7 thoughts on “One a day

  1. The term Salami tactics (Hungarian: szalámitaktika) was coined in the late 1940s by the orthodox communist leader Mátyás Rákosi to describe the actions of the Hungarian Communist Party.

    The term is also known as a “piecemeal strategy”, as used by the Nazi Party (which preferred the term Gleichschaltung) to achieve absolute power in Germany in the early months of 1933.


    They’ve been at it for years, and Tobacco Control and their imitators have developed it into a fine art.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m amused by the news on Radio 4, that grip strength is a better indicator of heart trouble than is blood pressure.
    I can never find the right spanner, so I use pliers a lot. The resultant grip strength means that this filthy smoker is gonna live longer than the health-freak office worker who jogs and works out!


      • Leggy not bad,I use a throwing hatchet and accurately at 30 feet into a tree.

        Nice to use it on a human nazi skull.


        • Measuring skulls, hereditarianism, and what data is for

          on May 4, 2015
          by Joshua Banta, Jonathan Kaplan and Massimo Pigliucci

          Why would the popular media be interested in a story about a historical argument surrounding measurement techniques and statistical summaries of human skull volumes? A technical scientific paper published by Lewis et al. in the journal PLoS Biology a few years ago [1] was just that, and yet it was picked up by major news organizations, including the New York Times [2], Wired [3], and Nature [4], as well as countless science blogs (as a Google search of “Lewis et al. 2011 skulls” quickly confirms). Clearly, something else was going on that piqued reporters’ and bloggers’ interest.

          Partially, perhaps, the impact of Lewis et al.’s paper can be attributed to the target of its attack: evolutionary biologist Stephen J. Gould. Gould spent much of his career at Harvard University, where he published technical scientific papers in paleontology, zoology, and evolutionary biology, as well as over 20 books for lay audiences about science. Gould was, and remains, a divisive figure. His strong opposition to “genetic determinism” led to some very public fights with other science popularizers, such as Richard Dawkins and E.O. Wilson, whose work he viewed as encouraging naïve views of the relationship between genes and development. Gould’s longstanding commitment to anti-racism came together with his concern about simple-minded genetic explanations offered by “hereditarianism,” the ultra-genetic determinist view that human behaviors are caused by specific genes that are fixed in their effects and impervious to changes in living and rearing conditions, and that genes that matter to important traits like intelligence vary among the “races.”

          In one of his popular books, The Mismeasure of Man, Gould set his sights on Samuel G. Morton, a 19th century American physician who catalogued and reported the cranial volumes of human skulls he collected while working at the University of Pennsylvania; importantly, these skull measurements were organized in Morton’s writings by race [5]. Gould argued that Morton believed the races could be ranked by intellectual ability, and that Morton thought that his measurements proved it. (In fact, it isn’t clear what, if anything, Morton meant his skull measurements to prove — more on this later.) Gould also argued that Morton’s racial biases had led him, unconsciously, to mis-analyze the skulls in his collection in ways that systematically advantaged “whites” and systematically disadvantaged “blacks” (and, indeed, all the other races). Properly analyzed, Gould continued, the skulls in Morton’s collection revealed no differences in sizes worth mentioning, demolishing both Morton’s claims to objectivity and the latter contention that skull sizes varied significantly with “race,” and hence undermining Morton’s goal of linking intellectual ability and race.

          we thought eugenics was dead…………….


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