Vaximal Farm

The Billy Gates Gruff has come up with a cunning plan to overcome ‘vaccine hestitancy’. He wants to put it in food. Injecting animals and, by some botanical magic, get it into fruit and vegetables. Which really only demonstrates one thing.

He has no idea what he’s talking about.

Every cell in every living thing is loaded with mRNA and DNA. Every microscopic cell in that carrot, or steak, or even toasted spider, is absolutely laden with the stuff. We all eat mRNA at every meal, and if it’s salads it’s not even denatured by cooking.

So, if you’ve eaten beef, you’ve ingested a massive amount of beef mRNA. Did you grow horns and a tail? If you’ve eaten carrots, did you grow roots and a big green tuft on your head? Of course not. None of the ingested mRNA or DNA is expressed by your cells. It’s broken into its constituent parts and used to make new human DNA and RNA. This is not the same as when it’s injected and given a transport mechanism to get directly into your cells. The stuff you eat gets dismantled and reassembled into the right format for your cells to use.

Even if he managed to keep it in the lipid nanoparticles, as soon as those hit bile in the duodenum they will be wrecked. Even assuming they survive stomach acids. It’s unlikely he can inject it into any kind of food and have the lipid particles/mRNA stay inert and stable long enough to be eaten, and if he can, the digestive system will rip them apart. It really isn’t going to work.

Of course, there are some unscrupulous researchers out there who won’t tell him any of this. As long as he keeps giving them money, they’ll turn up at work every day and fiddle around, pretending to try to do the impossible. You can expect to hear about research being done, but my bet is that, as with many things, it’ll gradually go quiet and fade away.

He does intend to ‘vaccinate’ farm animals but the only ones at risk are the animals themselves. Any surviving ones will be quite safe to eat. As for the insanity of getting it into plants, well, I bet his scientific team haven’t told him about plant cell walls either.

The only possible effect of all this is to try to persuade people to eat that mushed up insect crap. Try to make them scared to eat the real food until there’s nothing left but the insects. That could indeed be the end game here – but getting mRNA through food is never going to work.

There’s really no danger of it happening.

11 thoughts on “Vaximal Farm

  1. I suspect that that fucker, among others, has not had any jabs himself.

    We really need to get started on these trials. There is clearly a gallows with this guys name on it.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. There’s not been much news about Marek’s disease recently, which is surprising considering the many-jabbed (humanoids) falling ill again and again.
    But most chickens consumed must have had a vaccine against it, or just have it, and we eat them without apparent harm, despite them shedding virii in their dander.
    However, I do find after eating chicken I wake with the dawn and crow…

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Grow horns and a tail?
    I’d eat one of those lizards that grows back limbs.

    Billy Gates is one of those who think because they know a lot about one area they know a lot about everything. Having loads of money makes it worse.

    Anyway, why can’t these people just leave us all alone?

    Liked by 3 people

    • BillyGoats has been to a “university”. He is one of those ones which come out thinking they have the rght to oreder other folks’ lives – the other folks being perceived by this type as inferior beings.

      OK yes, he did drop out of Harvard, but that still counts as “going to uni”.

      The real Hard-Scientists like old Legiron have an astonishingly low drop-out rate… did anyone notice this phenomenon? Also not many of them are, or become, corrupt enough to want to bully their supposed inferiors about how to order their lives…

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I think Billy Goat is obsessed with a) reducing the World’s population; b) controlling who’s left and c) making even more money. In that order, so he’s probably not keen to be dazzled by the facts.

    What’s the vaccine that’s given on sugar cubes, though?


    • There was a polio vaccine given on a sugar cube. I doubt that’s allowed these days, more likely on an aspartame tablet now. Soon it’ll be given on the back of a crunchy cockroach.


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