A Flaccid Election

Books – the backlog will soon be reduced by one. Then the next one… It’s also author payment month this month so if you want to keep them going, pick something from https://legironbooks.co.uk Authors currently get 100% of royalties because the income is too small for me to bother taking a cut.

So, Rusty Nutsack announced a general election on July 4th. Stormy Keith is sure he’ll win it, not because he’s any use but because the Conservatives seem desperate to lose. They’ve even brought back Mad Wanksock as a candidate.

I don’t know if I’ll bother voting. I might just write ‘You’re all twats’ on the form, or maybe not bother at all. It seems pointless. The same crap will happen no matter which of them are in office. None of them are listening to any of us anymore, if they ever did.

I have a feeling something very bad is coming and none of them want to be in office to get the blame for it. Russia has stated that if any British weapons strike their territory, that would justify bombing attacks on British territory. The same goes for any other countries supplying the coke head running Ukraine.

China has surrounded Taiwan with warships and is moving troops to the coast. All the Western countries have given most of their weapons to Ukraine who don’t know how to use them so have sold most of them to buy mansions for their politicians. The US military is being run by men who think they are women and at least one who thinks he’s a dog. The rest of the Western military is being run by the only slightly less deranged.

In the UK there has been talk of conscription to defeat the Russians. I’m sure Putin is quaking in his boots at having to fend off Lycra clad noodle armed man buns who will run home in tears at being misgendered.

There was a time when kids in the UK were trained from an early age to be longbow archers. Now they are trained from an early age to undergo surgery to sterilise them into the opposite sex.

What happened to the people who built cathedrals and railways, who invented tarmac and cars and aeroplanes and light bulbs and even the internet you are reading this on? How did they become so weak, self-loathing and ultimately self-destructive?

It’s like watching the fall of Rome from within Rome while the rest of the Romans go about their day as if nothing is wrong. But I think at least half, maybe more, of those complacent people have the feeling that something, somewhere, is really terribly wrong. Will they realise what it is before it’s too late?

And who, or what, will they vote for?

Chrissie Hynde and Madrugada

So apparently Chrissie Hynde, the lead singer of The Pretenders, has been out giving her opinion about rape and blame. You can read the article here
She makes several points and I personally don’t agree with most of them. She claims that scantily clad women were likely to “entice a rapist” and that it is their “fault” if they are attacked. Lets look at that. Now I am a firm believer that women should be able to wear what they want, and I think in most cases then rape is more about power and thus what a woman wears isn’t really what gets you raped. People should wear what they want in their own time. And really men get raped too. Surely that’s not because their dress was a bit too short or their heels were a bit too high. And just to go all the way, if a nudist gets raped is it then her fault? I mean she was all naked and walking around with other naked people. All that nakedness. How will we deal?

She also comments that You know, if you don’t want to entice a rapist, don’t wear high heels so you can’t run from him.. Now I have heard of women who can actually run in heels. God knows how they do it but it should be possible.
But if it’s your fault that you got raped because you wore heels and couldn’t run away does that mean that every woman wearing trousers is also to blame? I mean surely it must be easier to run away if you’re wearing a dress and your rapist has his trousers down his ankles. But then again a dress does mean easy access so it could be a sign saying “Oi you there, come rape me!”. And if that is true does that mean women are not even safe in a burqa? Perhaps women should just break out the full plated body armour. Look on the bright side it’ll be a cheap work out too.

I will say this; I have always dressed rather conservative. Trousers, t-shirt and sneakers. One Christmas my grandmother gave me a shirt and a pair of tights. I wore the shirt the day after to the Christmas family get together with trousers and my grandmother asked why I was wearing my dress with jeans. I never learned to walk in heels. I once, at a New Years party with friend,s wore sneakers with a fancy dress. Now my way of dressing and lack of heels didn’t save me. Would it really save others?


Now Madrugada is an alternative rock band from Norway that my mother introduced me to. They started out in 1993 but the band split up after guitar player Rober Burås’ death in 2007.


The lead singer Sivert Høyem has since made 4 solo records. I saw him live last year with my mother and he is a rather talented guy.

Honey Bee

Lift Me – feat Ane Brun

Now this is my personal favourite. It’s a bit more bluesy I’d say than the other songs

Adam Cohen

It’s been a bit of a hard time this past weeks time and more. I’ve just felt drained and sad. You know one of those times where you just feel like a bad remark away from getting misty eyed

I got invited to my granddad’s birthday party which was very surprising since I only tend to get invited to the big celebrations. My grandmother isn’t always the most tactful person. So I spent a lot of time wondering why I’d been invited trying to find the catch. Seems like there for once wasn’t one. It was a pleasant visit with great food and he liked his gift.

I try to be a happy person, which in times like these isn’t always easy. I’ve had people tell me that I need to toughen up and not be so silly and in a way that has been a thing I’ve been grumbling over for a while now. When did it become okay to be a douche bag to people? My brothers and I were raised to say please and thank you and my dad always told us never to tease others about the way they looked because people were responsible for the way they act but not for their physical features. But it seems like these days if someone does something to piss of another it’s “this fat bitch”. I once heard someone, walking past an imigrant, who joked that some people would look better in a burka. Or my grandmother at a birthday party saying very loudly “was that Hellen? I barely recognised her because she’s gotten so fat!”. When did that become okay?

Another thing I don’t get is those going “oh it’s freedom of speech!”. And really I support freedom of speech. It has done some great things through the years. But it seems like today a lot of people will act like a dick and then pull up the shield of freedom of speech. Yes, you can say whatever you like but do we really need to? Is it really necessary to tell some local politician that you hope his kids get cancer because you don’t agree with his opinions? And what I really don’t get is those who’ll go around poking people with their mean stick and then acts all omg like get a grip. Freedom of speech bro. I mean if you stand in the street calling passerbys the c word you shouldn’t really be surprised or run crying when you at some point get a word back or get punched.

I just don’t understand people who seem to go out of their way to be negative. I’ll stop rambling and get on to the music.

I must admit I’ve never gotten into Leonard Cohen. He writes some great songs, I rather like Jennifer Warnes tribute cd Famous Blue Raincoat, I just never really fell in love with Cohen’s singing style. I am however very fond of the music that his son Adam Cohen makes. So he is today’s music segment.

What other guy

Cohen is what I usually put on when I want something soft and gentle.


I absolutely love this song. It’s the song I imagine myself having that first dance with my newly husband at our wedding. It is just beautiful and for me fitting.

We go home

This one from the newest album has a bit more go to it. It was the first one I heard and the one that drew me into the world of Adam Cohen

Love is

I have a neighbour who is a big papa Cohen fan so I let her borrow the newest Adam album since she was curious as to wether she’d like his music or not. She didn’t. She thought his lyrics was rather empty compared to his father’s. I disagree, I think if you look past the upbeat music you do find pretty good lyrics too.