Piper in Hazmat: Part One

Busy here, now five full books going through the process and also the Christmas anthology. Still I managed to get started on a tale for Christmas myself. This one will form part of Panoptica and fits between ‘For Whom the Bells Jingle‘ and ‘23-David and 81-Mohammed‘.

This isn’t the whole thing. Just the first half. It’ll probably get some editing too, once it’s complete. It’s being rushed out now because of something that’s happening in Liverpool.


The story is set in the future of course – I had hoped in the far future, but it seems the future is coming faster than I anticipated. Well, here we go…

Piper in Hazmat

Dawn wiped away her tears before they could freeze. It had been three years and yet the pain burned as bright as ever. She stifled a sob and kept her head bowed. Tree respect was nearly over and she would return home alone, to spend this Earth Day’s Eve night in darkness.

This year, again, she considered ending it. It would be so easy. Refuse to turn off the house. Keep a tablet or phone open. Wait for the bells and let Santa take her as he had taken Willow, and a year before that, Martin. She would be with them in spirit, somewhere, if the old religions replaced by the Green God still had any power. At least the pain would stop.

That’s what the old religions promised. The Green God promised nothing but despair, the burning of this planet now deep in snow and ice. The trees were dormant, having shed their leaves for their long winter sleep and yet the news declared that the planet was warming by the hour.

Dawn gasped when the klaxon sounded. Relieved, she turned and headed for home. Maybe she could simply not bother with her preparations and let the cold take her this year, as it took so many others. Mostly the old, but then it did also take some of the young, even some of those younger than Dawn’s thirty years.

Lost in her depression, she didn’t notice June draw alongside her as she walked. Normally the families maintained social distance and respectful silence on Earth Day’s Eve. Everyone was too intent on getting home for one last hot meal before turning all the power off to be bothered with any idle chit-chat anyway. June’s whisper startled her.

“Dawn. We need to talk.”

Dawn shook her head and whispered back. “Do you want us both on the Naughty List? We have to maintain tree respect this day.” She kept her eyes firmly ahead.

June’s breathing was harsh. “They’ve made something worse than Green Santa. The Piper. They plan to take all the children.”

Dawn curled her lip. “They’ve taken my husband and my child. Why would this be any of my business?”

June stayed silent until they were nearly at Dawn’s house. Then she took a breath. “I’m sorry, Dawn. I know you’re going through a living hell but we need you.” She pressed something into Dawn’s hand. Something that ticked. “It’s not electronic so Santa won’t see it. It’s mechanical. Watch it after you turn off the house. When the thick long hand has moved halfway around the dial, and if you want to help us, open your front door and put a LEDlight outside.”

Dawn turned, but June was already receding into the growing darkness. She opened her door and dashed inside.

The door closed, her back pressed against it, Dawn stared at the small metal disc in her hand. Behind its flattened clear dome were three pointed sticks, radiating from the centre. A long one, a short one and a very thin one that rotated around the centre as she watched. There were numbers, one to twelve, around the outside of the dial.

It moves. Is it really not electronic? Is this a trap?

Dawn chuckled, a harsh and desolate sound. It really didn’t matter. She wanted an end to her personal hell anyway so if it was a trap she’d gladly walk into it. It took the decision to end it from her hands, it meant she didn’t have to choose.

In the kitchen, Dawn placed the disc thing on the table and switched on the kettle. She’d try, although she didn’t really want to, to fill enough hot water flasks to last the twenty-four hours of Earth Day. She set the soup on the hob, the last hot meal until sunset tomorrow, and remembered how she had taken the tepid leftovers when Willow was still here. Now the hot soup was all hers and it tasted of loss and despair.

Dawn filled two hot water bottles and three Thermos flasks with hot water before the brown-out started. She filled the fourth with half of the soup and sat to eat the rest at the table. Through the kitchen window, she saw the sun touch the horizon. She ate faster, soon it would be time to shut down the house and wrap up as well as she could for the long dark hours ahead.

Her gaze fell to the strange disc June had given her. It had protrusions either side, as if it was once fixed to something. As she ate, Dawn wondered where it had come from. It looked old, tarnished and scratched and yet whatever mechanism lay inside still worked. The thin stick in the dial moved in jerky steps, round and round. She was to wait until the long thick one moved halfway round the dial, after she turned off the house.

It’s a time measuring device of some kind. Dawn blinked a few times. A memory tried to resurface. Had her grandfather had one of these, or something like it, strapped to his wrist? The Great Cull had taken him while she was still a child, the viral plague that had wiped out many of the elderly. She sniffed and took another spoonful of soup. The four-digit clocks were so much easier to read, this little time measuring thing looked like hard work.

The soup finished, Dawn checked on the sun. Only a tiny arc of its disc now showed on the horizon. She sighed and rose. Time to turn off the house. Technically she had a few more minutes but what was the point? The electricity was now so low that the ceiling light seemed to suck light out of the room rather than illuminate it. She switched on a LEDlight and opened the panel for the power.

This was control. Martin had told her. They could turn off the power remotely through the smart meters but that wasn’t real control. Making everyone turn off their own power, that was real control. Dawn reached into the space behind the panel and pulled down the handle. The house fell silent. The pale bluish glow of the LEDlight was all that remained.

Dawn sat at the kitchen table and considered the tiny device June had given her. She was to wait until the ‘thick long hand’ had moved halfway around the dial then put a LEDlight outside her door. Well, assuming she gave enough of a shit to find out what this was all about.

What do I have to lose? Nothing.

The thin stick continued its rotations. The short fat one didn’t seem to have moved much. It pointed at just below the three. The one she was to watch pointed at the six. So she was to put out a LEDlight when it pointed at twelve. Dawn wondered how long that would take. The hell with it. I have to get some layers of clothing on. It’s already getting cold. She placed the little dial on the table and went off to the bedroom with the LEDlight.

Wrapped in multiple layers of clothing against the growing cold, with one hot water bottle in her bed and the other under her clothing, Dawn returned to the kitchen. She carried three extra LEDlights since her first one was already fading. There was not enough sunlight to charge them at this time of year. Should she really waste one by putting it outside her door?

The long fat stick pointed at eight. So she hadn’t missed whatever awaited her this night. Dawn tried to care, she tried very hard, but three years of being alone weighed heavy on her. If it was to end tonight, let it end.

Why twelve? There were twenty hours in a day, a hundred minutes in an hour and fifty seconds in a minute. Dawn had a vague recollection that it had been different and harder to understand when she was small but it was so easy to calculate now. Hardly any thought required. What was this little dial measuring? Transfixed, she watched the movements within the little dial, tracking the motion of the one that led to a decision. Would she agree to June’s request or ignore it?

Nine. Halfway to twelve. Dawn walked to the window and shivered at the moonlit whiteness outside. Every house, well, every box-shaped dwelling, all identical, all dark… it looked dead out there. She held her breath and listened but could hear no bells. Nobody around here was on the naughty list tonight, so far. Dawn glanced back at the table. So June had told her the truth. The tiny dial wasn’t electronic or she’d be hearing sleigh bells by now. The Green Santa wasted no time when dealing with the naughty ones.

Dawn hugged herself and returned to the table. The LEDlight was almost dead. She switched on another. These tiny solar-charged lights were the only electronics permissible on this night. Dawn picked up the little dial. Its ticking seemed louder now that all other sound was silenced.

Ten. Getting close to decision time. Was she going to put a light outside or just ignore June’s hinted rebellion and go to bed? The short stick had moved a little closer to four. That one must measure hours, June thought, although it seemed a little off. Still, it was hardly bedtime but what else was there to do now?

What was it June had said? The Piper will come for the children? Dawn closed her eyes. There was a tiny hint of childhood memory trying to get through, something about a piper who took children away. Vague, fleeting memories of a story one of her grandparents – she couldn’t remember which one – had read to her when she was small. Something about Hamlet… no, that was a white supremacy thing she had learned about in school. Piper of Hammering? Piper with a Pie? Dawn shook her head. It was too long ago, far too long. Even so, she was sure she remembered a story about a piper who took away children.

She opened her eyes and stared at the dial in her hand.

Eleven. Not much time left to decide. Should she base her future, or possible lack of it, on a vague memory of a children’s story? Dawn pursed her lips. They had corrupted Santa. Changed him from the old jolly fat smoking and drinking guy who gave away presents into the New Green Santa, who was lithe and fast and Pure, and who gave nothing but took away the Naughty Ones. It was not so much of a stretch to believe they had found another childhood icon to corrupt.

June was right about the little dial. It moved without electronics. Mechanical, she called it. Dawn turned it in her fingers and wondered what was inside, what powered it. It was certainly very old. Did the ancients have some knowledge that was now lost to the modern world? Or was it an elaborate trick? Dawn placed it on the table and watched as the thin stick made a complete revolution and the long fat one clicked one notch further. It can’t be electronic or Green Santa would be here now. June had told the truth, even if Dawn couldn’t work out why it was true.

So maybe June also told the truth about the Piper. The long fat stick was close to the twelve. Dawn took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

She had lost her husband and only child. Now this Piper thing was coming for other children. Should she care? Should she help? Or should she continue her slide into despair and let the rest of the world suffer as she had?

Dawn pushed her seat away from the table and stood. “What the Hell do I have left to lose?” she said aloud. “I can wither away and die or go down in a blaze. Maybe I won’t be any use but I can face whatever god there might be and say that I tried.”

The hand was still one minute from twelve when she put the LEDlight outside her door.


The rest of it will be in the Christmas anthology.

Tales from the Asylum

There used to be a rather fine online magazine (I believe the term is ‘e-zine’) by that name. I had a few stories published in it. It’s sadly long gone now but I republished the stories, with credit, in ‘Fears of the Old and the New’.

Now we have the real asylum right here, almost planet-wide. I hear there are plans to reopen swimming pools, limit how many can be in there at any given time and close them periodically for disinfection. Disinfecting the highest-chlorine environment you are ever likely to find yourself in. This is where we are now. I bet they’ll use bleach.

A scientist called Ferguson, the man behind lockdown, the man who has made multiple doomsday predictions based on mathematical models, none of which have ever been even close to reality, has resigned. He was caught bonking another man’s wife while ignoring the lockdown and social distancing rules he was responsible for imposing on the rest of us.

Well. Maybe they did social distancing sex. He could have had a dildo on a stick and she could have had one of those things for reaching cans on high shelves. Considering the current level of insanity in the world today, I would not be shocked by that nor even surprised.

There have been many out in support of him, mostly those who want a Green world with most of us dead, because his bit on the side is a big supporter of mass death and economic ruin, as promised by the Greens. They say he ‘just made a little mistake’. How do you make a ‘little mistake’ about strict rules when you’re the one who invented the rules? It’s not a mistake. It’s imposing rules on the little people while refusing to accept them yourself.

Dickie Burger, MP for somewhere, is repeatedly declaring on Twitter that the UK has the worst figures for coronavirus deaths in the EU. The UK is including deaths at home and deaths in those care homes for the elderly, God’s waiting rooms. Other EU countries are not. I have seen suggestions that if they did, France and Spain at least would have to double their numbers. We cannot know how well any country tackled this until it’s over.

Sweden looks bad, but they didn’t have lockdown. They got it over with and their infection rate is now declining. There is going to be a surge in cases in other countries when lockdown ends, yes, but that will happen whether lockdown lasts another week or another year. I rather suspect that, in the end, every country will have lost the same percentage of their population to this virus. Some just delayed it. I really don’t think any country will ultimately avoid it.

Piers ‘Toddler Tantrum’ Morgan has tested negative for coronavirus. Yes, the same Tantrum who shrieked about MPs and celebs getting tests when NHS workers weren’t. He got one, it was negative and he’s back to shrieking ‘the sky is falling’ and it’s all the government’s fault.

What does he want them to do? Ban the virus? Successive governments have failed to stop boatloads of illegal immigrants crossing the Channel, and those are easily visible. How does he expect them to stop something so small you can’t see it with a microscope?

‘We should have locked down sooner’. Well, look around. People are sick of lockdown. People are starving, people have no income at all, people are getting into serious debt and the economy is falling apart. Imagine if the government had locked down sooner, long before the virus looked anything like a threat. There would be rioting and looting by now. Lockdown has a finite, and short, limit. It has only one purpose – to give the health service time to stock up on extra capacity. That has been achieved and now the press is moaning about empty hospital beds.

Some emergency hospitals are being dismantled. Big mistake. You have to end lockdown at some point and then there will be a surge in cases. No matter when you do it. Then the press will shriek about dismantling empty hospitals. We already know this virus can lurk in animal reservoirs. It’s not going away. Deal with it now or deal with it later, you’re going to have to deal with it sometime.

In other news, Musky Elon has apparently named his son X Ӕ A-12. Presumably he is now marketing a computer motherboard called Trevor. Hey, it’s an easy mistake to make. Well, Panoptica has numbers for people rather than names and an old story, ‘One Stop After Marchway’ had names based on formulae so maybe he’s just accepted my predictions. I still think he has set his son up for patricide though. He seems to have a long term death wish, that guy.

David Icke, the most entertaining loony on the planet, has now been banned from all social media for spreading ‘misinformation’ about the Flu Manchu. Come on. Sure he has followers aplenty but does anyone take all of his stuff seriously? He does hit the mark now and then but he always spoils it by going too far.

I mean, giant geckos running the planet? I was on board with his ‘secret elite’ stuff but lizard faces are not suited to human masks. No human nose could contain that snout, not even Barry Manilow’s. Then there’s the whole ‘Saturn used to be the Sun’ thing. That would require a shift in astrophysics that no life on Earth could have survived, much less be a part of human history.

Still I do like Mr. Icke. I know he really believes in the weirdness he spouts and as I said, he does sometimes hit on some real stuff. I know he has a lot wrong but he does get some things right and it’s worth picking out the good bits from the dross. He’s everyone’s crazy uncle, the one who tells great stories but you only believe every other word. Would you really ban that uncle?

Apparently he has claimed the whole coronavirus thing is fake. It’s not. The virus is real enough and if you’re in good health it can range from a cold to one hell of a shithouse of the flu. If you’re in poor health it can kill you. So can flu. This new one can hit internal organs too, but it seems nicotine is one of the things that blocks it. Surprisingly (not) there has been much poo-poohing of this, but it does work.

However, it has certainly been used to terrify people into accepting total control over their lives. With considerable success. Many people want a lockdown until there is a vaccine. There will never be one. It’s a single strand of RNA in a lipid/protein coat, no matter what the vaccine sellers tell you it will mutate like a bastard. It is inherently unstable. There is no vaccine for the common cold and no truly effective vaccine against flu because they are the same class of viruses. Lockdown until there is a vaccine means lockdown forever.

The UK media is reporting all deaths from this virus, including deaths of people who were never tested for it. The UK media is reporting nothing on recoveries. The actual kill rate of this thing is less than 1% and will go lower. If we had a reliable antiobody test, we’d know exactly what the recovery rate was, but we don’t. It has been here since October at least, deaths were recorded as flu even though they tested negative for flu. Most of us have been exposed. We are now very likely to be in the second wave.

Extending lockdown merely delays the inevitable now. It’s going to spread. It’s just waiting and it can wait a long time, in its animal reservoirs and asymptomatic carriers. All we are doing now is killing ourselves so the virus doesn’t have to.

Maybe this experience will give the human race its sanity back. Or maybe we are the Failed Men that Brian Aldiss wrote about.

Please sir, can I have a business?

The confectionery industry is preparing for the next phase of the anti-sugar Puritan onslaught. What a waste of time and money.

They have keeled over on the sugar tax rubbish and are now trying to get ready for a ban on advertising. They are doing this by throwing money at packaging so their brand will be recognised when (not, as the article optimistically says. ‘if’) advertising of anything containing sugar is banned.

Total, complete, utter, waste of time and money. The Template is in action here. Once advertising is banned it’ll be plain packaging next. All that brand recognition is wasted money. There will be no brand. Sweets will be sold in olive green packs with the sweet name in 10 point Times New Roman and with pictures of Bella Emberg’s somewhat rounded figure, Shane MacGowan’s teeth, and heart attack victim actors taking up at least half the pack. Why spend money on a brand that will be forgotten in less than one generation? Confectionery companies, you are, basically, fucked. And you brought it on yourselves.

You could have taken the BrewDog approach. You could have responded as Buckfast (Glasgee’s Finest) did when told they were irresponsible for mixing alcohol and caffeine in their tonic wine (basically, ‘see you pal, you’re gettin’ it, so y’are, and meanwhile fuck off’). No, you did the Oliver Twist (it’s not a dance, you uneducated morons of modern youth, it’s a book from the old days of actual books they used to teach us in schools in the times when education made you smarter rather than compliant) .

You confectionery companies stood in your rags and held up your bowl and said ‘Please, Mr. Unelected Gobshite, can we have a business?’

Unelected Gobshite said no. And you rolled over to get your tummies tickled. ‘Sad’ is far too small a word. You think of yourselves as powerful businessmen but honestly, inside that expensive tailored suit, is there anything at all? Is it just full of smug money-love? Is there not a trace of the courage and conviction of the entrepreneurs of old? It seems not. Empty suits. Stuffed with cash soon to be sucked away by the Puritans you pander to.

The flipside of course is the silly Left argument that business controls government. Really? These cowering piles of weasel shit can’t stand up to stomping self-important arseholes, never mind actually-elected lawmakers. When Government ministers cave to these simpering woodlice then we had better think long and hard at the next election. Maybe next time we should elect someone a bit further up the food chain. Perhaps a wasp would be a good option.


You know, I don’t really have a dog in this fight. To paraphrase the old rhyme:

First they came for the smokers,
and I’m a smoker,
and nobody spoke out when they came for me and they still don’t,
so frankly, bollocks to the rest of you.

You face a future where every shop front is olive drab green with warnings and graphic made up gore all over it. Even fruit has sugar in it so that will be sprayed drab too. You think they are going to stop with sweets? You are honestly pitiful if you believe that.

Did you think they would stop with booze?

Did you think they would stop with tobacco?

Did you vapers think you had got away? Oh your attempts to ally with the haters was so funny. We still-smokers are still laughing at that and a few of you are still doing it. Keeps us entertained.

It never stops and never will.

Because when they came for me and nobody spoke out for me, when they came for my smoking and drinking and food choices, you Puritan-lovers supported it all. Because of you, it will not stop. You did this. Revel in it. Enjoy hating me and dehumanising me. I’ve grown used to it. You’re on the list too. How will you deal with it? It’s easy but I’m not telling you. Remember, I was the first line of the rhyme. You bastards in the end lines are on your own.

When they come for you, don’t you dare ask me to speak out for you. I will not.

You can only stop it by stopping it all. Leave one thing for them to latch on to and it all starts again. Defund all of it. ALL of it, or learn to live in an olive drab world where you live exactly as directed.

Let’s play a game.

Live in a world where some people do things you personally don’t like, but you can avoid those people who do those things, or live in a world where there is no choice at all and everything, including things you like, are banned. A world of diversity or a world of grey conformity.

Make your choice.

Your time is short.

Big Bird is watching you

I don’t know where the image originated but I’d love to give it credit. I can’t stop laughing at it.

So, Twitter is, as I have long suspected, capable of and willing to read all the DMs you post and can recover deleted tweets and DMs. And if they don’t like you. it’s the oblivion button for you.

Shadow banning is real, as Twitter employees admit in the video. Shadow banning is when they press the oblivion button but don’t tell you. You keep on posting on Twitter as if nothing happened but hardly anyone is seeing the tweets.

Well it’s their site, they can ban who they like. It would be nice if they were honest about it but hey, it’s their reputation, they can do what they like with it.

There is one person banned from this site (one person on the whole planet so objectionable that even I won’t listen to him) and he likes to pretend I am affecting his right to free speech. I’m not, he can talk all he wants but not at my place. Really, being banned on a little backwater blog like this one doesn’t amount to global censorship by anyone’s standards.

Likewise, those banned on Twitter have not lost the right to free speech, in fact I’d say they are better off exercising that right in a place where people are actually listening rather than on a site that doesn’t want to hear them.

I have an account at Gab, which does not engage in shadow banning. It’s claimed to be a ‘right wing site’ but I have seen crazy progressive lefties ranting on there and none of them are banned. They have the same free speech as everyone else, they just don’t have the power to get their opponent shut down by whining at the management. It’s a bit Wild West, sure, but you stand or fall on your own merits there. No mollycoddling. No preferential treatment. It’s more like real life.

Twitter is in danger of turning itself into a Guardian-like echo chamber where only one side of the argument is allowed. The other side is simply shut out. As the Guardian and maybe Twitter might one day realise, that causes people to give up and go away. Why bang your head on a brick wall? If you are a ‘racist-Nazi-bigot’ for even daring to question their orthodoxy, why bother to question them at all? By extension, why read or listen to them any more? Leave them to their own devices and if that means funding dries up, well that’s their problem.

In other but much the same news, Virgin trains have decided not to sell the Daily Heil any more because it does not fit with their Leftie image. Okay. Don’t sell a very popular paper (I admit to buying one once to line the bottom of a guinea pig cage) that anyone can access for free on the internet while sitting on your trains. Well, they could if your train wifi worked. ‘We have wifi, it doesn’t work’. How very Soviet of you, Virgin. What a pickle eh, Branston?

Or they can buy one at the newsagents before they get on the train. I think I will if I have occasion to ride Virgin trains in the future. I won’t bother to read it, it’s bad for your blood pressure, I’ll just leave it on the table or seat when I get off.

But hey, if Virgin want to get mass-fucked over their perceived curtailing of free speech (it isn’t, if you want the Mail get one on the way to the train) it’s up to them. Not my concern.

See, I don’t care about the Daily Heil. I do care about freedom of speech. Banning speech you don’t like leads to a very dark road. It just pushes those opinions underground where you can’t see them until they explode.

It doesn’t matter what paper they chose to ban. If they had banned the Grauniad, which I see as the opposite extreme, I would feel the same way. It puts a commercial company, supported by government, in charge of what you choose to think and that is a clear definition of fascism.

The same is true of Twitter, Farcebok and all the ‘anti-fascist’ movements. Agree with us or we will silence you the fascist way, you fascists. Look, if you’re going to insult me (and I have been called ‘fascist’ for trying to reasonably work out what these people think – I came away not wondering ‘what’ but ‘whether’) at least look up a definition of what you are calling me. Read it, understand it and look in a mirror. Is it you or me?

For once try to be honest with yourself. Being honest to others is a long way down the line, just try to make a start.

I have considered getting back into share buying again now the latest round of penury has passed. I doubt it would be the last, I am shit at finances and am paying tax this year for the first (and possibly last) time in ages. I would not buy shares in Twitter, Farcebok, Google or the like, nor would I buy shares in their right wing opposites. You want to make a profit, you need to be politically neutral in your provision of services. otherwise you cut your potential customer base in half and it doesn’t matter which half you pick, you become an echo chamber that soon becomes boring. Even to those on ‘your side’.

Again, it’s Twitter’s business, they can ruin it how they like. There are no laws forcing them to service those they disagree with. It’s not like they are Christian baker shops.

Just be aware that the Thought Police run those platforms and if they don’t like you they will push you off the edge. They can access private messages and recall deleted private and public messages.

You are not obliged to Tweet anything, but anything you do Tweet can and will be used against you in court.

Just remember that last line.


November: Popcorn time

Rumour has it that Antifa plan to ‘take over America’ on November 4th. They really think they can do it too. That should be fun to watch.

In the UK, several police farces have been leading up to a bombshell. They have painted their cars for Gay Pride, they have introduced unisex uniforms so transgender recruits don’t ‘feel threatened’ (a police officer who feels threatened by their own uniform is not someone I’d want attending any incident). They have painted their nails and worn women’s shoes to ‘raise awareness’ of something. Mostly they have raised awareness of how derisory they have become. They are chasing trolls on Twitter and ignoring FGM and child rape. They have made videos supporting Islam and threatening ‘Islamophobes’.

Then they drop their bombshell. Because of cuts, they will not police Remembrance Day events on November 11th (or the nearest Sunday). Cuts, eh? They haven’t cut anything ridiculous or laughable, but they have cut an event targeted by poppy burners and, knowing the police won’t be there, by a lot more than that this time.

To their credit, some officers have said they will police the events unpaid. That’s to the individual officers’ credit, the force as a whole is still less respectable than the Keystone Kops.

So there will be a lot of rage in the UK in early November. It does look as if it might have been deliberately stirred up, doesn’t it?

Meanwhile, Catalonia has just declared independence from Spain. What will Spain do? They have already threatened the Catalan government, arrested its leaders, beaten up people who were voting for independence and threatened to remove all autonomy from the region because they dared to speak their minds.

The USA and Germany have weighed in on the side of Spain in this. I haven’t heard the Scottish government’s response, they’re too busy introducing enforced diets on the Scots. Control of every aspect of your life is the SNP’s idea of ‘freedom’. Well you silly fuckers voted for it. (tip of the heavy hat to on Twitter)

Back to Catalonia. The Spanish government has already shown they are quite willing to use extreme force just because the people wanted to vote on independence. Now they have done it – and incidentally they have left the EU in the process with no deal and without paying anything. Tessie May might want to take note.

Early November could see a civil war in Spain. With the USA, Germany and EU on Spain’s side it could be a crushing one. It’s a pity they turned so anti-tourist lately – they could use an army of drunken Glaswegians about now.

Food again: Lancashire has banned the supply of Halal and Kosher meat to schools. Only meat from animals stunned before slaughter is allowed. Finally, UK law takes precedence over religious zealotry. At least in one bit of the country. It remains to be seen whether this decision survives the backlash of the useful idiot SJW’s and the open threats of Islamists.

Then we have the Hilary Clinton glow-in-the-dark scandal. Apparently she sold a lot of American uranium to Russia, who are then free to sell it on to anyone they like, including Iran. Not, on the face of it, a particularly clever move but it made her richer. Money overrides common sense in the Clinton world. That’s cranking up to be a big one in the coming weeks.

If she survives. I mean, it looks like she took a lot of money from some very dodgy people on the promise that when she became President, she’d pay back with favours. There are some very unhappy, very dodgy people out there now. And they don’t just spout insults on Twitter.

Another big one getting under way is the Hollywood pervert conglomeration. The shit is hitting the fan for all those holier-than-thou luvvies who preach morals with their hands up a choirboy’s cassock. More and more is coming out, so to speak, and it’s not going to go away any time soon.

I did note that with a few notable exceptions such as Bill Cosby, all those accused of actress-fondling are white. It’s not so much that it’s a ‘white man thing’ (ask around in Rochdale if you think it is), it has more to do with anyone non-white having a ‘get out of jail free card’. Except that isn’t going so well any more either.

The useful idiots have done their job. Time to call them in and clear the decks. Antifa might be about to wish they had paid more attention to American history, particularly General Custer. The UK could well see a bit of bovver on the streets if the SJWs and their pets try to shut down Remembrance Day. I bet the police suddenly have the funds to send full riot squads out then.

Spain has no peaceful solution to offer Catalonia. They haven’t even tried for a peaceful solution – they went in with black-armoured Robocops to beat up their own people. That doesn’t really encourage them to vote against independence, now does it? The outcome was predictable and now Catalonia has to be stamped on to discourage other regions in other countries from doing the same thing. A major headache for Spain and the EU – which ally will be first to step back when it starts to look like genocide?

Pandering to Muslims is fading out. Lancashire is just the beginning. I told you, Muslims, that one day they wouldn’t need you any more and then they’d cast you aside. Oh I know you won’t go quietly. They knew it too. That’s the point.

The actors and the failed socialists are no use any more. They can be thrown to the wolves now. It all helps to stir up the rage of the public. All over the place. All at once. Nicely timed and very neatly co-ordinated.

The final straw, for me, is the current panic in academia. Again, if any of those ‘intelligent people’ had looked at history, they would have seen that socialism tends to get rid of academics very quickly once they have done their job. And yet they keep doing that same job over and over, expecting different results each time. That is not a definition of intelligence.

It seems they have been outed as a hotbed of Leftie remainers. Well we knew that – where do you think those snowflake student SJWs get their ideas of safe spaces? Social justice ‘warriors’ who need safe spaces and have to have counseling because they heard a different viewpoint. The ground is full of real warriors who are now spinning so fast you could wrap the corpses in copper wire and generate free energy from them. They have even devalued the word ‘warrior’ to where it applies to feeble crybabies.

It all came from their teachers of course. Academia has systematically pushed out anyone with any thoughts to the right of Lenin and they are now mostly remainers because they have disposed of most of those who aren’t. Not because they are intelligent – there were some total fucking idiots running research when I left the academic world in 2005 and it’s got steadily worse since. No, sadly, promotion in academia hasn’t been based on ‘intelligence’ in many departments for a long time.

Well, now the academics are being thrown to the wolves too. As pretty much everyone outside the Socialist bubble has been predicting all along. Because it happens every time.

If they don’t need their pets any more then it must all be coming to a head now. The only thing left is to usher in chaos and then ‘save’ us from it. There’ll be conditions, naturally. And there’ll be a lot fewer of us to impose them on.

The best outcome is that it all fizzles out. Antifa are quickly crushed or better, realise they are going to be and back down. Nobody tries to attack any Remembrance Day parades. Spain comes to an agreement with Catalonia that does not involve armoured thugs in black with batons. The EU, SNP and academia actually have a bit of a think about where all this is heading and decide to talk it out instead.

Yeah, that’s optimistic in the extreme. There’ll be riots and possibly civil war instead.

I remember saying some years ago that rioting plays into the hands of those who want total control. It gives them an excuse to ratchet up control with another new restriction every time. This time it looks like the big one. All in on one last hand. Chaos on a grand scale with everyone fighting everyone else over mostly petty issues as well as a few big ones.

Nobody is united now. Even the previous fragments of society are being fragmented into smaller and smaller groups. There is no, and cannot be any, unified resistance. It’s the ideal time to let the dogs out.

I’m not going to play this game. I’ll watch from the shadows. There’s no point joining any side when all sides are going to lose. There’s no point fighting when the people you are fighting are not really the enemy, even if you think they are.

The real enemy is also watching from the shadows. If it all kicks off in November you’ll see them by Christmas but you might not see them as an enemy. They’ll be the ones who stop the violence – as long as you agree to their terms.

Here’s hoping it’s all a damp squib and they fail this time.

It won’t stop them trying again.

Daily Mail demands a police state

The video of my chat with Frank Davis is online but I’ll wait until he posts the link before posting it here. It was his idea and his hard work that went into it and I’m not going to steal the glory. I do need to get a proper webcam though, doing that with a handheld tablet was no fun.

[Update: Frank has now posted Part One]

The anthology progresses. I have five stories so far, one of them from a new author you haven’t read before and who has also sent in an impressively big novel. There’s a steady stream coming in now, it looks so far as if this publishing idea is taking off.

Enough digression. Time to get to the horror of Parsons Green. A Lidl bag! In Parsons Green? How can this be? Yeah okay, time to get serious.

It appears that an 18 year old arse planted the bomb, at least that’s who has been arrested for it. He is apparently a real twat of a teenager, his foster parents have given up on him and yes, he is an immigrant. Is he Muslim? The Mail didn’t say and at this stage I don’t know.

ISIS have claimed the attack as one of theirs but those camel fuckers claim responsibility if you cut yourself shaving. An ISIS claim means nothing any more. So, Muslim extremist or just a nasty little bastard, the coin is still in the air on that one.

The police arrested this teen plonker two weeks earlier but then released him. The Mail is incensed! Why did they not lock him up there and then?

Well, because he hadn’t blown anything up then. Whatever he was arrested for, he was either not guilty or the police didn’t have enough evidence to prosecute. They certainly had no evidence he was planning to bomb a train or they would definitely have held on to him – and searched the house, found the bomb and stopped the attack before it happened.

The police have now raided the house he lived in. Why didn’t they raid it before? Well because they had no evidence on which to base a raid before. That’s how it works here. This is not Nazi Germany.

Do you really want the police to be able to raid homes without having to get a warrant, which requires at least some evidence? Seriously, do you really want a police force with that kind of power? That is going down a very, very dark road.

The Scottish Daily Mail, which doesn’t seem to be online, has a front page headline ‘Internet giants with blood on their hands’ and claims Tessie May will order (yes, order) websites like Google to clamp down on extremists. That is, they must not let anyone find instructions on how to make one of these bombs or any other form of weaponry online.

Leaving aside the small matter that most of the big Internet search engines are American and not under Tessie’s jurisdiction, ignoring the undernet that the Chinese use to get past their country’s strict controls, pretending that proxy servers don’t exist…

This is the authoritarian Internet censorship that Tessie Maybe has striven for for many years. She loves having a reason to take control of the Internet. Porn and paedos didn’t get her there so it’s no surprise she’s trying again using terrorism.

And once she has the tip of that wedge in, it’s sledgehammer time.

All these new security powers, all these controls, say that terrorism is winning. Terrorism works. We are caving in and giving up all our freedoms to a dictatorship and that is what terrorists want.

It’s also what the control freaks in government – of all rosettes – want and the terrorists are handing it to them.

They are not scaring the government. They know that as long as they don’t blow up anyone rich or important, the response of the authorities will be minimal. So they can go out and be murderous bastards and the government love them for it.

Terrorism gives government the excuse they crave for deeper and harder control over all of us. Police who can kick in your door at dawn with no evidence. An internet so muted that it becomes as much a propaganda machine as the BBC.

And the Daily Mail demands that this all happens.

They are either in on the game or they are unbelievably stupid.




Venezuela shows the way

I’ll be called a Nazi (again) for this but – the left wing violent arseholes are just as bad as the right wing violent arseholes. Donnie the Trump has been castigated for ‘saying’ (they hear what they want you to have said, not what you said) that the two sides are morally equivalent.

He is right. Both seek to get their way using violence. There really is no difference. The Left claim they are morally superior because Nazis are violent and everyone should ‘punch a Nazi’. Suggest that, in that case, it should also be okay to ‘punch a Commie’ and they respond with ‘you can’t go around hitting people just because you don’t agree with them’.

Oh I’m not kidding…

Politicians, even those who are allegedly Republicans, support Antifa. So do the media. It’s always the white guy who’s the bad guy even when Antifa beat up old men and reporters. Even when Antifa turn up armed and armoured to beat up people who are neither. Even when Antifa turn up to other people’s rallies with the sole aim of causing violence. They can do no wrong.

And that is deliberate. They don’t understand that, none of the Lefties understand it, but they are doing exactly what those in charge want them to do.

Donnie Trumpton is a wild card. He wasn’t supposed to win. He’s not in the program, he’s not part of the plan. Even his own side are trying to take him down. He’s messing everything up! Imagine him saying that destroying American history is not a good thing! The horror!

Even though the Confederates were Democrats, and Democrats commissioned and erected the statues they are now tearing down. It doesn’t matter. The point is to erase history so future generations won’t learn from it. They won’t understand that slavery is bad and they’ll be compliant, happy slaves with no knowledge that in the past, slavery was abolished by the white people.

Slavery still happens in some places. Not in the self-hating white world but in other places, it happens and Lefties either pretend it doesn’t or they are happy with it. No, I’m not going to list the places. Look them up yourself.

In the UK, we had Lefties wailing in the streets when the Tories won the election but not as violently as in the USA. The reason is simple. Tessie Maybe is part of the plan. It didn’t really matter who won, there isn’t any real choice here now. Oh, Corbyn would have turned the place into Venezuela faster but it’s happening anyway. So a little bit of token protest was in order but that’s all.

Now we have people on Twitter saying all white people should die and that’s not racist in this modern land of Absurdia. There are white people saying it – they are strangely not dead themselves but they say it anyway. Don’t just talk about it, White Wailers. Actions speak louder than words.

By now you’re itching to know what the plan is, aren’t you? It’s a very simple plan. It leads to what Venezuela has just done.

Provoke more and more violence and then promise to do something about it. That ‘something’ involves giving the government power to crush any dissent, make bloggers like me ‘disappear’ in the night and give whoever is in charge dictatorial powers. Maduro will soon be able to rule by decree. It’s written into the law they are passing now.

This is the only reason anyone in the West wants to be the head of Government. When this shit hits the fan, the current Prime Monster will be the one in charge. No need for all that faffing about getting laws passed. One person in charge of each country – and in the EU, one person in charge of Europe with their own army to command.

Is Brexit happening? The alleged conservatives are stalling at every move. The whole thing has been put on hold until after Germany’s elections, as if that is somehow relevant to us leaving the Control Club. Tessie Maybe isn’t the one to get us out of the EU. She doesn’t want us out. So we’ll be ruled by a dictator in Brussels one day.

It’s so much easier to control a world where you only have to deal with one person per country. One vicious dictator who will do anything to hold on to power and money. No messing around with persuading a whole Parliament, you just have the one leader to deal with. Even easier when the EU can run a whole load of countries with one leader.

Oh and Muslims? When it happens, well, sorry guys but they won’t need you any more. You did your part in forcing populations to accept total control but you won’t be the ones in charge of it. Neither will Antifa.They’ll cheer the Venezuela style laws when they come but they won’t see that they are the ones to be disposed of. When the population is under control, nobody needs masked thugs any more.

Besides, how can you get the population under control unless you do what you promised and… erase the ones they are scared of? All you terrorists are just setting yourselves up you know.

Oh there will still be terrorists. Different ones. Have to keep the bogeyman alive otherwise what is your dictator protecting you from?

Have you ever wondered how, in the days after any terrorist attack, new control measures and complex pavement structures to restrict movement are built, painted and ready to install? Almost as if the government knew what was coming and had the stuff in storage somewhere.

You can call me a tinfoil hatter, you can laugh it off, you can say it won’t happen.

In Venezuela, it just did.




Dust off those saddles…

I have broken my tablet computer. Terminally. I had left it on the floor by the bed, the phone rang, I got up to answer it and crunch. To top it all there was nobody on the phone. It was probably one of those timeout sales calls.

Fortunately I had opted for a cheap Chinese-made one so it won’t hurt too bad to replace it. And it did mean I got to take it apart. I’ve always wanted to see inside one of these things. So I now have two very small good quality speakers that will fit easily inside a model train with a sound generator, a couple of tiny cameras and a microphone (not sure how to wire up a camera but I can find out). Best of all is the ‘vibrate’ motor. Runs on 3V and is less than a cm long. I can fit that into something very small indeed, along with a couple of tiny button cells. My model building interest is rekindled!

I might make a tiny electric car. Might as well, we won’t have any petrol or diesel ones soon. Then again, I’ll be 80 in 2040 so probably won’t want to do much driving. My kids will still be driving age though. They’ll be stuck with those God-awful electric cars. Not even hybrids – the petrol and diesel won’t be allowed.

Suddenly, cars are the cause of all ills. Does that let smokers off the hook? We’ve been saying for a long time that the smoke from a cigarette is nothing compared to a passing truck, nor even a drive-by in a Mini. Nobody wanted to hear it.

It doesn’t let us off the hook because it was never about health and neither is this.

Ministers believe it poses the largest environment risk to public health in the UK, costing up to £2.7bn in lost productivity in one recent year.

Ministers believe whatever it is in their interests to believe, as always. But their thinking is in terms of lost productivity, not health. Sick drones don’t work as hard. That’s how it was sold to them. Same as with tobacco, booze, salt, fat, anything. They don’t give a shit about you. You exist to pay taxes to them. You exist to work so they don’t have to.

Remember when the antismokers checked carbon monoxide in breath tests on smokers in the street? On busy streets. They never tested nonsmokers and never tested themselves. If they had, all the results would have been the same because the CO and other stuff from exhaust fumes on a busy street will overwhelm anything a cigarette can do.

And yet, at that time, the buses and cars rolling by were totally harmless compared to half a gram of burning leaf.

When my grandmother was born there were no cars. They are really that recent, starting in the early 1900s as rich men’s toys. You had to have a man with a red flag walking in front to warn people you were coming so they wouldn’t be startled. That might come back with the electric car because those things are almost silent. They’ll need sound generators like model trains have, so they sound like a real one.

The Cult of the Green God is not satisfied because like all the other ‘mememe’ groups out there, they are never satisfied. They want cars banned right now. Except theirs of course. I mean, how do you get to the next conference on stopping oil use if oil products are banned? Walk there, like a common pleb? They are far too important for that.

Seriously, imagine a world where you can’t speed around in a flash Audi or BMW and have to try to pick up girls in a glorified disability cart. See it happening? The car industry can adapt of course, they just make electric cars instead of petrol ones and then charge more than the car’s value for new batteries.

But the oil industry? You really think they are going quietly into oblivion? Oh no, this isn’t going to be like the tobacco wars at all. The antismokers never wanted to ban tobacco. That would put them out of work so they work with the tobacco companies to reach a compromise where they both profit. Can’t happen when you completely delete all use of a product. The oil wars are going to be a lot more vicious.

Really though, it’s about our ability to go places without being controlled. They don’t like that. They didn’t like us having places to gather and talk so they wrecked the pubs and everything like them. There has been a war against personal transport for a long time and it was always going to be banned one day.

Your 2040 electric car will have all the latest gadgetry installed. No need to worry about speeding, it will be incapable of exceeding the limit, even in an emergency. No need to worry about it getting stolen because the authorities always know exactly where it is and have the power to turn it off remotely.

A lot of people are going to think that’s all good.

Until they are driving somewhere the authorities don’t want them to go…

The Mark of the Beast

Revelation 13: 16-17: Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.

I’m not religious, still. I’m not convinced of the existence of any God and yet, the Bible was written by some very interesting people. And, as a writer of scary stories, I have had occasion to dip into the Bible (as well as some *cough* ‘rival publications’ for fact-checking and inspiration). The Mark of the Beast is a big story plotline which nobody seriously thought would become reality.

Well, here it is. (hat tip to on Twitter).

And also here (another hat tip, this time to ) The last line of this one contains a typo –

“I want to be part of the future,” she laughs.

Surely she meant ‘furniture’. They hold parties where unchipped workers get to be assimilated for free. It’s not yet compulsory to be chipped to work there but it’s going to be damn inconvenient to be unchipped when the card readers start breaking down. Who wants to pay maintenance costs on obsolete equipment? There’s no need to ‘force’ compliance. Just make non-compliance a hassle.

These are all volunteers. They’ll be delighted with their new Borg implant that lets them open doors and operate vending machines. How long before there are doors that can only be opened by the chip? You don’t have the chip, you can’t go in there. How long before it’s simply too inconvenient to be unchipped? How long before it’s mandatory? How long before you can’t open your door or ride a bus or start your car without one? How long before resistance is genuinely futile?

Oh, the technology has been around for some time. Implanted chips are years old. Implants in pets are actually compulsory in many countries now, and you can already pay for stuff by tapping your credit card on the machine rather than going to all that hassle of slotting it in and pressing four buttons. I’m still a Luddite and use cash most of the time, and absolutely refuse to get involved with contactless when I use the card.

I can keep the cards in a screened wallet so they don’t get scanned by passing crooks, but what if it’s in your hand? Will we have to wear chain mail gloves?

Yes, people welcomed contactless technology and as I suggested at the time, if pressing four buttons is such a hassle, wouldn’t it be so much more convenient if you didn’t have to bother with the card? Why not have that contactless chip embedded in your hand? You can’t forget it or lose it and it’s unlikely to be stolen. You’d certainly notice if it was. I said at the time that it wouldn’t have to be mandatory. People will welcome such convenience.

Remember, a few years back, the calls to have children microchipped like pets so they could be traced if they went missing? Oh that met with absolute outrage! It died out and went quiet. Well it’s back now, except now they will get adults to demand them rather than force them on us all.

They could replace passports. Yes, you can be scanned remotely as you pass without even knowing your credentials are being checked. Isn’t that convenient? Any government authority can know where you are and who you’re with at a moment’s notice. Does that make you feel safe? I bet many people will answer ‘yes’ to that.

The amount of calories in your shopping could soon be displayed on your till receipt and from there it’s just a small step to a siren and red light announcing ‘too many calories!’ at the checkout. Most people will be shamed into buying fewer calories. Personally I’d see it as a challenge to set off that red light every single time.

Buying too much booze? Buying too many chocolate bars? Buying another can of fizz when you bought one only last week? Does it really sound so unlikely when even now, you buy something on Amazon and get related ads popping up on Facebook and other sites. Use your store card and they send you vouchers for money off stuff you buy. Oh yes, it’s all great until you start thinking about how much data is really stored about your life.

Your medical records can be stored on another chip. How would you sell that to people? Well, suppose you were in an accident or passed out on the street. If an ambulance crew could just scan you and get your records, it would save vital minutes and ensure they know what to treat you with right away. Sounds good, doesn’t it?

Link it to your home Wifi and the medics can tell if you’re suddenly taken ill. They can also tell when you’re smoking, drinking, overeating…

All this, and the total removal of even the concept of gender, is already in Panoptica. The story I wonder about finishing – and wonder whether I should have written it at all. It seems to come true as I write it.

Although I didn’t have calorie counts on till receipts. There are no till receipts and your shopping is assembled for you depending on your State-defined dietary needs. That hasn’t happened in real life.



The ‘Devoid of Choice’ Generation.

It still makes me laugh to see companies with signs saying ‘This company operates a no smoking policy’. No, you don’t. No company operates such a policy because no company has any choice in the matter. Every company, every operator of every workplace and every place open to the public is obliged to prevent smoking on the premises. If they fail to comply they will be fined.

There is no choice. No amount of smug signs saying ‘we are making this rule’ changes that fact. You might as well put up signs saying ‘we obey’ because that is what you are really doing.

Hiding from that fact only emboldens the Health Nazis. They see such compliance as weakness and they know they have not reached any boundary yet. In fact there’s no sign of any such boundary. I suppose, denied the old fashioned persecution of anyone non-white, gay or otherwise different, the bigots out there have to have someone to hate and the Health Nazis have a target for them. Smokers.

They have more targets too. The overweight. Anyone putting salt on their food or swigging a can of chemical fizz. All lined up for when the last smoker has been dealt with.

Still, the war on smokers continues to its final solution

“We want to address this. Our vision is nothing less than to create a smoke-free generation.”

That’s a quote from Steve Brine, whose surname is going to get him into trouble with the Salties in the future. They want a salt-free world, Steve. No more brine.

But look closely at those words –

“…Our vision is nothing less than to create a smoke-free generation.”

Ah, the new Aryan race. Moulded along lines directed by those who consider themselves lords over all. And to think, they object to being called Nazis.

This ‘smoke-free’ generation are not going to be asked if they want to play along and be part of Briny Steve’s ashtray-free Utopia. Oh no. That generation will be created by the Salty Fuhrer and his coven of We Know Best.

You won’t have the choice, kids, and you’ll be so proud that you have no choice that you will crow about your non-smoking even though you will never get to try it. You will not be allowed to try it and you will obey.

Oh I know there are antismokers out there thinking ‘Excellent. No more smokers’. They don’t see it, do they? Once you are obedient there is no end to it. No salt. Obey. No meat. Obey. No milk. Obey. No booze. Obey. No socialising without State supervision. Obey.

Oh I know, you’re thinking ‘Well I don’t smoke but they won’t make me give up meat’. They won’t make me give up smoking either. It’s not for us. It’s for their Aryan generation of your kids and grandkids and then on forever. The obedient drones they want to create. You want that as your family legacy? We’ll all be reviled as the filthy ancestors who ate burgers, swilled beer and drooled over meat pies with salty chips. Our headstones will be smashed to rubble to pave the pure streets of Obedience Utopia.

Sure, we’ll be dead, why should we care? Why should we care that our descendants will be drones for the elite (who, incidentally, won’t be giving up anything)? Why should we care if the Earth turns into a planet of slaves to be worked and culled and occasionally harvested for the entertainment of a few utter arseholes? Why should we care that Mount Olympus will be staffed by human gods in the future? Why should we care that our children’s children will live their lives in terror of saying a word out of place and ending up ‘on the farm’?

As fertiliser, not driving a tractor.

Why should we care that our great-grandchildren will watch each other constantly, hoping for that buzz of reward when they hand in a wrongthink criminal and get a pat on the head for it?

Ah, maybe I’m exaggerating – but look around. How much of it is in place already? We have ‘bacon crime’ as a real imprisonable offence. Really, we don’t have far to go.

Smoker persecution was just the start. It soon moved on to other things. Smoker eradication is, likewise, just the start. This smoke free generation will be an obedient, choice free generation. They will not smoke. Not because they don’t want to, because they have been told not to and they will obey. Just like those businesses who pretend that being smoke free is their choice, that generation will pretend it’s their choice too. It won’t be. They will not smoke, or drink, or ever taste bacon or beef or chicken, because it will not be allowed. They will be conditioned to believe it was their choice. Just like those businesses with their no smoking policies.

It’s better to believe you chose that path than to accept you were forced onto it, for many people. Not for me. I will not accept force but then school wasn’t a conditioning factory when I was there. They taught us how to think, not what to think. We are no use to the Briny Steves of the world, they are waiting for us to die and, in the meantime, silencing us with political correctness and poofterphobia and dynamitewaistcoatophobia and racism and all the other bollocks. None of it is real for pretty much all of us but their upcoming proto-Aryans believe every word. Especially the made up words. Oh and the suckers who currently enjoy ‘protected status’? Oh you are going to have a really shitty time, very soon.

In the future your grandkids will not smoke and they will convince themselves it’s because they don’t want to. I am not promoting smoking here, I am promoting choice. The choice to not smoke is as valid as the choice to smoke. When you don’t have the choice then you are nothing more than an obedient drone.

Is that what you see for your family’s future?

The vapers will soon point out that the UK Health Nazis have now decided to allow vaping to help with cutting down on smokers. Yeah, don’t get too cheery about it guys. You have not had a reprieve, you have had a stay of execution.

When they finish us off, do you really think they’ll leave you alone?

If you do, you’re going to be very, very disappointed.