Planking (Little Table)

I have been planking.

The little chairs are done and now have knitted rats sitting in them. Still waiting for that photo.

Time to move on to the table. I’m thinking small card table with cards, ashtray and whisky glasses.

So… having learned my lesson from last time, I’ll start this time with bought-in stripwood, right?

Table1Yeah, like that was ever really going to happen. One three-year-seasoned plumwood branch, a saw and an electric plane is all I need to get started. I cut a reasonably straight piece and started shaving it down.

Then I sawed it almost in half and shaved a bit more off until I had a two-plank log

Table2See the red safety button on the side of the handle? No, you don’t, because it broke ages ago. No problem, I’ve bypassed it so the tool is good to go.

Soon I had four little planks ready to seal together

Table3Some serious wood glue and clamps were next up. Note that this is not making the top of the table, it’s making the block that table top will be cut from later. I am still considering round or hexagon. Time to decide later.

Table4When I clamp something it stays clamped. I have to leave this alone until tomorrow, which is hard for a natural meddler, but so far I have managed to do it.

The Table Begins. With no upholstery, it won’t take as long as the chairs.


20 thoughts on “Planking (Little Table)

  1. While I’m the first to criticize ‘elf and safety gorn mad’ – the safety is there for a reason – on moulded power tools it’s usually about as easy to repair the safety as it is to bypass it.

    After the first two or three incidents of collegues losing fingers, hands (and so far) one arm due to disabling safeties on machine tools I’ve got a wee bit more cautious.

    Despite that, looking forward to how this turns out – your work is generally far more fiddly than anything I’d care to undertake – and you clearly need more clamps

    Liked by 1 person

  2. “I have many clamps” Made me think of satnav brackets. Concerned that I might lose the original, I bought a second. I can’t find either . . .


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