A Flaccid Election

Books – the backlog will soon be reduced by one. Then the next one… It’s also author payment month this month so if you want to keep them going, pick something from https://legironbooks.co.uk Authors currently get 100% of royalties because the income is too small for me to bother taking a cut.

So, Rusty Nutsack announced a general election on July 4th. Stormy Keith is sure he’ll win it, not because he’s any use but because the Conservatives seem desperate to lose. They’ve even brought back Mad Wanksock as a candidate.

I don’t know if I’ll bother voting. I might just write ‘You’re all twats’ on the form, or maybe not bother at all. It seems pointless. The same crap will happen no matter which of them are in office. None of them are listening to any of us anymore, if they ever did.

I have a feeling something very bad is coming and none of them want to be in office to get the blame for it. Russia has stated that if any British weapons strike their territory, that would justify bombing attacks on British territory. The same goes for any other countries supplying the coke head running Ukraine.

China has surrounded Taiwan with warships and is moving troops to the coast. All the Western countries have given most of their weapons to Ukraine who don’t know how to use them so have sold most of them to buy mansions for their politicians. The US military is being run by men who think they are women and at least one who thinks he’s a dog. The rest of the Western military is being run by the only slightly less deranged.

In the UK there has been talk of conscription to defeat the Russians. I’m sure Putin is quaking in his boots at having to fend off Lycra clad noodle armed man buns who will run home in tears at being misgendered.

There was a time when kids in the UK were trained from an early age to be longbow archers. Now they are trained from an early age to undergo surgery to sterilise them into the opposite sex.

What happened to the people who built cathedrals and railways, who invented tarmac and cars and aeroplanes and light bulbs and even the internet you are reading this on? How did they become so weak, self-loathing and ultimately self-destructive?

It’s like watching the fall of Rome from within Rome while the rest of the Romans go about their day as if nothing is wrong. But I think at least half, maybe more, of those complacent people have the feeling that something, somewhere, is really terribly wrong. Will they realise what it is before it’s too late?

And who, or what, will they vote for?

11 thoughts on “A Flaccid Election

  1. I saw a mention from Andrew Bridgen, who reckons the UK is actually at war with Russia already but the country won’t be informed until July or August, which ties in neatly with the knee jerk election announcement.

    We’ve watched in increasing disbelief as our country self immolated for most of our adult lives, the destruction got into top gear in ’97, but Gollum isn’t the only one to blame, it was already gathering unstoppable speed over the previous govt farce under Major and the annihalation of industry during Thatcher’s regime, the last 14 years of an increasingly ludicrous and corrupt tory shambles saw the brakes sabotaged as we approached and plunged headlong over the cliff face to catastrophy and ruin.

    Who to vote for? who indeed. For myself i’m disgusted more than any by the Tories for their lies and betrayal so i’ll vote for the destruction of the Tory party by voting indy if there’s no reform candidate, the country cannot be saved without a genuine conservative movement in govt, the tories have no intention of conserving anything bar their own wealth and power.

    Had the tories honoured Brexit and brought as promised from 2010 total annual immigration down to the 10s of thousands instead of around a million they would be flying high now, they deserve everything that happens now.

    I’m equally disgusted with the electorate, who after everything thats happened since 1997 especially will once again vote for the two cheeks of the same arse (thanks George) parties and once again expect a different result.

    All of my above waffle is pointless, Labour will win and probably make changes to voting legalities whilst in power, ie votes at age 16 and grant citizenship to all immigrants legal or otherwise so they can all vote, whcih will ensure a permanent labour govt until acclerating demographic changes culminate in an Islamic state.

    Course if Andrew Bridgen is right the country will be a smoking ruin by the end of the year.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. The internet was the Americans, ARPA or DARPA or some such thing. Those Americans do like their acronyms. The World Wide Web was invented by Tim Berners-Lee who is a Brit, but the internet was already there.

    Apart from that, spot on.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. “the electorate, who after everything thats happened since 1997 especially will once again vote for the two cheeks of the same arse”

    Thank you, Judd, for passing on that gem.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. White people are no longer wanted in the Globalist’s ideal of the 500 million world. Somehow 15/16 of the world population will be eliminated or killed – they don’t care how it happens – watch out for the latest lab-contrived ‘virus’ to kill large numbers, after Covid’s disappointing effectiveness.


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