I like that.


  3. The JW’s sacrifice was unnecessary, thats the rub of it. While The Watchtower Inc (note that ‘inc’ btw-its a buisness not a church) was telling German JWs to refuse the Oath Of Allegiance and Military Service and suffer the consequences, it (The Inc) was telling their Swiss Brothers that they should bear arms and fight.

    Not many JWs know that fact and The Watchtower Inc only admitted it-kinda sorta- after being presented with the actual Proclaimation the Swiss Watchtower had issued. I used to work with groups helping former JW’s break free and I used to have a copy of the ‘Swiss Declaration’ to hand for when German JW’s tried telling me that they risked imprisonment for refusing to do German national service in the 80s (and many young men were imprisoned).

    It, the JW holocaust, was never about Religious Principle, it was about money….who would have guessed it….


    • At the top of any religion are people who are in it for the power and the money. The ‘true believer’ never reaches the top. Islam might be an exception, it has no formal leadership, but that means there’s nobody to shut up the radicals who might upset the leaders’ gravy train.

      The JW’s used to say ‘religion is a snare and a racket’. They were right – organised religion is, at the top, about money and control. Belief systems are prime targets for the corrupt and manipulative. They weren’t worried about being exposed by the Witnesses. They just took over that religion too.


  4. Environmentalists/Greenies

    Since American EPA’s Ruckelshaus arbitrarily and capriciously banned DDT, an estimated 16 billion cases of malaria have caused immense suffering and poverty in the developing world.

    Of these largely avoidable cases, 110 million people died.

    That exceeds one needless premature death every 12 seconds for more than three decades.

    According to the World Health Organization, 9 out of 10 of these, some 98 million victims of fluorescent-green excess, were likely pregnant women, or children under the age of five.


  5. Total death toll in WW2, military+civilian, was about 65 million.

    Total death toll in WW1, military+civilian, was about 16 million.

    That is about 81 million as compared to the Greenies caused malaria death toll of abouut 110 million.


    • The greens have as their stated intention, the reduction of the world human population by well over 99%. So they would regard those figures as a good thing.

      ‘Sick’ doesn’t even begin to describe them.


  6. LI.
    You missed out the torture in the Inquisition. Pain is good for you – it drives out the devil.

    We too are being tortured, for our own good. The Devil Tobacco must be driven out of us. The severity of the torture is, of course, not on the same scale, but being driven outside into the cold, wind and rain, is a form of physical torture. But more so is the constant bombardment of mental torture – the insults, the deliberate intention to inflame the masses against us, the splitting of families, the constant increase in tax, and so on.


    • They’ll get around to the Judas Cradle and the Pear in due course. Public floggings can only be around the corner – they’ve already taught children to attack smokers and steal their cigarettes.


  7. XX Many of us probably would have stopped by now, but we keep going out of sheer bloodymindedness to annoy the Dreadful Arnott and Simpleton Chapman. We’ll keep going even when they start rounding us up.XX

    Totaly agree. I had given up for three years, until I started reading yourself, Frank Davis, etc.

    Intersting is, 6 months after giving up, I was diagnosed with Diabetes (2). Had to inject (not insulin, but some other stuff). Strange that after starting smoking again, my blood sugar count is NORMAL! I No longer have to inject. From about TWO WEEKS(!) after starting smoking again!

    O.K. Cause does not equal effect, (or something like that,) but I have heard of a few others with similar experiences.


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