
Angry Ranting Man has ranted about the lunacy of the Olympics (oops, I’m not allowed to call them that. I’ll refer to them as the Corporate Idiot Bastards instead).

Longrider points out the stupidity of censoring certain words like Au, Ag, copper-tin-zinc-amalgam, that big place on the Thames, the number between 2011 and 2013, and more. I will be taking the utter piss out of all of those bans for the foreseeable future, including the ban on linked rings of any number between 4 and 6.

When did corporations decide they could write laws on the fly and empower pseudoplods to collect fines? Oh, some time ago actually. Parliament has been as effective as an ashtray on a motorbike for at least a couple of decades now. The just do what they are told. This new lot have, collectively,  less spine than a jellyfish.

Ah, those commenters are funny though. “When did we start banning words? When did we start deciding what we can and cannot say?” Someone, I fear, has not been paying attention. Banning words has been happening for a  long time, did you not think it would ever be extended? Do you still believe the slippery slope is a myth?

The laugh of the day is MacDonalds. They claim to have invented chips and have banned everyone British from selling chips because chips are the invention of the MacD.

Fuck you with a greasy chip, as they often say in Glasgae. But then, there is amusement coming.

Maccy D has paid pots of money to be the Sole Chipper for the Corporate Idiot Bastards Sports Day and to be hailed as the American inventor of chips.

Ah, but Corporate Idiot Bastards are not the only ones gibbering in the leprous ear of government. The Puritans are gibbering too, and one of the things they gibber of is fat.

Another is meat.

Oh dear, imaginary chip inventors. You are soon to be hit with the plain packaging and hideous warning label of the Tobacco Template. Think I’m exaggerating? Okay, think that if you like, that’s fine with me, I don’t care at all.

When it happens, you will turn to the people and say ‘Hey, this isn’t fair’. You’ll be right.

But the people will remember how you stopped them buying sausage and chips, egg bacon and chips, black pudding fried bread and chips, spam spam spam baked beans spam spam sausage spam egg spam spam and chips, and they will whisper ‘Yes, you bastard. Yes it is’.

Oily mimpic sponsors, you have all your guns at your own heads. I would encourage you all to pull those triggers but I see you already have.

As for me, I will never buy anything from an Olympic-sponsoring company ever again. It won’t be hard, none of them sell anything essential or even unique.

Oh, and every one of them supports this.

Think of that when you see the Au round badges on ribbons handed out at that place on the Thames in the year between 2011 and 2013 under a logo consisting of not four, not six, but any number in between of linked figures constructed through the mathematical extrapolation of pi.

Sport? This twatfest now has as much to do with sport as the BMA has to do with health. It is all about profit and control.

And still some people think it’s worth paying for.

9 thoughts on “Words

  1. This year’s Oily-mimpics might be similar to the one in Berlin, on the very eve of the 2nd WW. in that one, a black athelete from US won a major medal and because of eugenics being in vogue (much as it is again today), it was a lot of tension for him to run, let alone win a world championship out of it. Fast forward to the current year Oily-mimpics, happening somewhere soon between the years 2011 and 2013 and with eugenics back in vogue, it would be hilarious to see someone like a smoker, drinker and overweight person, all three dare venture to the games and then win gold medals. The tension will be just as high as there will be unwillingness among the sponsors and games to recognize their achievements, similar to how they could accept a black athelete’s achievements back prior to the last European war. But all hell will break loose should a smoker or drinker of non-body-mass-conforming athelete win one of this year’s events.


  2. I’m hooting with derision at the idea of brand protection for this ego-fest. Who in their right noggin would want to be associated with it? It’s the kiss of death. It seems that Mickey D – which is obviously on the slide – is not content with being in all the text books for the MacLibel case, a technical draw which none the less amounted to terrible shot-own-testicles corporate idiocy but, as you so rightly say, are coming back for the wobbly between their own ears.

    Can you believe how much they pay for rubbish advice? Me neither.

    I feel very sorry, though, for our competitors who deserved to be associated with higher human ideals but have been reduced to whores and rentboys, hustled out for the pimps of the IOC and our own stupid politicians who seem to think that this makes them look good. There’s not much nastier than some old geezer insisting he’s wonderful by riding on the back of a young diver; even Boris has become revolting recently and the public previously quite liked him.

    BTW, down at my local Megalomart the fluffy Wenlock toys have already been reduced to £7 from £10 and are sitting in desperate piles in cardboard boxes by the checkout. They aren’t going to shift at that price and I doubt they’ll move at any price. Personally, I woundn’t want one if it was free, but I might take one for collection purposes.

    This is not like the Royal events where even Republicans politely sit on their hands and accept that the public is overwhelmingly fond of the Queen and won’t be looking for change so long as she is on the throne. The public had to be more or less ordered to turn up for the Torch and despite the papers whipping themselves to a froth over “the torch in our region” stories. The overwhelming public vibe which they decline to report is on a spectrum from DILLIGAF to outright hostility.


  3. Loved David Starkey’s rant on Any Questions last week which ended with his expressing the wish that it all gets buggered (his very words!). This elicited a faint moan of outrage from the drones. Personally, I’m wallowing in schadenfreude at the G4S fiasco, the black cab drivers refusing to play the game by protesting and the spat around the opening ceremony. My day will be made when the Nation takes collective offence when TeamGB fails to win even a consolation prize.


  4. “But all hell will break loose should a smoker or drinker of non-body-mass-conforming athelete win one of this year’s events.”

    Don’t worry, Tom, they have their excuses ready at least for smokers.

    Burning desire – 2008

    “It seems obvious – professional sportsmen shouldn’t smoke. So why do they continue to light up? And does it really affect their game?”

    “It is in the short term that the effects of cigarettes on athletic performance are harder to assess. ‘A sportsperson highly reliant on their fitness would clearly be stupid to smoke,’ says Dr Keith Prowse, chairman of the British Lung Foundation. ‘But in the short term, smoking won’t do much beyond irritate the nose and throat.’ According to Jarvis, there might even be – gulp – a benefit. ‘Nicotine is a psychomotive stimulant, in the same group of drugs as amphetamines,’ he says. ‘So a cigarette could potentially enhance performance in “explosive” events like sprinting.”

    Nicotine may be classified as performance-enhancing drug – 2011

    “The performance-enhancing effects of nicotine included increased “vigilance and cognitive function,” and reduced stress and body weight.”


    • As an aside, smoking is banned on all golf courses in SF, CA, USA – both indoors and outdoors, everywhere – but unlike parks, I think it is a $50 instead of a $500 fine for smoking outdoors on a golf course. It is a specific law banning golf course smoking, separate from the park ban – and of course, they use separate laws so they have many that overlap and should one ever be overturned, a dozen others will stil be left standing.

      Anyhow, a few years ago, there was a major, possibly PGA, golfing tournament televised from one of the SF golf courses and possibly the Lincoln Park course, which over looks Land’s End and the GG Bridge view in the distance – and one of the PGA champs, I don’t think it was Tiger Woods, but someone of that calibre, didn’t realize about the ban and had a cigar or cig with him while he was out there concentrating on how to hit and aim the ball.

      So probably a week later, there was a big to-do in the SF local media about him seen with a cig/cigar and then I believe retroactively they fined him the $50 penalty and made a big splash all over the SF local print and TV stations about it, citing it as simply dreaful and awful of course.

      It probably helps a golfer concentrate on first, relaxing, then aiming, then deciding on what club to use and finally on how to hit and angle the ball.


  5. Oh god, I forgot about the Wenlock and Morbid spaz toys! But I think I’ve got enough already in my pathetic Olympics list. Oddly, and I don’t know if it affects others, I can’t add “Olympics” to my Google profile thingy list…. is this yet another one of those things????


  6. Clearly LOCOG have missed a trick here haven’t they?

    Why didn’t they think to invent and then register an organisation like say ‘AL-Key-Aida’ as the Official Terrorist Partner of the London Olympic Games? I doubt even the bearded ones from Poppyland would dare try it on then. In fact, we could have stationed an Intellectual Property lawyer on that London tower block instead of all those missiles.

    And did I miss a memo? A few years ago we were regaled with artist impressions of the Olympic site showing rolling green embankments, colourful flaggery and trees throughout. Now I’m seeing aerial shots in the media of rusting railway yards, silted-up canals and industrial buildings… okay, I’m not a mug, I know the conceptualisations rarely reflect the actual reality but come on; its nothing like what we were promised the £Billions would get us! I feel cheated.


  7. Hmmm, it’s a rare lovely evening here in the West Country tonight, so do I go for the refreshing Thatcher’s Gold or a robust and satisfying Fullers London Pride or maybe a malty Bronze Ale from the Celt Experience brewery? Hold on, I’ll be straight back, there’s a knock at the door………


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