No man’s middle ground

You aren’t allowed any, and haven’t been for quite some time.

(quick info – I have two more hospital appointments this week, the second is on Remembrance Sunday but it’ll probably involve far less discomfort than the one on Wednesday which I hope, this time, really will be a one day visit. Then, I hope, they’ll have finished meddling with me for a while.)

The earliest instance I can clearly recall, and I’m sure there were much earlier ones, was the question of gay marriage. When asked if I supported gay marriage, I’d say ‘no’. The instant response was ‘Well that means you oppose it, homophobe’.

No. I don’t support gay marriage and I don’t oppose it either. I simply don’t care. I’m not gay, and I don’t have any religion, so I have no feelings about it one way or the other. It’s something that has no effect on me, it’s something I can’t do anything about either way and have no interest in trying to, and that makes it quite definitely an SEP*.

This means that the loony left (not the actual gay people, note, it’s the usual proxy victimhood shouty sweaty wild-eyed loonies who always do this) demand that I declare support for something I don’t care about, while the intensely religious demand that I denounce something I don’t care about. Well, both sides are welcome to watch me not care.

Fast forward to the Ukraine/Russia unpleasantness. I am neither Ukrainian nor Russian. In fact, looking at it from a dispassionate viewpoint, I’d actually be happy if they both lost. There isn’t an easily identifiable ‘good guy’ in that fight.

But the flaggies with the blue and yellow flag in their bio demand that I denounce Russia and the Putinites demand that I call Ukraine Nazis. What the hell do they think I’m going to do about it? Rush over there and bang Putin and Zelenskyy’s heads together and tell them to go home and behave? Obviously I’m not going to do that because the only difference that will make in the world would be my rather sudden departure from it. Nothing else will change. This war is, to us ordinary plebs, an SEP. There is absolutely nothing we can do that will make any difference at all.

More recently, we’ve had the whole trans thing. There are aspects of this that do move me off the middle ground. Magazines declaring a bloke in a dress to be one of the most beautiful women on the planet? No, that’s just funny. Dullard Mulvaney and his comical attempts to resemble a titless Audrey Hepburn? Nope. Don’t care. Businesses using him as advertising and then getting all shocked when nobody wants to buy their stuff? Well that’s just stupid marketing. It’s an SEP. Theirs.

There are lines in the sand though. When burly blokes who are fucking useless competing with other blokes decide they are going to bash women in sports instead, now that’s just wrong. When green haired tattooed freaks, with enough piercings to register on a metal detector a mile away, posing as teachers, persuade kids to chop off their bits and become a sterile parody of the opposite sex, that is reaching into the pit of actual evil. ‘Don’t tell Mum and Dad, it’s our little secret’ is not a new phrase. We all know the kind of person who says it. Parents who actually do this to their own children, well I can only thank Darwin that they have permanently removed their genes from future generations. No grandkids for you, dinosaurs. And don’t expect your kids to look after you in your dotage, once they realise what you’ve done to them.

That said, I do still have a middle ground on the trans issue. Adults who want to dress as the opposite sex, and are of an age and sufficient mental development where they are able to decide whether to go the whole hog and have their anatomy altered, well, fine. It’s their life, their body, they can do with it as they wish. I still balk at the idea of a bearded lump of a man with a stiffie holding his skirt up being allowed into women’s bathrooms and changing rooms but as long as they don’t do that, I personally have no issue with them.

This attitude is enough to label me ‘transphobe’. Well, call me whatever you want but don’t expect me to call you by some made up pronouns. If you do, know that when you’re not around I’m using the pronoun ‘that deluded git’ whenever referring to you. Because I don’t care about your attention seeking nonsense.It’s an SEP. Specifically, yours.

The British, especially the English, have a long history of tolerating and sometimes even delighting in the antics of eccentrics. We don’t mind at all if you’re a bit odd. So you like to have a ZZ Top beard and wear a gingham dress and fishnet tights. No problem. You carry on with that. As long as that’s as far as it goes.

And so we come to the Israel Palestine thing that’s currently the Flag to Fly. These two have been taking pot shots at each other since long before I was born and are likely to continue doing so after we are all dead. The basic ideology on both sides means it can never end until one side or the other is eradicated. Both sides have made this clear, both sides believe they are the Chosen People of their gods and neither will stop until the last one of The Other is dead. Negotiation is futile. You will be eradicated.

So, there is much talk of Israel breaking international law by targeting hospitals and schools and residential areas, but those are where Hamas puts its missile launching stations and command centres. The results are predictably horrific, and probably deservedly condemned by the usual Mindless Marchers. However, there was no sign of the Mindless Marchers when Hamas went into Israel, killed many civilians and took well over a hundred as hostages. Which they still have. No condemnation of Hamas for putting their military bases in schools and hospitals. It’s all a bit one-sided…

So are Israel blameless? Hell no. They are still stealing land and houses from Palestinians in the West Bank, even now, even though Hamas are not there. They have bombed airports in Syria to prevent arms coming in for Hamas, although the more sensible route for Gaza would be by sea or through Egypt.

There are other twists in the story. The seabed off Gaza’s coast is rich in oil and gas which belongs to Gaza as long as it exists. Also, the Ben Gurion canal…

The Red Sea splits into a V shape at its northern end. The west point of the V leads into the Suez canal. The east point of the V touches the tip of Israel. They have plans for another canal which would go from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean. The route I saw took it past the top of Gaza. A far easier route would be through the middle of Gaza. There are money and political reasons to want Gaza gone, and not just by Israel.

It’s more than just a war this time. The money people are deeply invested in the outcome. I am sure that many, if not most, of the people living in Gaza and Israel just want to live in peace but those in charge of both countries have a different perpective.

You think the Israeli government care about their people? They’ve just forced their own people to be an experiment for Pfizer. You think Hamas cares about the people of Gaza? They are just human shields to hide behind.

A popular phrase these days is ‘Your government does not care about you’.

It’s true in every country on the planet.

*SEP – Someone Else’s Problem.

Trans Profits

There is a proliferation of people claiming to be trans-something. Transsexual is a real thing, sure, but it’s a very rare thing. It’s also a spectrum that starts with transvestite (feels comfortable wearing clothing traditionally intended for the other sex) right up to those that go for the full surgery to change their bits forever.

Yes, forever. It cannot be reversed and the procedures involved are still experimental and leave lasting problems and scars. They also provide the Pharmers with a lifetime customer.

Lately there is ‘transabled’ in which perfectly healthy people demand to have limbs cut off so they can be disabled. This is just pure insanity. Any disabled person will tell you they wish they weren’t disabled. Nobody sane wants to be confined to a wheelchair or to be missing an arm or to be blind or deaf. For some, that’s the reality of life but I very much doubt you’ll find a single person who wouldn’t rather be fully fit.

Sure, you can live a full life with a disability but it would be so much easier without it. I was lucky, my mother refused thalidomide when pregnant with me, otherwise I might be typing with my toes now and dealing with the consequences of that deranged experiment. I’m not, I’m typing with a full set of fingers and I recognise how lucky I am to be doing that. If I’d been a thalidomide kid I’d hope I’d have the fortitude to adapt to living with it, as many have, but I would never want to be disabled.

I am not even remotely trans anything. So I don’t know how it feels. In Scotland, a man in a kilt means nothing – I wore kilts to both of my children’s weddings and I actually own the full regalia now. It’s bloody expensive but it’s comfortable and I don’t feel at all strange wearing it. I do not feel as if I’m pretending to be a woman. But then, it’s the only legal way to walk around with a sharp knife in your sock. I don’t think many women do that. Maybe in Glasgow…

Anyway. Any adult who wants to take hormones for the rest of their lives and who wants to have the experimental surgery with a full understanding of what it entails… fine with me. They are adults, they are entitled to make their own decisions. However, that is no longer what it’s all about. Look at this –

As the original poster said, it’s a billion dollar industry now and billion dollar industries don’t just give up and go away. There are nowhere near enough genuinely fully-trans people to sustain a business like this so they have to ‘encourage’ new customers.

Where do they find them? They go after children. Especially those on the autism spectrum who are prone to being persuaded, and those with idiot parents who are willing to sacrifice their children to appear ‘right-on’.

Well now. It could be considered a form of Darwinism. Those idiot parents won’t be getting grandchildren so their DNA is going to be removed from the gene pool in a generation. Is that really a bad thing? It’s a tough call. In one sense it would be good to clean up the gene pool but in another it’s condoning child abuse. And I cannot condone child abuse.

Now there is a whole trans activist movement and a real push to get kids mutilated and sterilised in the name of money and fashion. They are putting kids on puberty blockers to stop their development, and the lunatics say ‘oh but it can be reversed if they change their minds’. No. It really can’t. You have stopped their development at a critical time. There is no ‘catch-up’ option. You stop genital and breast development at that critical time and their bits will be child sized for the rest of your childrens’ lives. Okay, maybe you didn’t sterilise them but you have ensured they are very, very unlikely to give you grandchildren and therefore.. Darwin award.

I’m also seeing a conflation between drag acts and transsexuals. Drag artists do not claim to be real women, at least not the genuine ones. I remember Lily Savage, Dame Edna Everage, Cupid Stunt, the acts done by Les Dawson and Dick Emery and many others. None of them ever claimed to actually be women, none of them tried to get into women’s toilets, and neither did the drag ‘aunts’ of pantomime.

This is where I take issue with ‘drag acts are only for adults’. The likes of Lily Savage and Cupid Stunt were definitely adult-only. Their material was hilariously filthy. But the pantomime dames… the shows were for kids primarily. Still, the pantomime dames didn’t flash their danglies and read stories about bumsex and wanking. They were just funny caricatures. Seems that has changed now…

Then there’s Eddie Izzard. He used to be funny when he was just doing the travesty thing. Now he’s queueing outside women’s toilets when he still has the bits for a quick wee in the gents

We have rapists who suddenly identify as a woman and they get put in women’s prisons where they indulge in a bit more raping. Well, who saw that coming eh? Everyone but the judiciary, it seems. I’d say that if a rapist identified as a woman and wanted to be put in a women’s prison, they should be surgically disarmed first. Not optional. You claim you’re a woman? Fine. Surgery on the way to prison.

I have a feeling that the trend for rapists claiming to be trans would stop remarkably suddenly.

It’s a joke, but it’s a profitable joke. Not for the activists, those are just useful idiots, but for the clinics it’s a goldmine.

Until those mutilated kids grow up and start to sue…

Bank crashes

Many distractions are happening. Some kickballing crisp salesman has apparently vanished from TV for something he did or said, I neither know nor care any more than that but it’s the talk of the internet. Then Mad Wanksock is getting all the blame for the Covid lockdown debacle. I have no sympathy for the weasel faced git, he deserves all he gets – but he is far from the only one to blame and the rest of them shouldn’t be allowed to get away with their parts in that mess.

In the background, but sliding into the limelight, a bank called Silicon Valley Bank went bust. Turns out this was a bank with a particular penchant for high risk investments. You’d think they’d have a risk assessment department keeping a close eye on things in that case, right?

Well they had no head of risk assessment for nine months, and when they appointed one, they chose a woke idiot who spent all her time arranging LGBT parades and Lesbian Awareness events. Not checking on the risks they took with investments. Well, I don’t know about the rest of you, but as a straight man I have no reason to be aware of lesbians, nor they of me. We are of no interest to each other. And I’m afraid that whenever I hear ‘LGBT’ my mind defaults to G scale narrow gauge railways – LGB trains. I see no reason to have a parade about that.

So a bank that took big risks in investments while having no, followed by effectively no, oversight on the scale of the risks they took, went bust. That’s really not a surprise and shouldn’t alarm anyone who didn’t have their money in there. Incidentally, it turns out the Harry formerly known as Prince and his sidekick, Me-again, had a lot of their money in that bank.

However, it is being touted as ‘the first domino in a banking collapse’ There is no reason why it should be, but then there was no reason to panic buy toilet paper at the start of all this yet people did it anyway. There wasn’t a ‘real’ shortage of toilet paper. There were rumours of one, which caused the easily petrified to buy it all and thus cause the very shortage they were trying to avoid.

The same happened with rumours of petrol shortages, other shortages and lately fresh fruit and vegetable shortages. Although if anyone is daft enough to stockpile fresh fruits and vegetables, well your house is going to stink worse than the allotment compost heap in a week or so. Which, I suppose, will make it easy to identify the utterly gullible.

All it takes to create a shortage is to put out a rumour there’s going to be one. The impossibly stupid will do the rest for you, and they are legion. They’ll buy up and stockpile the thing you wanted a shortage of and cause that shortage themselves.

So… if you want to crash the banks, all you need do is install a useless head of risk management in a very high risk bank and let it inevitably crash. Even better if you have King Jug-ears’ grandson as a major account holder. That guarantees massive press coverage. Then all the gullible toilet roll hoarders will panic and cause a run on the banks – all of them – so they can take their money and stuff it into mattresses. That will then cause the massive bank crash you wanted. Even the most well run banks can’t pay out all the money in all their accounts. Most of it doesn’t actually exist. So, banking crash incoming.

It’s hard not to see the toilet roll, pasta, petrol and all the other shortages as practice runs for this event. Each of them was inconsequential and temporary on their own, but as a lead-in to crashing the financial system, a very good way to train the drones into doing what the WEF want them to do. Also, to find out how many gullible idiots are willing to help this crash along.

Seems there are a whole army of them. So, get ready for the financial crash – unless enough people wake up to the scam. I am not hopeful of that.

Looks like the plan for digital currency is working well so far. Well, best get planting… there won’t be too many veggies on this year’s food bills, and I’ll have to dust off the fishing and hunting gear too.

If you live in a city, you have my sympathy. If you can, get the hell out soon.

Text Message Scams

Two new text message scams appeared this week.

First, ‘Hi mum, I broke my phone and I’m using a friend’s, and it’s an emergency’. Respond and they’ll ask you for money which they’ll ‘pay back’. Nope.

I ignored it. If it was really a kid in trouble they’d have tried again. They didn’t.

Second, ‘Someone accessed your Amazon account, if this was not you go to (dodgy website that clearly has nothing to do with Amazon)’. This one arrived on a phone number that isn’t linked to my Amazon account so that was easy. If in doubt, check your email. Amazon always email if there’s anything suspicious, and they’ll address it to you by name.

I expect everyone, by now, has seen the ‘We tried to deliver your parcel today but you weren’t home, and it’ll cost you a trivial amount to have it redelivered.’ They don’t care about the trivial amount. They want your bank/credit card details. I’ve never heard of any delivery service – especially not Royal Mail – who charge for redelivery.

Text message scams are on the rise. Watch out! Some are very plausible and well made, others are so amateurish you’d be mortified if you fell for it.

I’m sure they’ll think up some new ones soon.


…and the living is easy. Fish are jumping, and the cotton is high.

Well that’s until now, when a warm summer has become the unleashing of Hell on earth and we’re all going to die of blood clots.

So, all those areas between the tropics must be devoid of humanity and any other form of mammalian life because the heat has turned their blood to jelly. All those people panicking about the potential 40C temperatures in the UK for one day have just spent pots of money to holiday for two weeks in places where 40C is normal in summer. They won’t die in the Canaries but they’ll surely die here. Oh they’ll believe it. Rational thought is no longer a normal human condition.

In 1976, I was 16 years old and living in Wales. We had around 66 days of hot dry weather that summer. I don’t recall the exact number of days but it was around that number. Reservoirs were drying up, there were standpipes in the street for water rationing in many places and it was seriously hot all the time.

Two months, not two days. We didn’t have thousands of deaths and we had no warnings about spontaneous blood clots. Because they didn’t happen.

Incidentally, the Church of Climatology at that time was telling us we were on the brink of a new Ice Age. Still waiting for that one. Oh wait, they went through acid rain, ozone depletion and then reverted to global warming. None of them happened but hey, that doesn’t even faze their devoted idiot congregation. Still doesn’t.

There was another hot summer in the early 2000s, while I lived in Scotland. I don’t think north Scotland has ever had a hosepipe ban but that was the only time I ever saw a letter from the water companies asking us to not use hosepipes unless we really had to, if we didn’t mind. That was the closest to a hose ban. Water shortages are rare in Scotland, it falls out of the sky most days. It’s rained a few times during this ‘heatwave’ already and it’s forecast to piss down tomorrow followed by storms on Wednesday. Enjoy your sunshine, you lucky, lucky bastards.

That early 2000s one was a good thing and a bad thing. I had great success growing tobacco in the little garden I had at the time but it was very hot indeed. Opening windows didn’t help, there was no air movement outside so no draughts.

Then the August snap frosts started – but the government made ‘grow your own’ illegal at around the same time. It didn’t matter. It’s been too cold to grow tobacco here for almost 20 years anyway. It’s getting too cold to grow much of anything outside a greenhouse. Must be global warming.

So now we have a couple of warm summer days and it’s ‘climate change’. All those years of snap Augusts frosts were just ‘weather is not climate’. We’re back to cold pissing rain and storms on Wednesday but that’ll just be more ‘weather is not climate’ until we have two warm days again and then it’s ‘climate change’. Science is easy when you can just make up the rules as you go along.

And yet, so many will say ‘follow the science’ even though they have absolutely no idea what science actually is. Science, real science, is continual questioning of established knowledge. It is not ‘belief’. It is not ‘faith’. It does not want to be ‘followed’ because it does not lead. It explores. Sometimes it hits a dead end. Sometimes it finds a new path.

Sometimes those who call themselves scientists decide that a big bag of money is a better path than they were looking for. If you think scientists, medics, politicians, live in a world where they can never be bought, you are delusional. These are all human beings and subject to the same failings as everyone else. A great many of them are, frankly. entirely corrupt arseholes.

It has always been so but in the old days, say 30 years or so ago, the corrupt arseholes were few, except in politics. Now they run all the shows. Trust the science? You are insane if you trust anything any more and that is a real shame for the few genuine scientists and medics still out there. Oh there are quite a few but you’d be lucky to find one now.

Now, science and medicine think you have to be scared of a couple of days of warm weather. They tell you it will cause terrible effects that two months of it didn’t cause in 1976. And people will be scared. They will shrink and cower and hide away as instructed, instead of enjoying a rare few days of British summer that would normally cost a lot of money and a long plane flight to enjoy.

When did you all become so weak? So frightened of shadows that you scream and run if there’s enough sun to see yours? When did you begin to regard a cold as fatal? When did you begin to think any sun exposure was guaranteed skin cancer? When did you decide that being a bit warm was far more dangerous than being freezing cold? When did you become a trembling, feeble weakling?

I really think, if you concentrate, you could put an actual date to it. A date when the ramped up fake fear pushed you over the edge. A date when you subsumed your independent life into the Fear Collective. And I bet there will be many with the same date, or close to it.

Money isn’t even real. These notes we pass around are based on nothing. Numbers on a a screen. Even so, some worship it as if it were a god. Collect the paper blessings that will make any god shrug in disbelief. Worthless tokens, usually amassed in bulk by worthless people.

And yet these worthless ones, these useless eaters, dictate how the productive ones should live. With one scare after another, all lapped up by the gullible.

So many of us watched and chuckled at it all. We didn’t mind what the loonies did, as long as they left us alone.

Well now they are not going to leave us alone. They are coming for us.

So what’s it gonna be, droogies?

From Farm to… Pharm

Over in China, the madness just ramped up a notch. They have declared vegetable gardens a source of Covid and are currently destroying any vegetable garden they find. It’s utter nonsense of course. A virus moving from animals to plants is way, way bigger than a species jump. The basic cell structure is so different between plants and animals that a simple coronavirus has absolutely no hope of ever getting past a plant cell wall.

So why are they doing it?

Why are Billy Gates Gruff, other rich idiots and indeed the Chinese buying up farmland all over the place?

Why has the British government come up with this –

While we are being told of imminent food shortages ‘because Putin’, why shut down farms? Why destroy people’s own vegetable gardens? Why is there such an intense effort to buy up farmland? It makes no sense.

It makes perfect sense if you can accept that it’s evil.

Remember when butter was demonised? At about the same time the margarine and fake-butter spreads came out. So many examples, too many to list here.

Well, now we have insect protein, insect-based milk, plant based ‘meat’, meat grown in labs or just 3D printed, and we also now have this.

Yep. Factory grown vegetables, with artificial nutrients and artificial lighting. No need for traditional farming that uses far less energy because it largely lets the crops grow themselves, using rain and sunshine. As for fertiliser, you’ve never needed it. Slurry spreading and crop rotation have worked for millenia. Low nitrogen soil? Grow beans and peas this year and next year it’ll grow anything.

The new fake food is all terrible and nobody really wants it, but as with heat pumps and electric cars (which are also terrible and nobody wants them) the same business model is being applied.

If you can’t compete on either price or desirability, demonise and ban the opposition. It’s why so many still use the plasticine spreads instead of real butter and fry in corn oil instead of lard. You can’t make any kind of decent fried bread in plant oils, which is why nobody under 40 has heard of it.

The stuff we’ve used for centuries will suddenly “kill us all”. Because its replacement is shit so they can only sell it by demonising and banning the good stuff.

It’s all money again. You grow your own carrots, let a few go to seed, keep the seeds for next year… nobody makes money from you. Even if you buy seeds, those are cheap. Well they used to be before they were all GM and patented. You weren’t dependent on the state or corporations. Not too long ago it was common to have a few chickens and even a pig in your backyard, which dealt with all those scraps you now send to be made into compost, and which you’d eventually eat. Everything but the squeal. My grandparents did this – one of my father’s favourite stories was about the number of times my grandfather tried to kill their cockerel, and lost every time. That bird hated him and it was one mean bugger.

When I was a kid in the sixties, almost every house had a long narrow back garden. The newer posh houses didn’t, but all the council houses did. They weren’t designed for cricket (although we did use them for that), they were designed to grow vegetables. Keep a few chickens. Maybe even a pig. Some of the old council houses still have those long gardens.

Now, in China, vegetable gardens are being destroyed in the name of Covid. It’ll come here. As the ‘bird flu’ already destroys small and sometimes large chicken and duck rearers. You can’t catch bird flu from a butcher’s shop. You’d have to be in long contact with live poultry to be at any risk at all. Like everything else recently, it’s nowhere near as big a deal as it’s made out to be.

In order to come to terms with what’s really going on, you have to accept a certain level of darkness into your soul. Nobody wants to believe that their governments, medical and food systems are utterly evil. Nobody wants to believe they are seen as nothing more than cattle to be profited from, and that any harms and deaths they suffer are just chalked up as a minus sign on a profit sheet and then forgotten.

Consider. ‘Red meat is bad for you’. Oh but we have an alternative that’s much better for you. Lab grown or 3D printed red meat. This is good for you. The natural stuff is bad.

‘Chickens are full of disease’. We know. That’s why we cook them until the skin shatters when you poke it. They’ve always been full of nasty bacteria so we cook them until we’re sure those bacteria are all dead. Which will, incidentally, also kill any virus they may have. If you have a meat thermometer, you need the centre of roast or boiled meat to be above 80C. Then there’s nothing left to harm you. They used to tell you that in the old days, about a decade ago.

Nobody in any position of any power at all gives a shit about you. You really have to accept that. You are profitable to them, nothing more, and they don’t need all of you so they are culling you right now. They genuinely believe they are superior beings and we are just cattle to be milked. I am not kidding and not exaggerating here. This is what they truly believe. You and I are nothing to them. Nothing.

The world is being run by utterly evil people who genuinely believe they are the superior race and we are all a different, inferior species. Think Morlocks and Eloi, because that is how they think. The Eloi barely thought at all and simply accepted the way things were. Are you one?

You absolutely must accept and recognise that nobody, absolutely nobody in any position of power and influence gives a flying fuck about you or your family. Surely the last two years have made that clear? How many were denied access to a family funeral because there was a limit on numbers? I am one. How many let their relatives die alone in hospitals and nursing homes because they were not allowed to visit? How many were denied urgent treatment because it wasn’t Covid?






And yet so many of you still support them and help to enforce their maniacal pronouncements. It won’t help. They will happily kill you too. You might just survive a little longer but once you’ve helped get rid of the problematic ones, they won’t need you any more.

Their war against animal and now crop farming has nothing at all to do with climate change and absolutely nothing to do with health. They care nothing for either of those things. They care nothing for you. Accept it.

They care only about money and control. They want all the money, they want to own everything and they want total control over the rest of us. Get that into your head. It’s what they want. It’s not tinfoil-hattery, they have been very clear and open about it. It’s a horrible thing to think about, it’s a darkness most will try to avoid peering into but if you refuse to see it then you will be engulfed by it.

One of Tyrion Lannister’s famous quotes is ‘I drink and I know things’. It might have been better rendered as ‘I drink because I know things’.

When will you see it? When they take your children? When they come for your pets? When they destroy your little kitchen garden? When they erase your houseplants?

Will you see it before they erase you?

Many won’t see it until the shower heads hiss…


I don’t know if I had the smallpox vaccine. I was around in the 1960s when it was still being given but it wasn’t compulsory then. The compulsion ended before 1900, but the vaccine worked so well that smallpox was eradicated in the wild by 1980.

It’s probably in my medical records somewhere, but it doesn’t matter. There is no smallpox any more.

So, how was this acheived, and why isn’t it now done with more viruses? Well, smallpox was something of a unique disease. It only affected humans, it didn’t have an animal reservoir. Coronaviruses are found in bats and other animals, so are cold and flu viruses and most other diseases. Smallpox, however, only ever affected humans – so all we had to do was make sure nobody caught it and it died out. That’s not going to work with anything else.

Smallpox is gone, and yet it’s back in the news. Bill Gates suggested that a bioterrorist could use smallpox to launch an attack. The FDA has approved a new smallpox vaccine and Canada has ordered millions of doses. Why?

None of it makes any sense at all. Why a ‘new’ vaccine? The old one did the job exceptionally well. If there is any risk of a return of smallpox, why not just make more of that one? Well of course there’d be no money in it – the ‘new’ one will still be in its profit phase.

Why would anyone order millions of doses? The only smallpox in existence is in a very few, very secure laboratories. Anyone wanting to study it should of course be vaccinated, but as it no longer exists in the wild, there’s no need to vaccinate the whole population. I suspect the answer there is likely to involve money again.

As for using it as a bioweapon, that’s the most insane part of all. It does not exist in the wild. There would be no question that it came from a lab because it doesn’t exist anywhere else. The list of suspects would be really quite short too.

I saw that Bill Gates interview. He quite specifically said ‘smallpox’. Not any infectious disease, not one that is still out there in the wild, like say anthrax, plague, tuberculosis, polio, nothing like that. He said, specifically, smallpox. Which would be likely to be the hardest one for any bioterrorist to get hold of.

This hypothetical bioterrorist is not going to isolate smallpox from a contaminated sample or a patient. He’s going to have to break in to a high security lab and then into a -70C freezer – which are always locked – and he will have to know exactly what he is looking for and get it out of that freezer without losing fingers to frostbite or infecting himself with the smallpox sample or anything else that will be in there. Basically, he would have to be working in that lab with enough training to know what he is doing. He’s not going to be hard to find.

It’s also the most idiotic choice for a bioweapon. Once you let this thing out you’re not going to find it easy to put it back. It has a nine day incubation period. Patient Zero is spreading it for over a week before they even start to get sick. So is everyone he interacts with. Back in the 1800s this might be containable but now, nine days is enough for someone to travel over most of the planet.

If you release this, it’s coming back to bite you. You cannot contain it.

So, if you have a new, experimental vaccine and you don’t know if the vaccine is safe or not, you have to take it. You have no choice. There are no effective treatments and unlike Covid, this time you have a 70% chance of dying from smallpox. Even if you survive it, it can leave you with permanent disfiguration.

If Bill Gates really is deranged enough to even consider this, someone needs to talk him out of it fast. It’s well known that he hasn’t had his children take any vaccines. This one though, he’ll have to. He’ll have to take it himself. Even if it’s a dodgy mRNA potion.

Smallpox is a lousy choice of bioweapon. It cannot be contained once released. Its origin can be traced very quickly since it has to come from a lab, and there aren’t many that have it. It would have to be handled by an expert otherwise the risk of contaminating themselves is huge. There would be little difficulty in finding out who was responsible, and once they are caught they are going to talk. A lot. They won’t want to take all the responsibility for something like this, whoever paid them is going to get named.

It would be an extraordinarily risky move, so I don’t think it’s going to happen.

What might happen is a fake smallpox scare. We’ve seen this recently with necrotising fasciitis, mad cow disease, Zika and Ebola. It takes less than ten cases for everyone to think they’re all doomed. A couple of Ebola cases in the UK (they were medics who had returned from treating African victims) and the whole country went into panic. Stirred, as always, by the media.

Necrotising fasciitis had stories of people visibly dissolving on trains. It never actually happened. Mad cow disease had about ten cases in a year, this was projected by a ‘scientist’ (with an impressively straight face) to become 100 cases over the next ten years. Yeah, that’s ten cases a year. There aren’t any at the moment, as far as I am aware.

All of these things are gone now. I’m sure there are still cases of necrotising fasciitis but they are very rare (I think at its height there were eight cases in a year) and not newsworthy.

You really don’t need to release a virulent bioweapon. You just need to make people think it’s going to happen and you can sell them vaccines. Even vaccines against a disease they have no chance of catching. A couple of photos of chicken pox or cowpox sufferers, magically saved by your smallpox ‘vaccine’ and there you go. They’ll line up to pay for your cure.

In the fiction that was ‘The Macbeth Trio‘ I used scrofula as the sales pitch to sell a vaccine nobody needs. I didn’t think smallpox would be a credible one to use.

Seems someone else thinks it is.


I have been pretty tied up with the Spring anthology. It was a little short on pages – that wouldn’t stop publication but it would mean I couldn’t have the title on the spine. A small thing, I know, but this is the fourteenth and I do like consistency.

I was only around ten pages short. I thought about adding in some photos but meh, that’s obvious padding. In the end, Cade F.O.N Apollyon came to the rescue with an extra story and I found two of mine that had not appeared in previous anthologies. So it’s 140 pages.

All interiors are complete – print and eBook versions – so all that’s left is the cover. I had that all planned out too.

I have a candle in a ceramic skull, a gift from CStM (she knows what I like). The skull’s eyesockets are open and the candle is red. I think you can guess where this is going. Well, I’ve had the candle for a while and was waiting for the right time to light it – and the overall dark theme of this Spring anthology demanded it.

I had underestimated how big this candle really is. It’s going to take a few hours burning before the eyes leak. So that’s where we are – waiting for a candle to burn down to photographic levels.

This is a quick snap. It will of course be on a black backsheet but that’s flammable so I’ll have to watch it all the time. For now it’s safely progressing with nothing flammable around it. Once the eyes start to leak, I set up and start photographing. I hope to have the cover finished tomorrow and that’s really all I’m waiting for now. If I’d realised how long it would take I’d have lit it earlier!

Anyway, the book is complete, just waiting for a candle to burn and we’ll have a cover.

So, we are now to be terrified of the Indian variant of covid. Don’t be ridiculous. It’s running a corner shop or making T shirts somewhere. Seriously though, we are getting reports on absolute numbers, not ‘covid per million’ numbers. India has 1.4 billion people and thousands die every day of things like diarrhoea.

I’m not kidding. Giardia lamblia thrives in the warmer waters there and water purification isn’t a widespread thing. This thing turns your arse into Satan’s shitty power washer and you’ll find it hard to take in water faster than you’re pumping it out. And if your water supply is contaminated, taking in more just makes it worse. Really, for India, covid is having a very small extra effect on top of starvation and filthy water supplies and more.

The India strain is being hyped. It’s no more dangerous than any other and none of them have proved to be any more dangerous than the flu… which has vanished. This is now all about selling vaccines, which is what it has been about all along. Don’t imagine that the Pharmers care about you. They care about making money. Nothing else.

It has become increasingly difficult to find any reliable information on anything at all. There are people saying the mRNA vaccines will integrate into your DNA. This is not possible. It simply cannot happen. The DNA versions, well, maybe. I can’t find any data either way. The RNA ones, not a chance.

There are reports that the vaccinated are shedding spike protein. This is actually quite likely. When you exhale, your breath contains shed cells. If you have a virus, it contains virus particles. The spike protein is even smaller than the virus so if your body is making it then having it come out on your breath is almost guaranteed.

It’s not an intact virus. It can’t infect anyone but it seems (anecdotally) that it can have some effect on those around the vaccinated. At least for a while after vaccination. It’s being blamed for irregular periods in unvaccinated women and some effects in breast fed infants. My advice? Don’t risk it. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, wait until that’s over before considering the vaccine. The manufacturers have stated that they have not tested it on pregnant or breastfeeding women and don’t recommend they take it. Listen to them, not to the NHS who think they can stick this potion into anyone and it’ll be fine. The NHS is lost to the Land of Money and doesn’t care about anything else now. If it ever did.

Then we have the 5G thing. It’s still going. I don’t see how microwaves can affect an infection but I’m keeping an open mind for now. You never know. One thing I am sure of is that microwaves cannot initiate an infection. That requires an infectious agent and no EM radiation can conjure one out of the air. Whether it can trigger a dormant infection, well, I don’t know. There are other issues with short range powerful microwaves, but out here I won’t have to worry too much about those for a long time. We still have copper phone lines.

There is so much more conflicting information to deal with. Later, if I can make any sense of it.

For now, it’s not the vaccines that worry me so much. It’s the religious fervour surrounding them. I have never before been asked if I’ve taken any vaccine and have never asked anyone else. Now it’s like some kind of assimilation juice – if you haven’t had it you are not One Of Us. Well what about tuberculosis? Mumps? Polio? Any of the others? Nobody ever cared. Why now, for something no more dangerous than flu?

I know, if you had the vaccine, you’re happy with the vaccine passport. You think it will only apply to this one, right? You don’t think it will apply to flu or any of the far more dangerous diseases. Just covid. That’s the only one.

I need to publish this book fast. I have a story that tells you where it’s going.

I don’t think you’re going to like it.

Farm Animals

CStM’s choice of book in the previous post seems almost prophetic. The Vaccinators are all set to force the experimental vaccine on children… and then pets.

Found here

My bet is that all of these will need ‘booster shots’. Someone is getting very rich indeed out of all this, and they don’t care at all how the experiment turns out. Well, some have an interest in how it turns out, and they don’t have our best interests at heart.

My bet is that their next target will be livestock. Farm animals. For their protection? Hell no. For profit and for another reason.

Remember the big scare about growth hormones in beef cattle? Then mad cow disease? It put a lot of people off beef. How do you think they’ll react when they find out the experimental vaccine is now in every single piece of meat on every shelf, everywhere? Remember, one of the primary objectives of this insane ‘great reset’ is to stop meat-eating. All meat.

Of course, the vaccine in meat is meaningless. Every living cell contains DNA and mRNA (except red blood cells so black pudding is totally safe). Every one. All animals – and all plants too. Ever hear of anyone suddenly being able to photosynthesise after eating a salad? Of course not. Your digestive system breaks all that DNA and RNA into bits. Your cells can use the bits – the basic blocks are the same – to build its own RNA and DNA. It doesn’t use the genes, just the bits.

The same is true of proteins. These are broken up into amino acids and reassembled into proteins your own body needs. If you are on a low-carb diet, some of that protein is burned for energy too. Eating a sheep does not turn you into a sheep. The education system does that.

As an aside, eating fat doesn’t make you fat. Those fats are broken and mostly used for energy. The fats in your own cells are human fat, made in those cells, mostly from carbohydrates. You do not have a store of beef fat in you.

So I’m not going to be at all concerned about jabbed beef. If cooking doesn’t destroy the vaccine and its products, digestion will. I was never concerned about beef hormones for the same reason.

The mad cow disease was a bit more of a concern since the prions were shown to be heat resistant, but it turned out to be a very rare event with around ten cases a year. Still, all you had to do was avoid the main nervous tissue, brain and spine and although I have eaten cow brain in the past (being a broke student opens all kinds of interesting culinary options) I don’t need to eat that cheaply now. I still like liver though. Very good source of vitamin D and a very nice meal too.

If they can convince you that your pets have covid, it is a tiny step to convince you that farm animals have it. Then they can inject all the farm animals and once those side effects start to really get under way, many, many people will suddenly be too scared to eat meat.

There is a horrifying logic in this plan. It has to fail before they get to children, but then they are already running trials and have already ruined a few little lives before they really started. That won’t stop them. They don’t care.

The ‘vaccines’ are still experimental. They are still only allowed under emergency authorisation and that is in itself already illegal. Covid is not a highly lethal disease and there are effective treatments available. There is no need for these vaccines at all. The authorisation also only applies while there is an emergency. Stop the emergency and they can’t sell any more vaccines, and you know what that means.

Lockdowns are here to stay.

Curtains for Boris?

Well, while India is being used as the latest excuse for the new lockdowns the government have promised will never happen (just like the vaccine passports they promised would never happen), cases of Covid have pretty much petered out, lockdowns are killing more people than Covid and in Israel, heart issues among the vaccinated under 30s are killing more than the virus ever could, what’s the big news issue of the day?

Boris bought new curtains.

Yes, the Prime Monster had his flat redecorated. Apparently it cost several tens of thousands of pounds. Which is pocket change compared to the billions wasted on this pretend pandemic that could have been halted a year ago with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. Instead we have a permanent state of emergency to justify using unlicenced vaccines so a few evil bastards can swell their bank accounts.

There is really no point in getting rid of Boris. He’s not in charge of anything, he’s a puppet and if you oust him he’ll be replaced with a new puppet. Probably a worse one. Gove. Or Hancock. Imagine having one of those psychos in charge.

I don’t give a damn about Boris redecorating. I don’t even care if it was paid for by taxes (it seems it wasn’t, so it’s no issue at all). That redecorating job was as nothing compared to the damage done by lockdowns and the horrors to come.

Oh I don’t mean the vast backlog of untreated diseases the NHS has ignored for over a year. Nor even the plethora of other respiratory diseases caused by continuous mask wearing. No, I’m talking about things like this. This is where it’s heading now. Dehumanisation of the unvaccinated. If you’ve read any history at all you’ll know where that inevitably leads.

Do you remember seeing that with polio vaccine? Hepatitis vaccines? How about tuberculosis? Those were all proper vaccines. This new technology isn’t even preventing spread. It’s also turning the vaccinated into shedders. Yes, it’s now clear that the vaccinated are shedding spike protein and causing issues in the unvaccinated around them. It’s even in Pfizer’s trial notes. So if the vaccinated want to shun me, I’m fine with that.

How long will they be shedding? Nobody knows. Nobody has tested this. Or maybe they have, and have decided on a six month booster shot to keep the game going. I don’t know. I’d guess the mRNA ones won’t last long though. A month or so at most. The DNA ones could last longer.

I keep seeing this statement that the mRNA is tapping into the body’s ‘operating system’. This is because the whole mRNA thing was thought up by a computer geek. It’s not like MS-DOS. It’s more like a factory.

Right. You have the blueprints to make stuff in your factory but if you build on the blueprints directly, you’ll wear them out. So you make a photocopy of the original blueprint and build on that. It wears out, no problem, you can make another copy from the original.

DNA is the blueprint. mRNA is the photocopy. tRNA brings the parts for assembly. This is nothing like a computer operating system, you can’t just reprogam it – but you can hijack the assembly line. Which is what viruses do. It’s also what mRNA vaccines do. They send a fake photocopy to the factory floor. The factory doesn’t know it’s fake, they just follow the instructions.

The fake photocopy, like the genuine ones, will wear out after a few passes through the machinery. Then they’re gone. The DNA vaccines are adding a bit of fake ‘original blueprint’ to the system so it can churn out many more fake mRNA ‘photocopies’. It’s only limited by the stability of that extra DNA. It’s going to last a lot longer than the mRNA. I can’t at this stage even make a guess at how long it’ll be in there.

The vaccinated posing a risk to the unvaccinated is not new. It’s been shown with many other vaccines, including measles.The difference here is that those taking the coronavirus vaccine are not shedding live virus. Just the spike proteins – but that’s enough because the spike proteins are the part of the virus that causes most of the problems, like blood clots, heart issues and more.

More and more issues are coming to light over this now. It will clear itself in time because T cells in the blood will eventually kill all the cells producing the spike proteins, since to the immune system those cells appear to be infected. Then the booster shots will start it all off again.

Basically, it’s not safe for the unvaccinated to be around the vaccinated for at least a few weeks after they get their shots. So if the vaccinated want to shun us, good. We’re better off if they do.

There has also been talk recently of a vaccine that spreads by itself. I don’t think that will get anywhere, even if it works. Years ago, when I worked in probiotics for farm animals (treatments for gut infections in pigs) I suggested that the ideal probiotic would be one you’d feed to one pig, and it would spread through the whole herd.

Someone much more business-savvy than me pointed out that if I succeeded, a big feed company would buy my patent and put it in the back of a filing cabinet somewhere. It would never be used.

Why? Well, selling one dose to one pig on a farm makes no money. Selling a dose for every individual pig makes a fortune. Same with this self-propagating vaccine. If they succeed, the idea will end up at the back of a filing cabinet somewhere, filed under ‘ignore forever’.

Vaccine companies, all health companies, are businesses. They don’t care about you. They are in it for the money. Nothing else.

Keep that in mind and a lot of the weird stuff you see makes a lot more sense.