Calling Androids

Do you wanna play a game?

The Spine has one he wants tried out.

I don’t have a proper phone. Mine does phone calls and text and really crap photos and nothing else – and I don’t use all those things.

If anyone is interested in a free go at a new phone game, the Spine has one for you.

10 thoughts on “Calling Androids

  1. “I don’t have a proper phone. Mine does phone calls and text and really crap photos and nothing else – and I don’t use all those things”

    I’d say that makes it a “proper” phone. If you want to surf the net, take high res pictures and a thousand other things it’s NOT a bloody phone! As for Android, I saw a story at The Register yesterday about some new cheapo Android “phones” originating from China (where else?) with malware already loaded in the factory…


    • ” As for Android, I saw a story at The Register yesterday about some new cheapo Android “phones” originating from China (where else?) with malware already loaded in the factory…”

      That explains a lot about my AndLoid Phone…do Andloids dLeam of data seepage?


      • There was some concern about those American high-tech fighter planes using electronics made in Korea.

        It would be so easy for the makers to install a hard-wired progran that makes the plane self-destruct if it ever tried to fire at a target in Korea.

        Would they do that? Hell, I would!


    • I have decent cameras for taking photos. I don’t need the dusty pinhole in the back of the phone. Oh sure, I tried it out a few times but it is absolute crap.

      Modern phones aren’t considered ‘proper’ unless you can send some random wench a photo of your knob these days.


  2. Cell phones that take pics allow one to be a real bore.

    That said, mine takes pics that are decent quality.

    Tho, my choice of subject matter, is frequently flawed. 😦


  3. Tempting as it was, my professional opinion of Android is that, in my limited exposure to it, I find at best flaky and at worst nearly as bad as Microsoft. Microsoft is the only contract I ever walked away from in 25 years in the testing business!


    • Never tried Android or any of that Jobbie bloke’s stuff. Windows should have been boarded up a long time ago.

      I miss MS-DOS and GW-Basic. I could cope with that.

      Or even CP-M and Locoscript.


    • Mine does phone calls and texts and that’s as far as I go. It’s a cheap copy in the BlackBerry style – I chose that because it has an actual keyboard rather than letters scattered around the number pad. It also has a crappy camera that I rarely use, the ability to access the internet on a screen I can hardly read, and lots of other stuff I’ll never use. I think its biggest selling point for me (apart from the keyboard and low price) was that it has a standard mini-USB charging connector. Any old cable will do.


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