What’s smoke for the goose…

‘What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander’.  One of my grandmother’s sayings again. She had loads of them, although her favourite was ‘You filthy little sod, I’ll have you. Damn your eyes.’ Sometimes it was in Welsh although I’m not sure about the translation – she knew I couldn’t speak Welsh so I suspect she really let rip. I don’t think Welsh really has a phrase that sounds just like ‘ffucker fawr’.

The devoutly bandwagon-riding antitobacco Daily Misery has a shock-horror story today. ‘Man accused of doing his job‘. Well, that’s the gist of it.

Someone who points out that nicotine, aka niacin, aka vitamin B3, is good for you, is immediately outed as merely a scientist in the pay of Big Tobacco. He is accused of trying to promote his employer’s product. Shock! Horror! Outrage! How very dare he! A company employee trying to promote the stuff his employer sells, and thereby keep his job? Unheard of in this day and age.

Well, actually, it is a bit odd, now I think of it. Most employees these days seem to think that actually selling the stuff is a bit too much like the detested ‘work’ so finding one who is really doing it isn’t all that common any more. The modern employee expects to be well paid and promoted for spending the day chatting to similarly useless employees. Certainly true of Daily Mail reporters. They produce some of the most piss-poor reporting since the Beano’s current affairs page (hint: they didn’t have one, but if they did, it would have been more balanced and accurate than the Daily Mail even if Walter was in charge).

The scientist berated by the Daily Moron is right. Nicotine does fire up the brain. That’s why smokers tend to be the ones producing art and science and novels and all sorts of innovation and as Frank points out, there is a correlation between the smoker-hate and the current bland, stagnant world we now have.

The tobacco man is a molecular biologist. That stuff is like the quantum version of microbiology – it’s hard to get your head around most of it. I can see most of what I do with a microscope, even though it does need a very expensive one. Molecular biologists can’t see their stuff, they have to deduce from effects. You need a damn good brain to work in that field.

So who do the antismokers wheel out in competition?

Professor John Britton, chairman of the Royal College of Physicians tobacco advisory group and professor of epidemiology at the University of Nottingham, said one hit of nicotine can have positive effects on the brain.

An epidemiologist. In another hundred years we’ll treat them just like we treat homeopaths now. We should be doing that already but the drones aren’t smart enough yet. An epidemiologist from the ‘clever’ side against a molecular biologist from the ‘all smokers are stupid’ side. The irony could burn a hole in your shirt but the drones will never see it.

Thre is more irony to come. These Pharma-funded antismokers refuse to reveal their Pharma roots but as soon as anyone goes against their Holy Zealotry, oh, it must be a tobacco industry stooge. That’s all they can talk about. Only the Zealots’ lies are truth. The molecular biologist’s truths are lies.

Well here’s one for the Pharmers. Anyone thinking of trying the expensive patches to stop smoking? You can grow a tobacco plant in your garden and tape a leaf to your arm instead of paying all that money for the same thing. It’ll work just as well as the Pharmer crap and cost you nothing. You won’t even need a whole leaf. Just cut a bit to fit under a Band-Aid and the plant will last all year.

More from the antitobacco expert –

But he warned the drug is highly addictive, leaving smokers needing to get their hit to enable their brains to function normally.

So how come, in order to get nicotine classed as addictive, they had to change the definition of addiction and make it so loose that it now includes coffee, exercise, shopping, bananas and shoes? How come, at last night’s smoky-drinky, an unemployed long-term heavy smoker ran out of money and couldn’t buy tobacco for almost a week yet suffered no ill effects? No withdrawal. None. Vitamin B3 is not addictive.

The antismokers talk bollocks. We smokers have known it all along, The idiot drones have fallen for it all because it fits their bigotry. Some smokers have fallen for it too. Some vapers still believe it all even though the same machine is coming for them now, with the same lies. And still they wall themselves in on the ‘moral high ground’. Enjoy your incarceration.

Consider this, vapers. Who invented Electrofag? Smokers or antismokers? Clue: We didn’t do it so you could hate us. Do you know why it exists at all?

Sauce for the goose, antismokers. The smoker side declares its funding (I have none and neither do most bloggers) while the antismoker side hide theirs. You want to  ‘out’ our spokesmen?

Let’s see who yours are paid by. Who is paying the Mail for their bandwagon ride, I wonder?

10 thoughts on “What’s smoke for the goose…

  1. “Nicotine is as addictive as heroin; don’t start smoking.” In which case, why have a Stoptober? How is renaming a month going to help? If niccotine is like heroin, heroin is like nicotine. Logical, yes? Heroin addicts therefore – according to the Stoptoberist theory – experience two days of being slightly on edge when they quit. Since a heroin abuser has, in reality, a miserable catalogue of potentially fatal withdrawal symptoms, we can conclude that the assertion that nicotine is as addictive as heroin, or physically addictive in any measurable way, is false.


  2. Isn’t it well past time The Fail updated it’s stock shot library re the 2 packs of B&H pictured?

    When’s the last time you bought 20 B&H packs like that?

    If you sold the empty packs on e-bay you might a couple of quid for them!


  3. Chemical nomenclature is not for the unwary! Nicotinic acid is indeed part of the B-complex vitamin group. It is found in green vegetables, yeast, eggs, etc. and is an essential nutrient (actually more of a co-enzyme). Nicotine is a plant alkaloid and is generally considered a poison, in common with most plant alkaloids. The two are NOT even similar. Use systematic nomenclature and avoid confusion.
    I have quickly scouted up a link. Hope this canard doesn’t appear here again. It’s done the rounds once before since I have been a follower.


    • Oh wonderful!!You have an article on bread fortification from 1942!
      It’s true, they really did change the name in 1942.


      “pellagra-preventing vitamin in enriched bread,” 1942, coined from ni(cotinic) ac(id) + -in, chemical suffix; suggested by the American Medical Association as a more commercially viable name than nicotinic acid.
      “The new name was found to be necessary because some anti-tobacco groups warned against enriched bread because it would foster the cigarette habit.” [“Cooperative Consumer,” Feb. 28, 1942]

      But I had no evidence of this activity by anti-tobacco groups until you posted that link.

      Thank you.

      The Nation’s Food – 1941

      “A necessary vitamin is B—a group of at least half a dozen different chemicals. Most radio listeners, said Vice President Wallace last week, know B as the “oomph vitamin, that puts the sparkle in your eye, the spring in your step, the zip in your soul!” Vitamin B is found abundantly in whole wheat and coarse grains, is appreciably reduced in the milling process, when the rough coat is “scalped”‘ from wheat kernel.

      Most of the big flour mills and bakers have recently agreed to put vitamin B1; nicotinic acid and iron back into their flour and bread. But experts last week pointed out that such “enriched bread,” although a step forward, was not the ideal solution of the problem.”

      Sadly, now subscription only.


    • Nicotinic acid was first prepared from nicotine in 1867 by C. Huber
      But nobody knew what it did until it was found to be the Pellagra preventing vitamin, but the orignal chemical name had been established.

      Conrad Elvehjem

      “Conrad A. Elvehjem, (May 27, 1901–July 27, 1962), was internationally known as a biochemist in nutrition. In 1937 he identified a molecule found in fresh meat and yeast as a new vitamin, nicotinic acid, now called niacin.[1] His discovery led directly to the cure of human pellagra, once a major health problem in the United States.

      “Elvehjem began teaching in agricultural chemistry at the University of Wisconsin in 1923, and became a full professor in 1936. In 1944, he was elected chairman of the biochemistry department”
      http: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conrad_Elvehjem

      “Parmele informed Mr Riefner that work on nicotinic acid could be confirmed free of charge by Dr Elvehjem at the University of Wisconsin.
      Dr Elvehjam analyzed samples prepared by Parmele by the microbiological assay method of Snell and Wright. The mirobiological method was more specific than the chemical method employed by Parmele.
      Lower levels of nicotinic acid were found, but Parmele’s essential findings were confirmed”


    • Nicotinic Acid Content of Old Gold Smoke – 1941

      The Absorption of Niacin in the Smoking of Cigarettes 1944


      It’s only a tiny amount, theres lot’s more in a cup of coffee.


      • Anyway, it’s hardly a surprise when nicotine is apparently made from nicotinic acid and putrescine in the plants roots. It’s not like it appears out of nowhere.

        And it’s not even unique to tobacco.

        But the bread may well have been fortified with nicotinic acid for a while.

        Nicotinic Acid Utilization of Tobacco Waste – 22nd July 1960

        “Nicotinic acid was first made by the oxidation of nicotine and Whiffens operate a commercial process in this country starting with tobacco.
        Later they were supplied with nicotine by the British Nicotine Company and continued the oxidation.
        Finally – before the Second World War – they found they were unable to compete with manufacturers starting from quinoline and picoline although it could be made directly from tobacco waste, from pyridine, some other coal tar bases, nicotine, anabasine, nor-nicotine or mixed tobacco alkaloids.
        The U.S. Department of Agriculture sponsored work aimed to make nicotine compete, as early as 1942, but although a new catalytic oxidation process was developed quinoline was still the cheapest source of nicotinic acid.

        Comparative costs were published in 1951 by Coal Tar Products of Philadelphia”

        Click to access 00000711.pdf


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