Trans Profits

There is a proliferation of people claiming to be trans-something. Transsexual is a real thing, sure, but it’s a very rare thing. It’s also a spectrum that starts with transvestite (feels comfortable wearing clothing traditionally intended for the other sex) right up to those that go for the full surgery to change their bits forever.

Yes, forever. It cannot be reversed and the procedures involved are still experimental and leave lasting problems and scars. They also provide the Pharmers with a lifetime customer.

Lately there is ‘transabled’ in which perfectly healthy people demand to have limbs cut off so they can be disabled. This is just pure insanity. Any disabled person will tell you they wish they weren’t disabled. Nobody sane wants to be confined to a wheelchair or to be missing an arm or to be blind or deaf. For some, that’s the reality of life but I very much doubt you’ll find a single person who wouldn’t rather be fully fit.

Sure, you can live a full life with a disability but it would be so much easier without it. I was lucky, my mother refused thalidomide when pregnant with me, otherwise I might be typing with my toes now and dealing with the consequences of that deranged experiment. I’m not, I’m typing with a full set of fingers and I recognise how lucky I am to be doing that. If I’d been a thalidomide kid I’d hope I’d have the fortitude to adapt to living with it, as many have, but I would never want to be disabled.

I am not even remotely trans anything. So I don’t know how it feels. In Scotland, a man in a kilt means nothing – I wore kilts to both of my children’s weddings and I actually own the full regalia now. It’s bloody expensive but it’s comfortable and I don’t feel at all strange wearing it. I do not feel as if I’m pretending to be a woman. But then, it’s the only legal way to walk around with a sharp knife in your sock. I don’t think many women do that. Maybe in Glasgow…

Anyway. Any adult who wants to take hormones for the rest of their lives and who wants to have the experimental surgery with a full understanding of what it entails… fine with me. They are adults, they are entitled to make their own decisions. However, that is no longer what it’s all about. Look at this –

As the original poster said, it’s a billion dollar industry now and billion dollar industries don’t just give up and go away. There are nowhere near enough genuinely fully-trans people to sustain a business like this so they have to ‘encourage’ new customers.

Where do they find them? They go after children. Especially those on the autism spectrum who are prone to being persuaded, and those with idiot parents who are willing to sacrifice their children to appear ‘right-on’.

Well now. It could be considered a form of Darwinism. Those idiot parents won’t be getting grandchildren so their DNA is going to be removed from the gene pool in a generation. Is that really a bad thing? It’s a tough call. In one sense it would be good to clean up the gene pool but in another it’s condoning child abuse. And I cannot condone child abuse.

Now there is a whole trans activist movement and a real push to get kids mutilated and sterilised in the name of money and fashion. They are putting kids on puberty blockers to stop their development, and the lunatics say ‘oh but it can be reversed if they change their minds’. No. It really can’t. You have stopped their development at a critical time. There is no ‘catch-up’ option. You stop genital and breast development at that critical time and their bits will be child sized for the rest of your childrens’ lives. Okay, maybe you didn’t sterilise them but you have ensured they are very, very unlikely to give you grandchildren and therefore.. Darwin award.

I’m also seeing a conflation between drag acts and transsexuals. Drag artists do not claim to be real women, at least not the genuine ones. I remember Lily Savage, Dame Edna Everage, Cupid Stunt, the acts done by Les Dawson and Dick Emery and many others. None of them ever claimed to actually be women, none of them tried to get into women’s toilets, and neither did the drag ‘aunts’ of pantomime.

This is where I take issue with ‘drag acts are only for adults’. The likes of Lily Savage and Cupid Stunt were definitely adult-only. Their material was hilariously filthy. But the pantomime dames… the shows were for kids primarily. Still, the pantomime dames didn’t flash their danglies and read stories about bumsex and wanking. They were just funny caricatures. Seems that has changed now…

Then there’s Eddie Izzard. He used to be funny when he was just doing the travesty thing. Now he’s queueing outside women’s toilets when he still has the bits for a quick wee in the gents

We have rapists who suddenly identify as a woman and they get put in women’s prisons where they indulge in a bit more raping. Well, who saw that coming eh? Everyone but the judiciary, it seems. I’d say that if a rapist identified as a woman and wanted to be put in a women’s prison, they should be surgically disarmed first. Not optional. You claim you’re a woman? Fine. Surgery on the way to prison.

I have a feeling that the trend for rapists claiming to be trans would stop remarkably suddenly.

It’s a joke, but it’s a profitable joke. Not for the activists, those are just useful idiots, but for the clinics it’s a goldmine.

Until those mutilated kids grow up and start to sue…

20 thoughts on “Trans Profits

  1. I believe that there is another pandemic, one of lunacy, because it must be lunacy to want to mutilate yourself, let alone your children.
    I used to believe that doctors on the whole were good people who acted in the best interests of their patients , but there are enough out there now who are just plain evil only interested in lining their pockets.
    As far as being disabled is concerned, looking back on my long life I
    feel that I am lucky that I have survived almost completely intact every serious illness I have had..I now realise how fit I must have been right up until my late seventies.Now I am 85 I find frustration in not being able to physically do what I considered simple digging the garden.
    Still,as you say,Darwin will eventually remove those who go under the knife for unnecessary reasons.

    Liked by 5 people

    • I rather think that what is going on is in part driven by the hard-wired instinct to be social in humans, and to follow what a group does. Generally speaking, a group that is an average of the human race is usually fairly smart, or at least isn’t notably self-destructive.

      When you get groups that are self-selecting via social media however, you get something rather less benign. It has been noted that there are now “self-help” groups for mentally ill people such as paranoids that are anything but self-helping; these turn into echo chambers that reinforce the nasty symptoms of these maladies.

      Consider, if you will, the odds of my seeing the same car or cars on my way to work (back before the pandemic promoted semi-remote work). I am a creature of habit, more than most in fact but commuters do tend to be very habitual, setting off at the same time, driving the same route at the same speeds and so on. The odds of encountering the same people doing roughly the same routine as one’s self are actually quite high. Try explaining that to a paranoid individual, though! Cars with lots of electronics in them, conspiring to spy on people, mobile phones doing the same (they do, but only to try flash up relevant adverts); add in a social media echo chamber and stupidity gets magnified over and over again.

      The truth of most things is now fairly simple: most people don’t give a shit about most other people unless there’s something in it for them. Governments do not routinely spy on everyone, only on potential terrorists and criminals and this surveillance can be avoided by simply turning one’s life into one of simple, boring pleasures of no interest to officialdom. Break no laws, evade no taxes and offend no officials and you’re invisible.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I covered the mob mentality in ‘Fear the Witch’ (it’s under ‘Old Babblings in the menu bar). Whenever the mob decides to go after ‘the outsider’, most people will go with the mob because if they don’t they might be accused of being one of the ‘outsiders’.

        What’s also in play here is most people’s need to be noticed and applauded. Even if the thing they are noticed for is horrible. As long as they get affirmation, they’ll do it. Well, when they sterilise their children at least they are taking their genes out of the pool. Harsh? Maybe. I would argue it’s not as harsh as mutilating and sterilising your own child for internet approval.

        Your last paragraph is why ‘care in the community’ doesn’t work for mentally ill people. It’s because the community basically doesn’t care. It was that same community that put all those people in asylums in the first place – and in the past, places like Bedlam were hardly the pinnacle of healthcare! If the community was willing to stick their relatives in Bedlam and then point and laugh at them. then laterly bung them into an asylum and forget about them, what on Earth made any government think that ‘care in the community’ was ever going to be anything but a disaster?

        The time is fast approaching when the internet will be a risky place to visit. As you say, the only way to be safe is to be utterly uninteresting to officialdom. Not easy, you never know what vague laws will catch you out and, as in Panoptica, one short conversation could put you under suspicion – or in the real world, in China now, you can lose your social credit score if someone on the naughty list asks you the time and you respond.

        Dark times are coming. They won’t last forever but it won’t be easy to get through them.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Actually what’s going on with autistic kids is a bit more subtle than mere ease of persuasion. You see, one of the effects of autism is a lack of an ability to read the vast majority of the body language of others. That then looks like a lack of empathy, but only if you have this ability to read body language as a built-in thing. Not responding to messages you cannot actually read in real time, yeah, nice one, psychiatrists. Well assumed, you pillocks.

    Me, I’m mildly autistic. I know how it feels from the inside, and I’d very much like not to be autistic. Developmental brain disorder and me over fifty years old, a cure ain’t happening.

    However in children you see something else. Kids bully any other kids that are slightly different. No quarter, no mercy, full on discrimination must of the time. A female child might well claim to want to be a boy just so she doesn’t have this constant verbal abuse from her peers; a male would naturally think a lack of physical abuse rather nice.

    So yes Mr medical adult, I really do want to be a different gender, only you’re too stupid to actually ask why, aren’t you?

    That ties into another autistic difference from the norm: us lot don’t give a shit about social standing. Posh car? Doesn’t mean a thing to us lot. Ditto fashions, supporting football teams and so on. Perfectly natural if you’re hard-wired to be continually comparing your perceived social standing to others, deeply alien if you ain’t.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Transsexual is NOT a real thing! Every one of the trillions of cells in our bodies cannot change from XX to XY or vice versa*, so it’s a misnomer. Trans-gender is obviously happening, although I believe it’s just another mental illness.
    * There are a very few babies born with XXY or XYY genes – perhaps 1 in ten million – these are perhaps worthy or the label. No-one else is. Please stop using this deliberately obfuscating terminology.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m afraid I don’t see a difference between ‘sex’ and ‘gender’. The latter term was invented (I can’t recall the name, it was some perv in the 1950s I think) as a way to blur the distinction between male and female. Maybe he didn’t invent it, maybe he appropriated it from languages that have gendered nouns, as most European ones do.
      The very, very few ‘trans’ – whichever term you prefer – are genuinely convinced that they were born in the wrong body. It doesn’t change their genetics and it’s probably something that should be treated with therapy rather than surgery, but those few people do genuinely believe it.
      What’s happening now is –
      a) kids and impressionable people being convinced they are ‘trans’ to make money out of them, even if it means permanently mutilating or otherwise damaging them in the process.
      b) Actual mental illness, and if you look at the world these days it’s surprising there are any sane people left.
      c) Perverts and attention seekers dressing as women so they can get into women’s spaces and sports because… well because they are arseholes.
      d) Rapists suddenly pretending to be women so they can get into a womens’ prison where they inevitably rape again (and idiots in government actually go along with this!)
      e) Finally, that tiny percentage of genuine trans who honestly believe they were born in the wrong body and have absolutely no malicious intent about it.

      There are also transvestites, always have been, they also have no malicious intent, they just feel more comfortable in clothing ‘meant’ for the opposite sex. Men wear robes and what we’d call dresses and skirts in other countries all over the world. Always have. You’d never dare point at a Roman legion or Greek warriors or even a band of Scots on a drunken stag do and yell ‘Trannies!’ In fact, nobody would bat an eyelid at any of those men in ‘skirts’. It’s absolutely normal. It’s only in recent years that men aren’t supposed to be wearing anything but trousers and shirts, and only in some countries.

      But I digress. The point was, I make no distinction between ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ except where it applies to language. Language can have male, female and neuter genders. Nobody is born neuter although some opt for it, or have it forced on them, later (and some go to extremes about it). So, to me, no you can’t change sex but neither can you change gender, you can only change the outward appearance, because they refer to the same thing, no matter how many contortions a Wokie will go through to try to convince me otherwise. They usually end up red-faced screaming but well, it’s their blood pressure, they can ramp it up all they want. I won’t budge on this.

      Just realised, by the end of an argument with a Wokie, they do actually end up soundiung like a Wookie…

      Liked by 1 person

  4. If you want to see something genuinely worrying about the attempts to convince kids that they have some sort of variant of this trans thing, look up a charity called Mermaids. They claim not to be persuading anyone, but the comfortable adoption of simple things like names, clothing etc seems pretty sick to me.

    There was a guy called Harold GarfinkleI who worked on some of the very first sex changes. He detailed one of these cases in one of his books, along with a theory called the documentary method, which demonstrates how people reinforce their own beliefs. Both are an interesting read if you can find the book: Studies in Ethnomethodology. Neither is pro the op BTW.

    f you can find it online , have a read at those two parts.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Google SKOPTSI, an old Russin heretical sect who practised castration for men and mastectomy for women … old heresies have a habit of re-appearing in a New Age guise, and I’ve wondered if the trans bandwagon isn’t part of this … If you look up SKPOTSI in Wikipedia, prepare for some unpleasant old photos …

    Liked by 2 people

  6. It’s all old news. Been around for ages.

    As with most scientific advances, they first started with plants before moving onto people.
    The first trans-plant patient was in the 1950s…

    I’ll get me coat

    Liked by 1 person

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