In Memoriam

I have been plagued with bad news lately. I have two more to pass on.

Dirk Vleugels, who also wrote as Justin Sanebridge (he wanted that link kept quiet until after his death) passed away on the 16th May after a long illness. He passed at home, among his family and his ashes were scattered in the sea as he requested.

Dirk was a prolific writer who produced books in English, Dutch and French and, like most of us, made little money out of it but enjoyed writing for its own sake.

Marsha Webb, who had started on her writing journey and had left her first novel open for a sequel, also passed on 10th June. She had been in contact some time ago to say she was unwell but I have no further information. Marsha had become a regular contributor to the Underdog Anthologies as well as having publications elsewhere.

I await instruction from the families on what they want to do about the books currently listed with Leg Iron Books, and will of course regard any contracts issued to those authors as null and void. Whether the books remain on sale will be the families’ decisions. There is no hurry, both families will need time to themselves first.

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