Against stupidity…

…the gods themselves contend in vain.

No idea where that quote came from originally. It was in a SF book called ‘The Gods Themselves’ by Isaac Asimov. I read it a very long time ago. Three parts, I found the middle part most fascinating – but I digress. Already.

There is so much stupidity in the world now. I see people who have had two jabs that were supposed to protect them from Covid, then catching Covid, then worrying about how long it will take to get their third jab to stop them catching something they already caught after the first two jabs didn’t stop them catching it.

Our governments are trying to convince the unvaccinated that the vaccines work so they’ll get it, while simultaneously trying to convince the vaccinated that they haven’t worked so they have to get a booster.

The definition of ‘herd immunity’ (no, it’s not a farmyard term) changed so that it can only be acheived through vaccines rather than the ‘old way’ of people recovering and becoming immune. The definition of ‘vaccine’ changed from something that stops you catching or spreading a disease to a thing that just makes your disease less bad. And now the definitions have to change again because ‘herd immunity’ is not possible with a ‘vaccine’ that does not confer immunity.

So much more. So very much more. We’ve seen Fester Rancid declare that the unjabbed over 65s should die at home and not bother the NHS. ‘Unjabbed’ now includes those who have had two shots and now refuse a third shot that works just as well as the first two – not at all. Soon ‘unjabbed’ will include those who haven’t had a fourth.

There are the same proportion of people jabbed in hospitals as the proportion jabbed in the population. Anyone with any sense at all would conclude the jab isn’t making any difference. Nobody is making that conclusion. Instead, the ‘vaccine passport’ is coming to life. The vaccine does not stop you catching or spreading the disease and yet it is somehow magic if you show your papers. If you are infected but have the jabpass, you can go places. If you are uninfected and don’t have those papers, you are a pariah.

Well, we smokers are already pariahs so pfft. I’d say ‘bring it’ but they already did.

The Welsh mobsters in charge have admitted there is no scientific basis to extend the reach of their vaxpass but they are doing it anyway. Boris is ramping up the fear for a Christmas lockdown now his COP jollies are finished, and people will not see it. They will go along with the lockdown and like last year, he will ignore it.

It’s all very confusing and it’s designed to be. Confused people look for a way out, any way out, and that way out is likely to appear soon. It will look like a way out but it’s really a way in, with no way out.

I think most people will actually welcome it.

32 thoughts on “Against stupidity…

  1. Older chap my wife knows, they have had several heated discussions about this vaccine lark, he’s very pro getting jabbed, and is, my wife’s like i not having a bar of it.
    Last week he had an asthma attack, never had them this bad before taking the shots, but this one saw him collapse completely and he thought his time was up.
    He was telling my wife about the episode and then said he was desperate to get the booster because he truly believes it will save him, my wife’s incredulity pointing out he wasn’t ill before the jabs didn’t compute.

    His answer is that these vaccines, which aren’t, are ”saving the world”.
    How the hell do you even start to undo such complete brainwashing, they are in a cult like trance, they are lost.

    Increasingly i’m finding my own countrymen are lost, so many have swallowed the narrative hook line and sinker, its those of foreign extraction of all colours and nationalities i speak to that are not complying, the propaganda failing miserably on them, maybe its because they know the true value of freedom.

    Liked by 2 people

    • “How the hell do you even start to undo such complete brainwashing, they are in a cult like trance, they are lost”

      The same brainwashing which results in a good 80% STILL shuffling around my local Sainsburys with their muzzles on, and the odd nutter wearing one ALONE IN THEIR CARS! Not helped by repeated PA announcements (roughly every 3 minutes) reminding us that they are now optional, but “For the safety of our collegues & customers we hope that you will continue to wear one”.

      The sooner they are taken over by Aldi or Lidl, the better…

      Liked by 2 people

      • I strongly suspect you are talking about ASDA?

        Those PA announcements in our local ASDA, are as you say, what seems like every five minutes, I would guesstimate for those still wearing masks/plastic shields at approximately 10%, mostly older people, well older than me anyway, and I am 63.

        In a Waitrose not so long ago, I actually stood behind an older gentleman at the checkout (2 meters away of course) wearing a full-on SAS style gas mask!

        I can now see why SAGE are primarily made up of Behavioural Psychologists, they have done a right number on a large section of society.

        Liked by 3 people

        • No, Harri – I was referring to Sainsbury’s. I can’t remember the last time I shopped in Asda, and if they are running the same “Hectoring” PA calls you have to wonder if there is “Behind The Scenes” coercion from the Government?
          It would fit right in with Ofcom’s legal threats to the entire Media establishment…

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Friedrich Schiller, apparently:

    I got the two jabs, I don’t think I’ll be getting a third. What kind of vaccine works for me only if you have it as well? If I’m vaccinated, why would I mind if an unvaccinated person comes close to me unless the vaccine doesn’t protect me?

    And as for vaccinating kids, that’s just criminal.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Leggy

    I’ve waiting and watching for this for 2 years and it arrived just too late to post on Franks blog so please can I give it to you.

    Inhaled high dose nitric oxide is a safe and effective respiratory treatment in spontaneous breathing hospitalized patients with COVID-19 pneumonia
    2021 Nov 1


    “Inhaled nitric oxide (NO) is a selective pulmonary vasodilator. In-vitro studies report that NO donors can inhibit replication of SARS-CoV-2. This multicenter study evaluated the feasibility and effects of high-dose inhaled NO in non-intubated spontaneously breathing patients with Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19).”


    “This is an interventional study to determine whether NO at 160 parts-per-million (ppm) inhaled for 30 min twice daily might be beneficial and safe in non-intubated COVID-19 patients”.


    “In spontaneous breathing patients with COVID-19, the administration of inhaled NO at 160 ppm for 30 min twice daily promptly improved the respiratory rate of tachypneic patients and systemic oxygenation of hypoxemic patients. No adverse events were observed. None of the subjects was readmitted or had long-term COVID-19 sequelae.”

    Massachusetts General Hospital.

    Can Inhaling Nitric Oxide Treat — Or Prevent — COVID-19? MGH Wants To Find Out

    “The final study, which is just getting started, will examine whether giving nitric oxide to health care workers who aren’t sick, might actually prevent them from getting COVID-19.

    Liked by 1 person

    • To explain further

      Nitric oxide dosed in short bursts at high concentrations may protect against Covid 19
      1 October 2020,


      “It is not generally known that mainstream smoke from cigarettes contains NO at peak concentrations of between about 250 ppm and 1350 ppm in each puff [18,19]. The wide variation depends primarily upon the brand. The very high NO concentration in cigarette smoke as compared to medicinal use of no more than 80 to a maximum of 160 ppm, is presumably tolerated only because it is present for a single puff and then followed by numerous breaths of fresh air before the next puff.”

      “However, what the meta-analysis actually shows is that if the smoker contracts Covid-19, the patient will get worse than a non-smoker, not that relatively more smokers contract the disease. The reluctance may be due to a general opposition to smoking and fear of using tobacco to prevent the ongoing pandemic [16,17]”

      “Moreover, the diffusion of NO through the cell wall to reach the virus should be significantly more effective with bursts at the very high NO concentration in the smoke, according to classic laws of physics. The only oxide of nitrogen in the mainstream smoke is NO, and the NO2 concentration that is inhaled is very low or undetectable [20], therefore it’s well-known airway irritating effect is absent or minor.”

      As nitric oxide is a very short lived gas and apparently lasts from 2-3 seconds, there is no protective effect if a smoker catches it in a smoke banned hospital.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Unsure if they still teach the cooking concept of “once you add an ingredient to your dish, you can’t take it out” concept these days, but it sounds like maybe they don’t.

    I don’t know if this will show up for anyone, but I’m gonna attempt to link it here anyway.
    “A person cannot remove a vaccine from their body once they have been injected, doctors and fact checkers report” …is the headline that just appeared on Twitter for me.

    It would appear that at least some of those in the COVID has taken a “Kids Eating Tide Pods” type troll bait from some new TikTok video regarding taking a bath in Borax to remove a vaccine from your body.

    This is a blurb from the twitter link…
    “‘Once you’re injected, the lifesaving vaccination process has already begun. You can’t unring a bell. It’s just not physically possible,’ said Angela Rasmussen, a virologist and adjunct professor at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada.” – NBC News

    I particularly like the “lifesaving vaccination process” bit. Has very proprietary “we own you now and there’s no escape” type vibe to it. Phrased in a very “we’re only trying to help you” type way of course. That “lifesaving” bit is totally unnecessary and sounds completely irresponsible to me tho, and it also does not sound like anything I’d ever hear a practicing doctor say. Entirely too weighted, too unrealistic, zero skepticism, which means there’s no realism at all. Very non-doctor/non-physician sounding. Ironically is sounds exactly like something a quack or fly by night snake oil salesperson might say.

    Then this dude comes along and tries to imply some “once an anti-vaxxer, always an anti-vaxxer” type premise…

    I read that as Buyer’s Remorse will no longer be accommodated nor tolerated, Lemon Laws are not applicable, and one has no recourse against this vaccine nor its manufacturers. It’s all in, or nothing.

    Byer’s Remorse –
    Lemon Law –

    Bad enough that he’s making these assertions based on what is likely a TikTok troll, it’s even worse that he’s suggesting that consumer advocacy is null and void in the Covid vaccine context? Suggesting that the situation is hopeless, why fight it? I’m struggling a bit with this I guess because I find it difficult to grasp why “a senior reporter at NBC News” would be writing such polarizing bullshit in such a sardonic and smug way on a topic that is supposedly so absolutely serious and has zero patience/tolerance for such things.

    To be fair, pretty sure no one is actually paying to be vaccinated/the shots are free. Not really sure how consumer laws come into effect when one is “purchasing” a product that is free. Or at least, there’s no up-front fee / no immediate out of pocket for the shots themselves. I guess we’ll have to wait and see what kinds of ancillary fees, hidden costs and taxes wind up funding this “free” stuff in order to determine exactly how “free” these vaccinations really were. (which is likely to be, “not very free at all)

    Liked by 1 person

    • I had to phone an HMG department recently and was rather surprised to be referred to as a customer. I hung on the phone for about 25 mins only to be told that the letter they’d sent had been sent in error. If they were a business they’d be bankrupt toot sweet.
      The “lifesaving vaccine”: the double jabbed are being told that this stops them being so seriously ill with covid; no-one can possibly know this. it is impossible to know just as it’s impossible to know that if a non-smoker and a smoker both die of the same multi-factorial illness that the cause of death in the smoker is smoking rather than the factor(s) responsible for the non-smoker’s death.

      Liked by 3 people

  5. “I think most people will actually welcome it.”

    I think thats been the most instructive thing about Covid, its shown us that tyranny is not imposed upon a population against its will, its rather that the population demand tyranny be imposed on them, in response to some artificially created fear. That is all that is needed – a hobgoblin created out of nothing (or a small risk amplified into a massive one) that drives people to demand safety above all else, and thus not allows the creation of the tyranny, but actually demands it, almost entirely without opposition. Indeed the authorities don’t really need to suppress any opposition that there may be, they just let the frightened masses do it for them, they are quite happy to bash (maybe literally) anyone who stands between them and the ‘safety’ they crave. The sheep walk voluntarily into the slaughter house, drag the unsure with them and trample under foot any who try to hold them back. Once they realise where they are, its too late……..

    Liked by 4 people

  6. I have an unfounded but still a sneaky suspicion about the PCR test swabs. Might it be that a few of them are contaminated with the virus prior to use? This would ensure a positive result and help to spread the infection. Only saying.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Not necessary. A PCR test can, by definition, not tell ypu anything about infection or infectiousness. Or, to quote the developer of PCR, Kary Mullis: With PCR, you can find everything in everybody.
      If you run them at ludicrous CT values (like 45), PCR gives you as many false positives as you like.

      Liked by 2 people

  7. The general idea, as far as I can see, with vaccinations is to try to reduce the number of hospitalisations. SARS COVID-19 is a virus which by choice infects only the respiratory epithelium; as far as the virus is concerned it only wants to infect the respiratory epithelium because that is the only place it will get passed on from.

    Antibodies come in several different sorts. The major one in blood is IgG, the major one in the respiratory system and gut is IgA. To effectively prevent covid infections, you need lots of IgA; the vaccines do induce production of this, but nowhere near as long as for IgG. See

    The effects of the vaccines are thus short-lived (as we all here knew) and nowhere near as effective at preventing infections as they might be; definitely more research needed to work out how to induce a lot more IgA from a dose of vaccine (which might well need to be an inhalant). What the vaccines DO do is that they prevent a lot of epithelial infections from turning into systemic infections, and it is the systemic infections which are lethal.

    Playing around with respiratory dilators? Nah, you’re just furtling around at the edges of the problem there; the actual underlying problem is that you’ve got a virus happily replicating away in your blood system and merrily buggering up your blood pressure and blood clotting systems, and it is your body’s response to the mistaken belief that it has a major hole in your blood system and wouldn’t clotting up the hole be a good idea that actually kills.

    There is not a global conspiracy against you. Not here, anyway. There is the Swedish Doom Goblin and all the Warble Gloaming plonkers out to get you, but the vaccine mob ain’t in on that one.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh, I know the Pharmers care only about money. They aren’t the ones interested in control. They’re currently very useful to those who are – they get to sell multiple vaccines of very limited efficacy, over and over again, and those who do want contol get to impose a ‘vaccine passport’ that morphs into a social credit score.
      So when the likes of Bill Gates (who I do not believe is in charge here, he’s far too dim and clearly has little idea what he’s talking about) go to the Pharmers and say ‘How would you like to have compulsory flu vaccines added to the compulsory covid vaccines?’ you just know they’ll jump at it.
      They aren’t doing it for any conspiracy-based reasons. They are doing it for the money. Pots and pots of money. With no liability attached.
      The ‘conspiracy’ is behind them, and Klaus Schwab and others have been very, very open about what they want. Schwab even stated, at the very beginning of this, that this is a narrow window to impose his ‘great reset’.
      Covid, the vaccines, the Pharmers… these are not the conspiracies. These are the tools.

      Liked by 2 people

  8. Weighed up the risks, had two shots of the viral vector AstraZeneca drug, caught covid from my little nephew (symptoms similar to a mild cold, so perhaps the jabs worked as a therapeutic) and won’t be having a third shot, especially of the even more experimental mRNA drug that is all that is on offer in the UK. Once (or in my case twice) bitten and all that. And they can stick their vaxpasses where the sun don’t shine.


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