The Silent Editor

First of all, Mark Ellott’s new book, Reiver, is up on Amazon and Smashwords. I have a couple more to deal with but the backlog is gradually declining and the 14th Anthology will be open for short stories on March 1st regardless.

That’s the advertisement done (if it’s good enough for You Tube, it’s good enough for me) so on with the post…

A long time ago, I wrote a story called ‘The Gene Genie’, about a research student who worked out how to turn on archaic genes in the human genome, and gave herself gills and a tail. It’s in ‘Fears of the Old and the New‘ and I thought I had posted it on the blog, but it seems not.

Anyway. The information I had on the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine for Covid suggested that it was an adenovirus manipulated to express coronavirus spike protein. I was corrected on this recently and it seems it’s actually worse than I thought. It’s not using standard vaccine methods at all. The Johnson and Johnson and the Novavax ones use dead coronaviruses or the spike protein alone. You can’t catch anything from them, they just show your immune system the dead virus proteins so it can get ready for a real infection.

There is still the issue of antibody-dependent enhancement which has plagued attempts at coronavirus vaccines for fifty years. Basically, the vaccine makes subsequent infection far worse. I have no idea whether this has been solved, nor if it ever can be.

Today I received more information by eMail and obviously I’m not going to say who sent it. So there is more information available now.

Pfizer and Moderna vaccines use mRNA in little blobs of fat. They’ll get into your cells because your cell membranes are made of fat and the little blobs will merge with them. The mRNA will cause your body cells to produce the spike protein, your immune system will recognise it as ‘wrong’ and kill the cells expressing it. This has never been tried in humans before and it does risk setting up an autoimmune disease, but it will not change your DNA. It will also not infect you with Covid, there are no intact viral particles in there.

A couple of points – mRNA is ‘messenger RNA’. In normal cells, DNA is never used directly to make proteins. DNA is the master copy of the plan. mRNA is a photocopy of DNA that’s used to make proteins. It wears out so you don’t keep making the same proteins over and over. If you need more of that protein, another photocopy is made of the original plan and sent to the ribosomes (the things that read mRNA and build proteins). This process does not go in reverse. mRNA is not turned into DNA. An extra mRNA can cause problems but it is not getting inserted into DNA. That doesn’t happen.

The mRNA also should not be able to replicate itself unless if contains the genes to do it – I don’t know which genes are included in these vaccine mRNAs so can’t comment on that.

The second point concerns an enzyme called ‘reverse transcriptase’ which does indeed make a DNA copy of RNA. It is only found in retroviruses. These viruses contain RNA and the reverse transcriptase enzyme. They get into your cells and make a DNA copy of their RNA, which your cell’s ‘photocopier’ then uses to make many mRNA copies which are sent out to make many copies of the virus. It’s much more efficient than just having the one bit of mRNA in the cell. HIV is one such virus. And yes, HIV does insert itself into your own DNA where it can lie dormant for many years.

The Oxford vaccine has used reverse transcriptase to make a DNA copy of the viral RNA. It does not have reverse transcriptase in the vaccine, no need, the adenovirus is already carrying DNA. They will have done this because DNA is much more stable than RNA so it doesn’t have to be deep frozen. I had the impression they had engineered an adenovirus to express coronavirus spike protein itself, but this seems to be not the case. Instead it does the same thing as the mRNA versions, except it inserts DNA rather than RNA.

Well, while the mRNA will gradually break down so the dose you get is all you get, the DNA version will produce multiple copies of mRNA within the cell. What matters here is what happens to that DNA. Does it eventually fall apart or not?

If not, you’ll have cells producing spike proteins continuously until the T cells take them out.

Will it get inserted into host DNA? That’s a long shot but it’s much more possible than with the mRNA versions. Absolute worst case scenario – it inserts into the genome and goes dormant. So it replicates when the cell replicates, like HIV. Some years down the line, something, perhaps an infection, triggers it and now you have quite a mass of cells producing spike protein. You’re going to get very sick indeed.

I must stress that this is an absolute worst case scenario and there is absolutely no evidence that it will happen. However, it is a long term issue and since all these vaccines are new, experimental and released under emergency licences, there is no evidence for or against long term effects for any of them. The NHS is putting out adverts saying that the vaccines have undergone stringent safety tests. This is not true. None of them have completed the full range of tests, they are all under emergency licence. Long term effects? Nobody has a clue. This is the experiment.

My biggest concern remains the antibody-dependent enhancement that every single previous coronavirus vaccine has caused. This makes subsequent infection with the virus very much worse. I don’t see anything that gives me any confidence that this issue has even been addressed, much less solved, by any of the vaccine producers.

So I’m not going to take it. Whether you do is up to you.

47 thoughts on “The Silent Editor

  1. This is worrying. After I read your first article I refused the Pfizer shot and later accepted the Astra Zeneca one, it seemed to be a normal vaccine so I wasn’t unduly worried, now I am concerned about having the second shot. What is your opinion on that ?

    Liked by 1 person

    • From what I’ve seen, most adverse reactions seem to come from the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. So maybe the AZ/Oxford one isn’t doing that ‘worst case’ scenario.
      There could be a flaw in the entire thing – it’s possible that where it’s injected (in the arm) there are no suitable cells for an adenovirus to infect, so maybe it doesn’t do much of anything 😉
      I have also heard (anecdotally) that by the time people get the second shot, they’ve become immune to the adenovirus used as a carrier and it gets wiped out as soon as it arrives.

      The important thing is, don’t let them give you a second shot with a different vaccine, as the UK government has suggested. There is absolutely no information on what happens if the vaccines are mixed.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I did it Nature’s way. I caught the virus.
    I was very ill for a week, (shivering, aching), and now I’m just dreadfully weak, but recovering.

    The day I got the positive result, they phoned me to book a vaccine, but then said I should wait.

    It seems to me that I can’t get better protection, than having beaten the real virus unaided?

    Liked by 6 people

  3. I relented and had the Pfzir vaccine Thursday, my wife is a Nurse, it was a choice between getting my ears chewed off, or the jab.

    I am though, beginning to wonder if I just might be patient zero?.

    December 21st 2019, started to feel a tad unwell, by the 24th, I thought I had full blown man-flu, shivers, then having to change sheets due to them being dripping wet from sweat, freezing cold the next minute, vomiting bile up, the works, I could barely walk down the stairs, in all honesty, it was the worst 9 days I could remember, of course one day before due to return to work, I felt better. 🤨

    Had the jab Thursday, sore arm throbbing, kept me awake most of the night, found it difficult to sleep last night due to a wicked headache, my missus had the same reaction when she had her jab.

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      • Woke up this morning feeling better, headaches gone, aches and pains gone, sore arm better, felt terrible most of they yesterday trying to stop myself vomiting. Three days after my Pfzir jab.

        Or maybe I am just a snowflake 😏

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    • I also caught a nasty respiratory type illness at exactly the same time., the 15th Dec 19 to be precise. It went straight to my chest and I was coughing and hacking something rotten. It got progressively worse for about 5 or 6 days, and I was quite worried, as I’d had a bout of pneumonia 18 months earlier that had knocked me for 6 for over a month, and required antibiotics to shift. I actually went to a private GP and got some antibiotics in case this went the same way. But on day 7 it suddenly improved drastically and by Christmas day I was fine. Which mirrors the CV timescale – if you don’t pick up after a week, thats when it gets serious.

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    • My wife and I were in Edinburgh for a week in October 2019, the hotel also had Chinese tourists turning over every 2 days. Ten days after we got home we both came down with a “flu-like” virus or that’s what the surgery told us. My wife was much worse than me, usually the other way round with respiratory illnesses but my blood group is O – and that group suffers less from C19. Lasted about 4 weeks with some recurrence around Christmas


      • My brother and his wife were hit very hard with a ‘flu’ in December 2019. Could well have been Covid, his work involves a lot of international travel. He does something in security, I don’t even know what it is. And, don’t much care. He once said that if airport security demand he opens his laptop, he has a number they need to phone first. He’s the Mycroft of the family 😉

        My blood group is O too. And I smoke, and I take vitamin D and zinc and drink a lot of orange juice (in the daytime, it’s whisky at night). So I’m low risk, espcieally low since I have little contact with people anyway 😉


  4. I had the Pfizer, my hubby had the Oxford. No one I know with either had any “symptoms”.

    The mRNA gene therapy HAS been used on humans. So saying it hasn’t is not correct. Its already ten? years old, just not been used as a ‘vaccine’ which, of course, it is not. THAT’S the experiment is how I understand it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I only know of two people who have been vaccinated. Both had the Pfizer and both seem fine so far.

      mRNA and other forms of gene therapy, is, as you say, not a vaccine and not intended to be one. There is currently a development that might slow or reverse ageing using this therapy although it does carry a cancer risk. If that can be sorted out then a lot of people will live longer, although I doubt it’ll be ready in time for me 😉

      It’s a lot older than ten years. I recall attempts to treat cysctic fibrosis with it from decades ago. That went quiet so I’m guessing it didn’t work out, but the principle is pretty old.

      However, getting your cells to express a protein that will get them killed by your immune system is entirely new. Maybe it’ll work, but it’s an experiment I don’t want to be part of.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Many people wouldn’t use the telephone in case it affected their hearing, go in a car in case they ran out of breathe in speeding air, or fly in a plane because it was unnatural, even though science said it was safe. The vaccines have been approved for use here, I’m taking the chance. Its only my inner feeling that mRNA is the future for many conditions. I am happy to be part of the leap forwards! But then I’m old. My body is left to a University so they can see what’s what when I die.

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    • But… if the virus can get incorporated into DNA anyway, does it matter if the vaccine does too? It’s getting in there whether you get the vaccine or the virus, with the difference being that the vaccine doesn’t contain the whole virus.

      You would have to be simultaneously infected with a retrovirus to have the reverse transcriptase available. Anyone HIV positive would, but they have bigger things to worry about than Covid. It’s not impossible to have a simultaneous infection with another, less harmful retrovirus but really, I wouldn’t worry about it. There are many viruses integrated into our DNA already. They have become perfect parasites, they reproduce when we do and they do absolutely nothing at all. DNA couch potatoes.

      As long as the vaccines contain only coronavirus spike protein genes then even if they get a free ride in the massive ‘junk’ part of our DNA, no problem.

      If they are sneaking in other genes, that could change things.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. One thing I am not clear about is, is ADE a possible risk with any coronavirus vaccine, or just the ones using mRNA? (It seems it has something to do with non-neutralising antibodies, but i don’t really understand the mechanism.)

    Liked by 1 person

    • ADE has been a big risk with every attempt at a coronavirus vaccine for the last 50 years. Basically, the immune system gets overexcited when it meets the real virus and sets up something called a ‘cytokine storm’. A sort of feedback loop that gets a more and more violent response to even a minor infection.

      Most of those were caused by ‘traditional’ vaccines using dead or attenuated virus. All I can say about the mRNA ones is – we just don’t know yet. That hasn’t been tested for this brand new type of vaccine. This rollout of vacines is the experiment.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Dear younger daughter, who’s 38, was “persuaded” – not by me! – and had AZ1 last Sunday and has been ill ever since. We’re struggling to decide the reason: 1) she suffers from fibromyalgia 2) could it be reaction to the vaccine, possibly with reference to 1)or 3) could it be because the halfwit who injected her did it about three inches further up her arm than anyone else’s, This latter, DYD said, felt as thoiugh she’d hit the bone at the top of her humerus.

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  7. I’m in a real quandary about the vaccine. I fall into a vulnerable group and wouldn’t fancy my chances if I got a hefty dose of Covid. I’ve had a call from my GP inviting me for vaccination next week but I turned it down when I found out it was the Pfizer one. Now ,I’m equally as hesitant about the AZ one. The problem is that it’s well nigh impossible to assess the risks of either the virus or the vaccine. I’ll go, I think, with my gut instinct – I’ve ignored it in the past to my detriment..

    Liked by 2 people

    • I’m not in any vulnerable groups so it’s easy for me to refuse it. I wouldn’t ever attempt to pressure anyone else to follow my way though, everyone is different.

      Assessing risks in this case is difficult. There’s not much information on either the virus or the vaccines. I’d say go with your gut, but the decision can only be yours.

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    • Can you get hold of some ivermectin? As well as taking C, D vitamins, quercetin and zinc as prophylaxis? I’m in a vulnerable group, too, though I tend to have fairly horrific reactions to even normal vaccines. And might have had a very light case of covid back in August. Screwed up as my immune system is, I don’t get colds or flu. Spent four days coughing and feverish, generally wrung out, then it was gone. So I don’t know. But I don’t fancy my chances with a potential ADE inducing vaccine. That’s me, though.

      Liked by 1 person

      • It may be easier for you to get hold of some Budesonide inhaler.
        “QUT associate professor Dan Nicolau, one of the lead researchers on the trial at the University of Oxford, said the results showed the method was extremely effective at preventing severe COVID-19 symptoms.

        “When we first began the trial back in March [2020], we were hoping for 50 per cent reduction [in risk of developing serious symptoms], which itself would have been very high,” he said.

        “We got 90 per cent, which even with only a few hundred people is off the charts.”

        Medical Trial: Cheap Asthma Inhalers 90% Reduction in Severe Covid Symptoms

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        • Thank you and to Rhys for your suggestions. I’m concerned, like Rhys, that exposure to the virus after the vaccine would make the symptoms worse (if I’ve understood him correctly). I see that the Budesonide inhaler is a steroid one (I have two inhalers but neither I think contains sterioid). Interestingly, in January 2020 I felt ill enough to go to my GP (which I avoid as much as possible) and insist that I be seen that day. I was given steroids and was fine in a matter of days. I believe I read somewhere that covid patients respond well to steroids which fits with the Oxford research. I have wondered whether I had a mild dose of covid in January 2020. It may be worthwhile to have a conversation with a GP to ask if a supply of suitable medication would be an alternative to the vaccine although the only doctor I’ve heard of in the UK who is anti the covid vaccines is Vernon Coleman!.

          Liked by 1 person

  8. I can see if there is flush of ADE cases later in year with the next round of seasonal respiratory disease that it will be blamed on a new mutant strain. Then, isn’t this what was causing the panic last year when this all kicked off with the reports from Italy. It seems BG had some vacine program going on in italy, Coinincidence?

    Liked by 1 person

    • A common problem with these vaccine companies is that they love to use the term ‘nanotechnology’ because they think it makes them sound clever. It makes the non-scientists think of science fiction, like the Borg. There are no nanobots. Not yet anyway. The nanotechnology they are talking about is the production of tiny spheres of fat that can have bits inserted into them to make them look like viruses. It doesn’t sound quite so amazing put like that, although if you’re a scientist it’s actually quite impressive. But it’s still not nanobots, it won’t change your DNA or control your brain. That’s at least ten years away 😉
      I’m not sure what to make of the Billy Gates Gruff. He seems to think he’s doing good things but he’s doing a lot of damage on the way. Basically I see him as an idiot with money who doesn’t see an issue with killing most of the human race to save the bit left behind. As for governments, well, it’s been clear for a long time that enough money can buy any government and Gates has more than he could ever spend.

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  9. I’m confused. When I was a sprout, a vaccine was something one received to avoid a dangerous infection. Polio, MMR, Smallpox. A prophylactic measure. Then HIV came along, and ‘vaccine’ came to mean a treatment measure. Surely those are different and usually antagonistic therapeutic courses? The current definition of ‘vaccine’ seems not to confer immunity, nor to stop spreading of existing infections, nor indeed to serve as a treatment for the disease itself.

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  10. Thank you for the update. I work in a hospital, not frontline and not anti vax. Just cautious around these particular vaccines. Come next winter, given the level of nosocomial infection in the hospital (they should be ashamed) I’m hoping if I make the decision to be vaccinated there will be other options.

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    • I think India has also developed its own vaccine along similar lines. Seems like they both used tried and tested methods. I’m still concerned about ADE with any coronavirus vaccine, due to the history of this particular form of virus, but at least these aren’t entirely experimental.

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