Christmas time, silliness and lies…

The Black Friday silliness is nearly over and I have spent… nothing at all. I have ignored it completely and feel much better for it. I haven’t even watched the videos of people squabbling over last year’s technology so the shops get space for Christmas stock of this year’s stuff. Which I also will not buy. It’s going to be a difficult Christmas for those who want to buy me presents because beyond whisky and tobacco, there is nothing left that I want.

I have, however, watched the day’s silliness off and on. There is a lot of it now. The BBC is horrified to find that mince pies contain traces of alcohol. That’s not the silliest part of the article though – that prize goes to Asda’s checkout staff for demanding ID for the sale of a box of mince pies. What goes through their minds? Not much…

Upping the silliness a notch (oh this is just getting started), a mother has called for ‘Sleeping Beauty’ to be age restricted so younger kids can’t read it. Why? Because the sleeping princess does not give consent to be kissed. That, apparently, is what causes men to become rapists in later life.Therefore Hansel and Gretel turns old ladies into cannibals and children into murderers while Goldilocks encourages home invasion, food theft and  bed-hopping in young girls.

The comments on the article are worth reading. In particular, the book about a God who impregnates a virgin while she sleeps – without her consent. They haven’t banned the Bible yet, but it’s coming.

Although there might not be any need. The Church of Sweden is no longer referring to the ‘Lord’ God because that assumes he is male. Well, all through the Bible, references to God refer to ‘he’ or ‘him’ and not ‘xe, xim’ or any other recently made up pronoun. The Bible also makes the gender issue very clear indeed. Man and woman. There is no Book of Genders – and you’d need a whole damn book these days, with daily updates as the loonies think up new things to call themselves.

One thing’s for sure, I’m not leaving any pet of mine alone with someone calling themselves ‘pansexual’. There is now even pressure to recognise paedos as a legitimate sexual orientation. That’s going to be a ‘no’ from me on that one.

You know, I think if God was being ‘misgendered’ (now a sacking offence in many places) all this time, xe’d have said something. I also think we might soon see some evidence for the existence of God when the Church of Sweden gets obliterated by multiple, simultaneous lightning strikes. If you believe in the existence of a deity as powerful as that, one thing you definitely avoid doing is pissing him off.

Well it’s Sweden. God could just let Islam finish destroying it. I picture him turning to Allah and saying ‘You can have that place, mate. I don’t want it any more.’ Maybe he already has

Oh, wait until the Politically Correct start insisting Allah might be transgender. That would be a day to remember.

Meanwhile Brexit continues to not happen. The EU’s latest bargaining chip is to deny the UK an entry into the European City of Culture self-congratulatory waste of time and money. If I were sat at that negotiating table, my response would have been an eyeroll, a sarcasm-drenched ‘Oh I am quaking’ and a request that they go away and find some adults we can negotiate with. Which, I suppose, is why I’ll never be called into the field of diplomacy.

I hope they eject us from the Eurovision terrible song contest too. Nobody will dare vote for us after Brexit anyway. Except maybe Poland, Hungary etc. They might give us top marks just to poke their EU dictators in the eye.

Who the hell cares about getting a City of Culture in 2023? It doesn’t mean a damn thing and there’s a good chance there’ll be no EU by then anyway. It’s falling apart like rice-paper in the rain.

It’s not the only thing that’s falling apart. The anti-vapers are on increasingly shaky ground and the Church of Climatology is on thinner ice than even they predicted. The previously robust LGBT movement has now fragmented into a thousand different groups because of the ridiculous proliferation of imaginary genders. There are gender identities that have one person in them now.

There are men pretending to be women but who want to keep their danglies. It’s as if pantomime season has escaped onto the streets. Widow Twanky wants to use the same changing rooms as teenage girls and we’re supposed to regard that as normal. These dames have even labelled actual transsexuals as ‘transcum’ because they underwent the horrors of surgery to prove they were serious, and weren’t just trying to ogle young girls in underwear.

The Pope welcomes the invasion of radical Islam even though he is number one on their list of people to behead. What the hell is in those incense burners now?

The EU is dictating to Austria about the form its new government should take. Austria looks like giving them a resounding ‘git tae fuck’ (every government needs a Glaswegian spokesman) as does Hungary etc. over the EU insistence they fill their countries with people who hate them.

There are people on Twitter shouting ‘Kill all white people’ and some of the ones shouting are white. Turkeys demanding an extra Christmas every year.  Or maybe an extra Thanksgiving, but that is now racist, as is the poppy of Remembrance Day. I bought two this year because of that and because anti-white racism is now so blatant that even Government departments can post job adverts with ‘no whites’ on them. Try posting any job ad with ‘no blacks’ on it and see what happens.

I haven’t bothered with Facebook much for a long time. It’s rapidly becoming a dictatorship and Twitter is going the same way. Some ‘endorsed’ members (the blue tick is an endorsement of their views by Twitter now, not just a verified identity, because they are taking that verification away from people they don’t agree with) preach violence and death and if they are anti-white, that’s fine.

I’ve now set up an account on  ready for the day Twitter feels I am ‘threatening their safe space’ or some such crap. Anyone can join there, anyone at all. It’s in its infancy but it’s how Twitter used to be, with no sides taken and nobody banned just for disagreeing. If it eventually turns into another Totalitarian Twitter there will be a new one to follow it.

I still have to fill out my tax return and I really don’t want to. I’ll have to give them money this time and when I see what they do with it, I honestly don’t want to feel responsible for rte shit they produce. Tessie Maybe was a crap Home Secretary and is an appallingly weak Prime Monster. She only won because the alternative was so much worse.

I’d rather have John Major back. Yeah, she’s that bad.

Well, times are going to get interesting and somewhat violent in the near future. I heard today that in Sweden, they have set fire to nine immigrant housing places but I can’t be sure if that’s true yet. I don’t know of any completely reliable news source any more. The backlash, if it hasn’t started already, is inevitable though.

Only the politicians and the politically correct will be surprised. The rest of us will just shrug and say ‘Yeah. Told you.’

12 thoughts on “Christmas time, silliness and lies…

    • Someone wrote a skit once on that theme, when the Enterprise encountered a Total Fucking Moron that had escaped from Starfleet. This horror demanded that the Enterprise hand over its engines (property of Starfleet Engineering) and weapons (property of Starfleet arsenal) immediately.

      It was vanquished by the resident BOFH, who merely opened communications with it, and said “Hello Moron, why are you here now? You’re not scheduled to be here for three months. Oh, and by the way, we surrender”.

      At this point, having discovered that not only had it achieved something but had done it ahead of schedule, the Moron imploded.


  1. Well, I spent so much, my bank thought there was strange activity on my account and blocked me and I then had to spend half an hour on the phone to their fraud team convincing them that I really was me and not a scammer from Nigeria. Only I could do that…

    Merry Xmas.


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  3. “ … LGBT …”

    Now here’s a question that’s never asked. Why is “T” included in that group? “LGB” I can see, are all the most numerous (I realise that there are others now) “alternative” sexual persuasions, i.e. it describes who they are attracted to. But “T” isn’t about who you are attracted to – it’s about the gender that you identify yourself as, which isn’t a sexual persuasion. There are straight Ts, gay Ts, lesbian Ts and bisexual Ts. Are the straight Ts not allowed to join? If that’s the case, then they should drop the T from the name altogether, because its inclusion gives the impression that all Ts are welcome to join the movement, but if straight Ts aren’t, then it’s misleading. Or do they insist that erstwhile straight Ts can only join once they’ve made the transition and then “become” gay or lesbian as a consequence? (I’m assuming here that changing one’s gender doesn’t automatically change one’s sexuality, but others more knowledgeable than me may correct this view). What about gay Ts who, after transition, then become, essentially “straight?” Are they then expelled from the movement?

    Liked by 1 person

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