Parasite Lost

Well, it seems the mRNA experimental jabs are indeed capable of being reverse transcribed into DNA and incorporated into the human genome. I didn’t think it likely, but the experiments have been done and there it is.

Okay, well, it’s actually not new. Many viruses have done this in the past (the most famous example being HIV, of course) and it’s a logical step on the way to becoming the perfect parasite.

A virus is just a bit of DNA or RNA and has only one purpose. To reproduce. However, it has no metabolism so it can’t do that on its own. It has to parasitise another cell – and in doing that, it often kills or debilitates the cell. This means that other cells develop resistance to the entry of that virus (maybe by changing surface receptors or by having, in larger species, an immune system to deal with it). Yes, it’s much more complex than that but that’s the basics.

The ideal outcome for one of these little bits of DNA/RNA is to get incorporated into a higher cell’s DNA permanently. Then it has no further need to express its genes, no need to cause any issues at all, and it’ll be copied when the host cell reproduces. It need do nothing else.

HIV has not reached that stage. Neither has chicken pox, nor any of the others that later reappear and cause sickness. Many have though, and you never hear about them because they don’t do a damn thing. They are part of that ‘junk DNA’ you hear about – parts of the human genome that don’t code for anything or ever express any activity. They just sit there waiting for the cell to reproduce, and they get copied along with it.

Perfect parasites. The host does all the work and they do nothing at all. Ever. They never cause any harm, they just ride along like Burberry-clad genes, soaking up benefits and donating nothing in return.

Some have not reached the perfect parasite stage. They can come back later to make the host’s life miserable and then they will have to take the consequences – the host will do anything it can to get rid of them. Burberry-clad genes who were quiet for a while but then got at a few cans of Red Stripe and kicked off, if you like.

Many viruses will never get to the perfect parasite stage. Ebola is far too nasty and kills far too quickly. It has never shown any sign of developing a less lethal version of itself so it’ll never produce an infection of low enough lethality to have time to get into the host genome. Rabies tries, it can lie dormant for a long time after a bite but it always gets you in the end. It can’t get to perfect parasite level.

So, if this mRNA jab can incorporate into the host genome, will it get to perfect parasite stage and just be another bit of benign junk DNA? Unfortunately I don’t think so.

This virus is clearly engineered. It’s not natural so we can’t assume it will follow any natural rules. It has emerged that Moderna had a patent on a sequence in this virus three years ago. I have limited experience with patenting biological discoveries and one thing is for sure, it’s not a fast process. If they got the patent three years ago they had the sequence at least five years ago.

At this point it’s worth making clear that the experiments I’m referring to concerning covid have all been done in vitro. They used human liver cells but they have not tested this effect in animals and certainly not in humans. Their results must be considered with that caveat. In Vitro human cell lines aren’t always an ideal model – they are close but not a perfect match for what something will do in the entire organism. At this stage all we can say is that it’s possible that it could happen in humans but it’s not certain that it will.

Anyway. This engineered mRNA codes for a spike protein that doesn’t actually perfectly match any known coronavirus. The hope seems to have been that it would induce a generic response to spike proteins but again, that has not been adequately tested. There has also been no study into its potential incorporation into host genome before the jab rollout and therefore no study into whether it would keep producing spike protein from within the host DNA if it was incorporated.

Basically, nobody really knows. It’s all still experimental.

I had an advantage, you can call it an unfair advantage if you like but it took me a lifetime of study to get it. I knew from the outset the limitations of PCR and lateral flow tests. I knew what mRNA producing spike proteins could do to the cells in the human body. I knew about the cruciform plate and the dangers of poorly trained people ramming swabs up there. So I have never taken any type of covid test and have never accepted the jabs. I did try to tell others, but it seems they prefer to scoff. Well, I tried.

I did not know about aspiration – pulling back on the syringe before injection to make sure the needle is not in a blood vessel. I’ve never injected anything into anyone. Seems many of those injecting this stuff didn’t know either.

I was sure mRNA could not be reverse transcribed into DNA in a human cell. I was wrong, that has now been demonstrated to be possible. It has also been shown to be possible that it could be incorporated into the host DNA. Not absolutely proven (it has only been demonstrated in vitro) but ‘shown to be possible’ which is quite a concern in itself.

The important next step is to find out what that incorporated DNA does. If it does nothing, if it joins the ranks of junk DNA, well that’s okay. For now. There is still the chance of future reactivation but we won’t know about that for many years.

If it turns cells into permanent spike protein factories then that is an immediately serious problem.

So now I’m waiting for the next stage in this experiment. And I won’t be a lab rat in it while it’s going on.

23 thoughts on “Parasite Lost

  1. The question is, how long do we need to wait?

    If the spike protein manufacturing has been incorporated into the DNA and could turn back on, is it going to be in a few months? Many years? External event dependent? Is there even any way of knowing?

    Still not having the clot shot…

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Why is the study in vitro? Why don’t they look at a proper vaccinated HUMAN? Millions of triple vaccinated humans are everywhere! A few autopsied actual people would have convinced me more. I’m a triple vaccinatee. I’d volunteer dead or alive. I hate ‘in Vitro’ as they are not the real thing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I, and many others, are volunteering to do our bit for science.
      By refusing these “vaccines” and, if the government is to be believed (hahahaha, sometimes I amuse myself), putting ourselves at risk by not having it, we are acting as a control group – a vital part of any scientific medical study.

      Isn’t that incredibly generous of us?

      Liked by 5 people

    • In Vitro is cheap and quick and has no ethical considerations. It’s always the first step. It does not guarantee it will be the same in real life but it is a quick and easy test of the concept. The next stage will be tests in animals which is more expensive and involves ethics, but it’s important. Then, finally, you’d test it in humans where it gets really expensive, long (you have to look for long term effects) and involves serious ethical considerations.

      No scientist really likes in vitro results, but it’s the starting point. The first test of a theory. Spending massive amounts of time and money by going straight to human studies and then finding out your idea was total bollocks is a silly way to do it.

      Unless you have complete indemnity from prosecution if it all goes to hell…

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Carl Sagan once said (it’s on a video on youtube still, I think) that the reason we can’t find any technological civilisations in the Galaxy (or elsewhere) is that they reach a certain point of scientific sophistication, and then “snuff themselves out in an instant of unforgivable neglect”. He was talking about nuclear war which was still topical at the time. But he could have meant this sort of thing too.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Chap working at the same contract as i about 10 years younger than me was congratulating me for not being convinced to take the shots, at my age, 66, he had taken them and now regretted doing so like many others, booster shot left him feeling like he might drop dead.

    I replied there was nothing brave or even slightly clever about it, just a case of turning the telly off and avoiding other forms of msm, then searching out alternatives, probably 10 years now since we watched a live telly broadcast or listened to radio news and well over 3 decades since i bought a rag, doubt we’ll ever watch or read again.

    I’m convinced that in many ways the effects of switching the rubbish off can be compared with battery hens being released or escaping from their captive hell, at first they’re lost not knowing quite what to do, but within a few weeks they become what they should have been, real clucking chickens wandering about doing what hens do, their feathers grow back beautifully too out in the fresh air.
    I suggest to people when we converse about such things to switch the bleeding thing off for just one month, and avoid all other forms of msm similarly, not sure if anyone’s done as i suggest but that’s their look out frankly.

    Much obliged again Leggy for the constant updates and info, confess the science really takes some following.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Leggy, you mentioned that olde chestnut, “junk DNA”. As a creationist, I am led to understand that the only non-functioning DNA is due to mutations which have occurred since creation – or to be more precise, since the Fall, when the creation started to degenerate. What proportion of the human genome would you consider to be ‘junk’ and with the complexity involved in the cell, with all sorts of interactions going on, how could you be certain that what is thought to be ‘junk’ is actually ‘junk’: i.e. redundant genetic remains from our not-so-illustrious alleged past as shrews, reptiles and fish?

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think the Y chromosome has degraded over time (I’m not an expert in this) so it looks like humanity is in a countdown to the end. As for the rest of the junk DNA, it could be old genes for gills and fins, it could be accumulated ex-viruses or it could just be ‘filler’ to make it fit the chromosomes. Or it could be all those things and perhaps more. Maybe it contains genes we haven’t activated yet. I don’t know and I don’t think anyone really does.

      But since we’ve now been visited by Pestilence and War, with Famine looming next, I’m keeping an open mind here.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Dear Mr Legiron

    In a comment on Mr Worstall’s site (, I linked to the graph below:

    Cum XS mortality by age 2020-22 wk6

    Which prompted another graph:

    Cum XS mortality 0-44 2015-22 wk6

    Something interesting seems to have happened to the 0-44 age group mortality in 2021. Extrapolating from another graph splitting out cumulative mortality, most of the extra mortality is in the 15-44 age group.


    I understand there is a limit to links in a comment, hence the break in the URL above.


    Liked by 1 person

  7. Well, that was interesting and basically my thoughts on the subject. I am simply not having Covid, although I suspect that there could be more to it beyond the basics.

    I am never ill. I don’t know what ill feels like. I did once have a minor dose of Dengue Fever but that was in Singapore, so perhaps I was caught unaware of some foreign thingy that I didn’t know about.

    I do however have limitlessly allergies. So my immune system is working absolutely finely to the enth degree. But I was pregnant at the time so probably not frightfully watching my back.

    Pregnancy is in itself a parasthitical thing, much as I love the little shits. A bit like the Dachshund. Not a lot of difference between them.

    Interestingly enough O’Connor was being a pain tonight so I told him to pack it in. Which he instantly did. The one love of his life was passed out pissed on the sofa. But that rotten little dog still knows who in in charge around here.

    Liked by 1 person

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